

It did not take long for the smooth driving of the car to make Lucas fall asleep but once he did it was only moments later that he started yelling.

"no, no, please no, please, what did I do please stop. No please." He yelled over and over again and finally he just went limp and that's when I realized there was more to it than just him depressed at the way other kids treated him it was at home but who, his file said nothing of his parents and judging by the bruises on his face he was beat pretty bad. I do not know what to do but one thing is for sure he cannot go home like this. So, I changed our course and headed for my place.

Once we got there he was still asleep but it was peaceful so I got out and unbuckled him and picked him up, when I did, he snuggled closer to me and laid his head in the crook of my neck. I just smiled and took him to the guest room and laid him down on the twin sized bed and left him there to sleep.

After shutting the door quietly, I went to my office and started going through my email and had a team's meeting my track team. We just discussed about the schedule for this week and training exercises. Once done there I started cooking. I made spaghetti with garlic bread. I went over a plan to ask Lucas what he was dreaming about but I did not know how so I decided to tell him that if he did not tell me then I would have no choice but to confront his dad about the cuts on his arms.

I turned to place the food on the table when he walked in and just stood there staring so I said something.

" Hungry, I made spaghetti."

" You made this f-for me?" He asked stuttering for some reason unknown to me.

" Well I made it for us, but yeah I thought you might be hungry." I said.

For a moment I had wondered what I had said when a tear ran down his face, but he wiped it away so quickly I questioned if I really saw it.

" Thanks, it's been awhile since somebody did something like this for me." He said looking down. " Is there something I can do to make up for it?"

"well no but you could tell me what you mean by it's been awhile since somebody did something like this." I replied hoping to get clue as to what it is that makes him feel so abandoned.

" Well my dad is never really home so I cook often." He says looking down at his feet.

" Well, sit down and eat, before it gets cold." I say, he hesitates but obeys and starts eating his food and I start eating my own with a satisfied grin on my face.

We eat in silence the only thing said is that it was good, and he appreciated it. After we ate, he asked if I would give him a ride home. In which I replied, I would if he just packed somethings and came and stayed here for a while.

" Why would I come live here?" He said giving me a weird look.

" You don't have to live here just stay for a couple days." I replied picking up my keys from the table I had set them down on last night.

" Ok, why would I stay here for a couple days when I have a house of my own." He said his expression changing from worried to hopeful, however it was gone just as fast as it had come.

" Ok, but only for a little while."

" Then get in the car and we will be on are way." I said smiling eternally. We drove to his house in silence but when we got there, I noticed he did not just walk in and come back out he snuck in and snuck back out. I noted to ask him about that when I asked about who beat him, but I was starting to get the picture. It had something to do with his dad. That's when it started making sense his dad was the one beating him and cutting was his way of coping with it. I needed to confront him about it but how can I do that without upsetting him? I ask myself but I did not get the chance to answer it because he opened the door startling me.

" You ok?" He asks

"yeah you just startled me, I didn't hear you coming." I said calming myself down.

" Ok, well I got everything." He said quietly.

I nodded and started the car. I decided to take him back to my place to change and I would take him to school. Once we got back, I headed up to my room, took a shower and grabbed a black t-shirt and some basketball shorts got dressed and headed for the door.

When Lucas came to the door, he was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and some jeans.

"you ready?" I ask.

" As ready as I will ever be."

Once at school we went our separate ways. While I was walking to the gymnasium, I was stopped by Mr. Hudson the principle.

" Did you email me the files for this week's class activities?" He asked.

" I did but I will send it again if you didn't get it."

" Its ok I haven't checked my email yet was just making sure."

"ok" I said.

After that, my day when as usual class after class, every now and then I would join in and play for the losing team to give them a better chance at winning, sadly it did little to help most often. I had to meet Lucas at the car because I didn't have his class today and wouldn't know where to find him, but when I get there, he is isn't there. I wait for a few moments and start the car. I was starting to leave when he comes running out the door headed for me, so I waited till he got in before pulling off.

" Sorry I was late had to ask my English teacher about the exams next week." He said breathing hard.

" That's fine."

" we have to write a essay about something in politics and how it might affect that person's life." he said.

We just told each other the events of the day and what happened on the ride back to my house but that was fine because I plan to say something to him when we get to my place and he might not like it.

When we get back, I tell him to meet me in my study in ten minutes and he just nodded before heading to his room to study.

I used those ten minutes deciding how I was going to tell him I knew. After deciding to just say it right out I waited for him to come.

" Hey, can I come in?" He asked.

" Yeah."

" What do you need?" he asked.

" your dads the one beating you isn't he? don't lie I know he is." I ask already knowing the answer by the look on his face after I say it.