
Subway spirits


As I let myself stare at Vincent, memories start to flood back into my head. Vincent always used to have a good sense of fashion. When we were still together, we used to go shopping together and I was respectfully forced to judge the outfit he wanted to buy and if he looked ‘irresistible’. I told him that he always looked irresistible but that wasn’t enough for him. My mother also used to tell me that you can tell a lot by the clothes and she immediately told me that Vincent is a keeper. Yet I let him go.

I let out a laugh at the memory.

“What’s funny?” Sharon asks next to me as Roman and Felix finally arrive.

“Nothing, just an old memory unlocked.” She smiled before we all started walking towards the subway.

The last time I’ve been on a subway was ages ago, I never was a fan of them. I hated how full it was and how not hygienic the entire environment was. As we walked down the stairs, Vincent bent down to not hit his head. We all got our tickets and left to go into our metro. It was really busy, everyone was walking in and out.

I saw Sharon step into the metro a door further. I would find her anyway so I still stepped into the door where I was standing. Before the doors closed I jumped in and was struggling to fit into the tight place everyone was standing around me. I felt a hand on my waist pulling me into a firm hold, my head banged against a hard chest. I put my hand on the person's chest to push away, I looked up and saw Vincent.

“Are you alright?” I nodded. I always get panic attacks when I’m in tight spaces with no escape. When I was younger Vincent always used to hold me in these kinds of places so that’s probably why he helped me. He didn’t seem to let me go, I didn’t mind.

There was an elderly couple sitting on one of the benches, they were holding hands and talking to one another. I smiled at the picture, I want that in my future. As the metro moved Vincent moved his hand towards the metal pole in the middle of the hall to get some balance.

“You two make a lovely couple.” The woman of elderly couple said, laughing at us. I raised my hand to make a statement.

“Oh, we are n-”

“Thank you, Miss.” Vincent answered politely to the woman. He looked down at me and even though I can’t see his face because of the mask and sunglasses I know he is giving me a straight look, without any emotions combined with it.

After a very uncomfortable trip towards the heart of London we finally got out and reunited with the others. No words were spoken between me and Vincent, no looks, no glances, nothing. Everyone got back with one another. Violet immediately clung onto Vincent’s arm claiming she’s ‘freezing’. Vincent didn’t reject her, and how I feel about that isn’t for me to feel.

The first thing we did was wander around the streets and look at the Big Ban, Tower Bridge, London Eye. We decided that we wouldn’t go to any museums because it’s boring, I didn’t really have an opinion on that, I do like museums but if they don’t want to then that’s up to them.

“Look, isn't that Ruby Rose?” I heard a girl shout. I thought that I would be the last person who would be recognized. The girl who was around ten years old came running up to me and hugged my legs.

“Where is Jack?” She asked me. I laughed at her question, before seeing her mother who was around my age came up to her and tried to detach her from my legs.

“I’m so sorry.” I gave the mother a smile and ran back to the others. Apparently they lost me. Great. I looked around, but didn’t find them.

“Pandora!” I saw Sharon running towards me. Oh thank god, someone actually remembered me. She was all sweaty and her red hair was falling out of her bun. “We are searching the whole of England for you.” She breathed exhaustedly.

“Don’t exaggerate Sharon.” She drank from her bottle before texting everyone that I’m found.

[Cast of almost falling on you]

Sharon} Found her!

Otis} Good job!

Violet} Where did she run off to?

Roman} Where RU?

Vincent} Sharon, Where is she?

Sharon} Come towards Terry’s cafe you’ll find us.

12 years ago

“I will find you no matter where you go, Ruby.” Vincent reads his script.

“I pray to god that you will, Jack.” I read my script.

I’m comfortably lying down on the floor while Vincent is leaning against his bed. We are practising our lines for the scenes we are shooting tomorrow. The last few weeks became a bit more bearable, I've grown slightly closer to Vincent, even though I still hate him, respectfully. Also in 4 months I will be able to go home, because I’m done! I can’t wait till that day comes. I will wait patiently and do my job. Tomorrow after scenes Vincent and I are invited to do photoshops. I’m excited because I’ve never done one and I want to know the results.

“Back to earth Pandora.” Vincent snapped his fingers to retrieve my attention. I groaned and turned my head to him. “There is no time for daydreaming, my dear.” Oh and he calls me that. It feels like a friendly gesture, except my heart likes it a bit too much.

The next day after the scene shooting we finally leave to go to the studio where the photoshoot is being held. I’m excited, but I’m also nervous. I told my mother about it and she said that I will look amazing, I hope I do.

I need to wear a purple dress with my hair out, which is something I never do. My hair is long and I always wear it up or in a braid and I’ve just grown to find it uncomfortable. When I come out of the changing room I stare at myself in the mirror that is hanging on the wall. I look like a different person. My hair almost reaches my thighs and the purple dress is strapless.

I walk towards the photographer where I spot Vincent leaning against the wall looking at something on his phone. He’s wearing a black suit. I feel my cheeks heat up as I stare at him, we all know he’s handsome but a suit makes it even better.

He turns off his phone and spots me, he swallows before smiling at me. He walks closer and leans down to whisper something in my ear. “You look,” He breathes out in my ear, “Beautiful.” I swallow a lump in my throat before looking down. I hear him laughing and I slap his arm.