Alien Girl with lots of sex Fantasies transformation and many more superpower
A dangerous fight was going on between venom and Spiderman on bell tower. The sound of bell was making symbiote weak and it started to leave eddie brock. Eddie tried to Stop symbiote from leaving him but couldn't.
A big smack threw Eddie aside and he fall from the tower,at this point of time symbiote already left him so he didn't survive the fall. From a dark corner symbiote silently waiting for Spiderman to leave
A big smack threw Eddie aside and he fall from the tower,at this point of time symbiote already left him so he didn't survive the fall. From a dark corner symbiote silently waiting for Spiderman to leave.
We want revenge from Spiderman, everyone he loves will suffer but for now i need a new host to survive, symbiote thought
Anne weying is wife of Eddie brock,she loves him so much she will be a perfect host, symbiote thought. Symbiote knew where she lives so dropped down to nearby sewer line and went toward Anne's house. It was a tall building and anne lives on 25 th floor so symbiote entered drain pipe leading to her balcony. Symbiote easily passed through the balcony gates, went inside and quickly hide behind the bed table
Inside the room there was a lady of mid 30s skinny body with small cc sized Boobs sitting on bed doing bills.
Symbiote waited to perfect opportunity to bond with anne.
Which it gained in few minutes. Anne had to attend a birthday party so she tossed her clothes on bed and went to take a shower. Symbiote took it as an excellent chance to bond with her.
Symbiote quickly jumped on one of her clothes and made a small tar like stain on it. Few minutes later anne came out wearing nothing but only a towel wrapped around.she let the towel fall and stepped forward to pick up her bra but noticed a black stain on her sweater. she picked it up and started to scratch it with nails.
It started to wiggle a little and suddenly jumped on anne making her fall on back,the tendrils of symbiote quickly started to cover anne completely.
It entered her every holes penetrating deep inside her. Anne wanted to scream but gagged by symbiote. Symbiote covering her private was causing pleasure to anne.She tried to open eyes but couldn't see anything suddenly felt a sharp piercing sensational in eye and everything was visible again
She wanted to panic but deep inside her mind someone was calming her down like nothing happened.she started to check herself for any pain due to fall but everything was fine. She stood up it and went to mirror and saw that she was not skinny anymore,she was still slim but now her curves are well defined like an Olympic athlete.
She had now more defined and muscular arms and limb. Her boobs grew to DD size and more meat in ass. All of these covered in a black paint looks like second skin with leaving no wrinkles.
Anne focused on her face which was featureless and have only two white teardrop in place of eyes.
Anne was now pressing and inspecting her new big boobs and said no way those are real
The symbiote suit left nothing to imagination and her nipples were clearly pocking through it so anne gave it a pinch to check that if she was dreaming or not. The pinch amplified many time giving her a great jolt and she moaned.
She had already saw this black suit in her life she started to remember.she reminded herself of Spider-Man, when he had worn a similar black costume.
What it is anne started to think. I am a symbiote. Symbiote replied. Anne freaked out you can talk.
Yes i am connected to your brain and can talk telepathically with my host
Wait a min i am your host,you are feeding off me,get off you parasite anne said and started pulling symbiote away but causing herself more pain. We are not parasite we are symbiote in exchange of food we give our host superpowers.
See this symbiote said and her vision started to spin and distort.She could feel her heart beat quicken with each second, until it was an ever-present pounding inside the woman's head. It was more and more difficult to remain conscious.
And then her vision distorted into something different altogether.
With a start, Ann realized that she was upright. Only she wasn't in her bedroom anymore. She was out on the street, in front of a crushed car. It made no sense to her. An arm clad in black entered her vision and ripped off the car's door. It took Ann a few moments to realize that this must be her arm. She watched as the driver was methodically extracted from the car wreck. Steel was bent and broken like candy bars and the unconscious driver himself was pulled out as softly and easily as one might lift a large pillow.
Again her sight grew blurry.
