
Lost and Found by her Wolf

Somewhere not on a map in the middle of nowhere. A lost girl on a journey of discovery. Discovery of herself, her wolf, her mate, her magic, her real parents and her true purpose. Finding out she is a werewolf at the age of sixteen and getting kicked out of her foster home in the same 24 hours set Star on a path, not even her own imagination could come up with. Travelling from town to town, she discovers that she's not only a wolf but also a witch, and her father is some badass Alpha Wolf. After coming across a woman in the wood giving birth, boom God, as other plans, the stranger gives birth to a blooding and twin sister who is now under her protection and care. The day Nina, a 12-year-old runaway, walked into Star's place of work, they have been inseparable, and now she has another mouth to feed on a budget. Then there's the pack of wolves who wants one of her pups. Life isn't supposed to be this exciting. Can she overcome her own insecurities and take on the world of wolves and three children and a mate. 5 years ago, Xander found a pool of blood and a makeshift grave, and he was certain that his mate had died, so for the past 5 years, he has been in mourning until her scent slams into him as she drove away in a pick-up truck with children. How is that possible? anything is possible in the middle of nowhere. Something about his mate was different, and he couldn't put his paw on it. Good thing she is going in the same direction he was. First, she was dead, and now she not, and it looks like he's going to have to go to war if he wants to keep her close to him. Can he learn to love the children of his mate?

4U2NVn8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter Seven - My mate. 

Watching the wolf Serenity called mate move was like a beautiful ballet, of carnage and death. His moves were graceful and executed with such precision that I could only look on with sheer fascination and wonder. I've never seen a man move so elegantly before, he was light as a feather on his feet yet done the most horrific damage. If I wasn't in fear for my baby's life, the throbbing between my thighs that seem to have exploded ever since he touched me would take full advantage of the situation. I was in awe. Mama likes it. Get it together Wench your children are in danger. He has Nina. we have to get her back. Our mate growled so loud I felt it in my core, my bones rattled at the power that came from this man, Serenity wants to bond herself with. Patrick seems a little frightened after seeing who he was and after that much power that surrounded him he was a bit shaky but he held Nina closer to his person and he was pissing me off. I just need to find an opening to get Nina from him. All this talking was getting us nowhere.

Our mate started to shift for the second time as Patrick made his intentions to our mate abundantly clear and I just leaped. Serenity took her chance it was all a blurred form, one minute she was leaping forwards in some robotic matrix bullshit she twisted her body in such a way that her paws slammed into the asshat that was holding Nina hostage then her body crashed atop him and he released his hold and Nina fell to the side. I heard Nina slamming to the ground with a loud thwack, broken I presume, but bones heal. I notice Asher jumping in the fray send my heartbeat through the roof, well sky since we were outside. I growled at him and he darted back towards his sister clamping my teeth into the prick shoulder as he tried shifting, I swung him hard enough that he landed in a nearby tree and rattled it, nearly breaking it. S the rest of his pack moved in for my children, my mate jumped in and took control shielding the now young ones from attackers. One by one they went down. Nina finally got to her feet, holding her left arm closer to her body. I quickly moved my head in her direction signaling her to get the children out of here. To do what we always talk about. What we planned.

Princess, Asher to me" she snapped at the crying twins. She got them into the truck and started it up, one of Patrick's wolves jumped on the hood of the truck and she reversed causing him to lose his balance, accidentally backing up into one of Patrick's other wolves. Good girl, we take our wins where we can. Putting the truck in the drive she drove out of there and I quickly dealt with the wolf beneath my paws ending his life swiftly. They deserve no mercy for what they were planning for my kids. I howled loudly, catching my mate's attention then chased after the truck leaping in the back. Can't believe I called him my mate. But what will that actually do for me and the kids, does he now think I will have to move in and make babies with him, according to the Disney movies the kids are forever watching and the romance book I've come a custom to in to learn all things wolfy. I'm going to have to be some kinda baby incubator and run a bunch of people I could care less about. Damn. I saw what his face and paddy men nash and bite at each other. He was much bigger and more vicious. Wow, he was just big, he was humongous. maybe this Alpha can become useful after all. Patrick men chased after the truck, one leap headfirst into the back, trying to hold on to the back of the truck forgetting his opposable thumbs for paws. With me using my paw, I slapped him to the side of his head like a rag doll and he tumbled out of the truck unexpectedly. Must have been a hell of a hit. Serenity your official badass. Seeing our mate running alongside the truck fighting Patrick's men off, Serenity whimpered. Jumping onto the roof of the truck, and through the sunroof into the truck. Shifting I told Nina to slow down. I couldn't leave him behind. He did try to save us after all and Serenity was going crazy about leaving him behind. Dumb animal. Sticking my head out the window. I yell.

