

_ _ At the front of the Li manor_ _

The emperor felt impatient as he waited for his two sons.what are they still doing there?

The empress was also getting impatient.this is why I don't send the first prince.she was about to send a guard when she spotted her son's.

"we're have you two been.took you long enough and thanks for wasting time" she studied their expressions and as always, Haoran remaining nonchalant to everything and aloof while Feng Mian goofed around.

she looked behind the prince's and saw "suzhen!"

suzhen walked towards the empress and bowed "your grace, you called me"

still acting curtly.

"my dear, your performance today was splendid.why don't you come visit And teach me how to sing and dance like you do."

"thank you your grace but her majesty needs a professional tutor..."

"nonsense, I would really like it if you would teach me.... please"

"if that's her Grace's wish"


"empress, let's go" said the emperor as he entered the imperial carriage.

the lady in question bid suzhen fare well and not long did the imperial family leave.


_ _ In suzhen's room _ _

suzhen lied on the bed, hands under her head as she faced the ceiling.

she sighed "today was tiring" she felt like her legs were made of stone.

A week before,the Duchess Feijing forced suzhen to practice singing and dancing upon hearing that the imperial family would be coming to attend the celebrations. nevertheless,she did as she was told.

letting out her butterfly hairpin,she recalled the events of what happened today.

she uses to hear about prince Haoran but never got to see him. he's known for being mysteries and all but what she saw about him; his smiles, eyes which are cold but comforting, sharp but soft.

Her stomach felt like butterflies were in there.her smile widened.how could someone be this handsome.she swore he was going to be the death of her.

she kept on looking at the ceiling "hope we'll meet again....prince Haoran" and soon sleep took over her.

Night time was approaching.the stars were happily making their positions and the sky was clear.she will never forget this day.


two months had pass since the twins birthday.

The duchess was reading and receiving letters requesting for suzhen's hand in marriage.evee since her coming of age,many people admired the young mistress and the duke kept refusing those who come personally saying ' she's too young ' ior ' she's taken' while the Duchess wrote apology letters to the suitors families.

"how many more...." she whined as a guard brought another letter.she took it and was about to throw it when she spotted the imperial stamp on it."oh my God. the imperial stamp!" she exclaimed as her eyes widened.smiling,she stood up from her sit and hurriedly walked to the Duke's personal study.

_ _ in the Duke's private study _ _

suzhen lazily walked inside the Duke's private study.she looked at the Duchess whose eyes were brimming with joy whilst the Duke's..... didn't seem quite happy.

her brother wasn't here.that's to be expected. Horus had been training and learning more about politics, agriculture, geography, history, mapping and so on.

"mum,dad.you called me"

she sat besides the Duchess. The latter held suzhen's hand and started,"you,my dear,has been summoned by the imperial couple."

suzhen frowned "this sudden.mum are you kidding or?..."

"it's true"

suzhen turned to the duke who nodded as a reply of agreeing.

"but why this sudden.did I do something wrong?" suzhen felt as though something was wrong.she remembered the Duke's facial expression the moment she entered.

"my dear,think positive about this summon.the empress adores you and in my opinion I think the forth prince might have a good eye for you.looking at the way he looked at you,it's possible."

suzhen looked carefully at her mother who was probably thinking of how many guests to invite on her wedding or how her grandchildren will look like or how many presents the Li family would receive on the wedding. ridiculous.

"mum, you're overthinking again.the forth prince and I have nothing right now"

"You've said it yourself,not right now but in the future"

"that's impossible..."

the duchess raised a brow at her daughter's dense mind about all this but as a mother who had gone through this could see love Blooming every second. "can't hurt to try"

The duke,who had been quiet this entire time was enjoying this mother and daughter talk. too bad it won't last long.

"suzhen, you'll leave tommorow morning. winter is approaching. just look at how heavy the rain is falling.you can go back now".

suzhen nodded.

the duke looked at her back as she opened the door and waved "I'll be at the garden if you need me" she smiled and closed the door before.

that peaceful and innocent smile was endearing.too bad....just too bad that it was going to slip away from her face.the duke looked at the Duchess. should he tell her the truth? or maybe not. curse that damn emperor for always causing trouble.