This time she was surrounded by thugs with guns. They opened fire and screamed abuse at her. Yet, their aim was bad and Ann felt herself easily evade the gunfire. She jumped around, reaching heights well beyond any human. Soon the bellow of the guns ebbed away and she saw that only two tried to go for cover and reload. Most were staring slack-jawed at her, while she stood there with arms folded in front of her broad chest. The thugs suddenly decided that caution is the better part of valor and made a run for it. With a display of the same speed and agility Ann is on them in an instant.
Before she can see what happens next, the vision ends.
Flying. Ann was flying through the air! No, that wasn't right, as just in that moment she landed on the rooftop of a skyscraper. And broke into a run again. Right at the edge of the building, she jumped, further and higher than in the last vision, smoothly sailing over the chasm between the buildings. On and on it went, higher or lower, wind blowing fiercely against her entire body, yet incapable of stopping her. It was like performing the world's most impressive parkour
One building was coming closer and closer and Ann felt her gaze drawn to it. Something told her that she was headed there. As she got closer, she noticed that she sometimes clung to the wall, before jumping further. Other times she seemed to somehow glide between the buildings. She couldn't move her head to make out how this was done. Finally, she reached the building and climbed, jumped and crawled to its top. For a heartbeat she was treated to the most magnificent view of Manhattan she had ever seen. Her apartment building was clearly visible in the front of the rising sun.
Then it was gone and Ann was back in her bedroom.
She was panting heavily. Her heartbeat raced up, she was taking deeper breaths now.What was that? What had she just seen? Slowly, she calmed herself, slowed her breathing
You can do all that things you saw, symbiote said.
Ok lets see what you have to offer anne said. Anne stood up,she was quite impressed by the comfort of the suit, it didn't hinder her movement by any. From 2nd person perspective Anne was looking like a hot model with hour glass figure, big boob and well defined muscles just painted her body black. Nothing was left for imagination under the suit,she was naked and fully covered at the same time.
Without thinking about it, she reached for the bed. With both hands under the bed, she tried to lift it a little. Ann could move her bed around on her on,lifting it was no strain at all. It was like picking up a foam board no weight was felt at all.she could throw it aside like it was nothing.
She picked it up completely, it didn't felt a thing to her ,she didn't wanted to attract attention and disturb neighbours so she put it down gently so not to make noise. I have super strength now next is enhanced reflexes, how do i test that anne started to think suddenly an idea striked. she picked up her small bedside table, table lamp and her old computer and tried to juggle them. Ann was by no means a very coordinated person, often tripping or fumbling when nervous. And yet, she was easily able to juggle those three items quite easily.
Her hands knew roughly where to move seemingly on their own. Ann did have to make some adjustments, but while probably not very graceful that wasn't difficult either.
Next is that i can stick to wall web swing like Spiderman.
Now she was anxious to try the running and jumping. Everything had worked out so far and her home had some perfectly placed rooftops nearby.
Grinning under her mask, Ann went to the balcony connected to her bedroom and slid open the door. A wave of air brushed against her. She knew that it was cold,but to her surprise the suit protect her from cold.
She placed her hands on outside wall and slowly pulled her body up. She did this effortlessly like she was doing this for whole life. It felt natural to her,she was passing nearby to a window and thought of peaking inside. Hey this girl works in my office,anne said and Suddenly her eyes zoomed in like some kind of camera. At once anne was shocked and then quickly learned to control those. Anne thought, did Spiderman ever thought to watch someone like this. And then with a rapid pace she started to climb and quickly reached the roof of her building.
Oh this is beautiful anne said.The breeze was hitting her. wana see another view? Symbiote asked.yes anne replied.symbiote took control of body and suddenly jumped out.
IT was like she was flying.Her hands were automatically shooting webs to nearby building to swing her.she was like on autopilot.slowely anne was taking control but symbiote was still guiding her making sure that she wouldn't smack into and wall or pole in any direction.
They helped her know when to fire webbing and to let go to shoot another strand.
It made her slice through the air powerfully and quickly as if she had been doing this for years.
She was screaming from the thrill of the ride. She had never felt so exhilarated before in her life. It had been fun, amazing, nothing like dreams would make it seem. She finally got to see what it felt like web sling about the city like Spider-man.
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