"Get in" I watched as he kept up with the truck whilst simultaneously fighting off the others including Patrick. Ok magic one more, Serenity little help. I ask my wolf. Using the air around us I created a sort of whirlwind tornado aim at Patrick's men. Sending them flying in different directions, some slamming into the barks of trees, and into bushes. I heard the yelps and squeals of the wolves. He jumped into the back of the truck and Nina floored it.

Getting dressed quickly, I poke my head through the sunroof to check on our passenger. He seems ok for the most part. Taking over for Nina so she can rest her arm, I will need to take a look at it in a minute. The twins cuddle up to her as she soothes them, calming them. Have I told you she is my savior? Ever since she has been with us the twins have been much calmer.

Stopping for something to eat, I pulled up to a gas station. I go to check on the massive Wolf in the back of my truck, surprising me he lifted his head licking my face. Ahh yak, wolf breath. "Down Kujo, no, no, stop" did he no. backing up I informed the dumb animal that I was going to get some snack and then find a motel for the night. He jumped out startling me. "No, no, bad wolf-dog, stupid, dog, get back in the truck." he just snorted

"NO protect the kids," I told him through gritted teeth and he turned and jumped through the window and I heard Nina let out a high pitch squeal waking up Princess from her nap. Doggy. I just shook my head. Telling Nina to get in the front so I could take a look at her arm. She was still holding it close to her side. From what I can see it is not broken, just dislocated. Dammit. The pain on her face just tugged at my heart. It's going to be ok baby. I put her seat belt on for her and she rested her head back on the headrest. I ran to the gas station to grab a few snacks for the kids and a 12pack of water, the last thing I need is for them to be hyped up on sugar. They already have enough adrenaline coursing through their veins so balance is definitely needed, Sandwiches a bunch of crisp, chocolate and sweets, and good organic water. Yes, a fruit bowl.

Walking to the cashier I ask, "where's the nearest hotel near here?"

He looked up from whatever social media or video game he was devoting all his attention to. He was a young kid, with the cutest dimples ever.

"I'm not sure, I can check for you" I nodded my head and typed something into his phone, and then a few seconds later he turned his phone facing me. Bracing forward, I notice they were all too expensive for my budget if I want to keep going without using my credit cards. 'SHIT'

"OK, Thanks. How much?" he scanned all my items "$25.98" I handed him $30 and picked up a pack of Pink bubblicious because why not.

"Thanks," I told him, saluting as I left the store. Climbing into the truck I smile and

"Hey, Princess you think you can feed Asher and our new friend?"

"Wolfie's name is Xander," she says and I turn to look at them in the back.

"How'd you know that?" I was surprised at her outburst of information as Serenity bounced around in glee and missed trust. She was absolutely confused.

"Because he told me, he really happy to see you," she says excitedly

"Oh, oh ok" I mumbled.

"Can we keep him? She asked brightly. And the Wolf freaking smiled. Well, I think it's a smile.

"He's not a pet, Sweetie, he's like mommy and you brother"

"Yeah but Serenity loves him, please let us keep him. He's going to make us safe and make Asher become a real boy" she tells me. Like that's not a big deal.

Oh did I forget to mention my daughter sometimes can predict the future, or something of that sort according to google? I don't know. Like I said, I keep them from that life. It's suited us thus far, if it's not broken why fix it. I take a deep sigh and smile at my little princess. I can't believe all this is happening to me, after all this, time. It can't be Karma trying to get me, after all, I've already been through enough, like a bitch I already got what I deserve already, but if she doesn't let up I'm going to be the one fucking her/him in the ass with a tiki torch. I'm not to be trifled with, especially when it involves my children.

"Listen, baby, we can't keep him. He's not a toy and Serenity, well Serenity is a little confused." So was I when it came to anything wolfish. I can't deal with this right now. As for turning Asher into a real boy, I will have to talk to him about that later once I get him some clothes so he can shift back and not flash me or my girls. I let out another deep sigh. I need to move quickly because I need to snap Nina's arm back in place. I pulled out the gas stop after filling the tank and pulled up google map suggestions of the nearest cheap hotel. After driving for the next three hours I finally pull into what can only be described as the Bates motel because what the ever-loving biscuits. I was in two minds on whether to continue on to the next hotel, but Ninas winces and groans made my decision there and then because only God knew the pain my girl must be in. After checking into the motel, I grabbed all our belongings out the back and got the kid situated. Quickly I folded the towel and told Nina to bite down, to muffle the scream that was about to tear out her throat once I popped her arm back in place. I heard the moment the joints popped back into place and the way her eyes bulged out of her head and the lone tear that fell down her cheeks sent a sinking feeling in my midsection. Once I got them to safety momma was going hunting for some wolfy chow. I am going to make their life's a living hell on this god-forsaken earth they call home.