
325: Not On My Watch!!

🥀happy reading 🌹

                 "Nimo, over here right now!"

They are making Davids suffer like this and they can't even understand that she was in prison to protect me? They don't know that she had to go through everything to make sure that I am safe and sound. All they think of is why their dad was not there and why she didn't come to help calm me when I was crying. They got everything a child couldn't get and now they are here trying to act like they know everything. 

Not on my watch! Naah, that is not going to happen. 

Nimo rushed and stood at the door outside. She had her baggy shorts with her and the big woolen sweater that I think she stole from Jade because they were there for a sleepover the previous week. 

            "Where are your brothers?"

Nimo raised her brows at me but this was not the time for her to start questioning me about some stupid thing like, why are you making us wake up this early, why aren't we having breakfast like a normal child? 

She rushed back into the house, and Zeke and Rose accompanied her back. Both in their heavy clothes. I threw the boots at them and they couldn't say anything instead they were just looking at me.

         Stop looking at me and put those boots on, right now!

Just one big mouth and they are already scared. They had boots on their feet, I threw some three little spades to them. They don't know how to weed a flower but I am not here to joke with them, they are going to weed every single flower in this compound. 

We are going to weed these flowers, neatly and make sure that there is no weed growing. I don't care whether you haven't been taught how to farm, that is not my business, next time make sure you accompany your father to the avocado farm and get to know how weeding is done, today, you are doing it my way. If any one of you does a mistake, you are gonna regret it.

They looked at each other and then Nimo looked at me as if I was joking about it. She shook her head and I was not going to joke with them like this. They need to know that life is hard and you can't walk around getting mad at someone because they messed up once. 

It wasn't Davids' fault that she was not there. They need to understand that. After this wedding, they will go into the house and speak to Davids like their father and say they are sorry for getting mad at her. 

Davids had sent each one of them hundred roses and some present to say sorry, that isn't a way to make them understand anything. 

"Mum, why are we wedding, I thought that was the gardener's job."

Nimo shouted the first. I was not in the mood for her little spoilt habit. As much as they can wash the utensils and prepare their clothes for laundry, they can as well start learning how to weed. The gardener won't be here for long. 

He also has a family Nimo, stop thinking that you can't weed, Sweetheart, I might make you mawn this whole field using the nail cutter don't start with me. We are starting with this section. I will show you and then the next section will be for you to weed.

               "Can I ask a question?"

Rose asked while standing with the spade in his hands. He looked at Nimo and Zeke who raised their brows at him. I nodded to him before we began the wedding.

"Did we do something wrong? There is no day we are punished if we didn't do something wrong."

I didn't answer his question instead I picked the plants and asked them to look at what I am doing. Placing the soil on top of the plants to make sure it has enough soil and removing the weeds with their hands. Luckily for them, they had gloves to help them work through.

Make sure you don't pick whole soil because these other plants also need the soil. Zeke, you are the first here, come try to do this.

Zeke walked closer and picked the next rose, he neatly added soil, removed the little grass that was growing over the plant, and showed me.  They can be useful when I am with them, but when with Davids, trust me, these three will always be spoilt and won't do anything meaningful. They went in that step until they were all done. My flowers in the first section were looking all good. It had everything that I want it to have. 

Next, one of you will be watering while the other two are weeding. You can exchange the role in every section.

The first to water was Nimo. She was handling everything with keenness to avoid water lodging the plants. For the succulent, they knew they can't water them. 

They were doing well and this was the time to speak to them. They look like small kids but their mind thinks like thirty-year-old people.

One thing you should have in mind. Getting mad at your dad doesn't pay. She is your father whether a girl or a boy. You should respect that. Always do. She loves you all.  So, if anyone of you thinks that it is a good idea to question where she was before, you either look for a way to say sorry to her and it better be done when you are done weeding and your clothes are from the washing machine and they are aired to dry. 

    I didn't hear anyone talking. 

             Did you'll hear me or am I'm talking to the plants?

                      "We did!"

They all shouted looking at me. I loved that now. I smiled and held them while watering the plants as they weed. 

"Why was dad in prison? We know why Rose's mother is there but why did she have to be there?"

I know have to tell them, that we can't keep them in the dark for a long period. They need to know the truth.

She was protecting me and in turn, she got locked up. She didn't do anything g bad to me, she is a humble person, she taught me a lot and I am here your mother. That's why I don't love to see her that down and defeated. She feels like you guys hate her now. You don't need to. She has been through a lot when we were young and she didn't want to see anyone hurting me. You don't see that because all you see is a person who was not there when you were young. She is more than that. That's why I didn't want you to hate her. She can go to some extreme of even bringing heaven for you to make sure that you forgive her. Those present are her trying to say sorry because she doesn't know how to make you understand how sorry she is.

            "Are you crying?"

I didn't even realize that I was shedding tears. I had to. I mean why would I get mad at Davids? Maybe for being stupid like spending all that money on some expensive roses and making sure that the children get everything that they want.

"No, I think this is love talking and she is crying happily not sadly."

Jeez, Nimo, you never just let something slide. She must add a joke to it. We finished with the garden and when the gardener was arriving, we had to give him an early off to go home until Monday. 

Jade stood at the field watching the three kids dirty from mud and their boots looking like they were digging a huge farm. He wanted to come close but he saw me and stood where he was.  

"Can we go say Hi, now that we are done? We promise to come back and talk to dad."

I nodded and asked them to welcome him in because there was no need to let him stand in the cold at this time. They welcomed him in and they talked with each other while sorting their clothes to wash. 

"Damn, what did you do so bad to have her wake you up to do weeding?"

Nimo held her waist and sighed. She looked like someone who had a whole lot of stories to tell. 

         "Apparently, our dad is our dad."

Jade looked at them and couldn't understand what she meant l. He looked at Zeke and Rose but they were busy removing mud from their boots while Nimo was sorting the clothes out.

        "You've got me lost in there, what are talking about exactly?"

"You can tell us if you understand it too. We were surprised the same way you are opening your mouth and your brows are moving up and down."

Zeke added while placing the shoes in the other dry after the bright ones were cleaned.

"What do you mean? I can't even understand you. Can we speak about this when we are done doing this laundry?"

"After this, we have to say sorry for getting a hundred white roses and for getting mad at our father. Sorry, Jade, You will have to say sorry when we are done."