1 Chapter 1 The Beginning

Kami a bored teenager lay on a rooftop staring into the bountiful horizons in the distance. The teenager exclaimed in a mundane tone "I wish I could die and become a op entity with powers that surpass my imaginations" Omniously like the universe granted his wish, his heart stopped and all Kami saw was a abyss.

"Where am I?"

Kami was full of confusion but took a deep breath and thought logically 'this can't be a coincidence can it?' since he died immediately after wishing for death.

"Hey" something spoke which greatly surprised him but Kami quickly composed himself.

"So your god huh and your going to reincarnate me into another world huh like the novels?"

questioned Kami to the mysterious entity.

The entity introduced himself

"First I'm a omnipotent being known as Yahweh. Corrosponding to your question well the answer to that is yes and no depending on your wishes as you among the near infinite organisms have been chosen in the omniverse to have 3 wishes to grant your very desire since I'm kinda bored"

Kami listed his three wishes " My first wish is to have the ability to create any ability I want, My second wish is the ability to freely traverse any worlds I wish and the third is a body that cannot age or die by any means which also has the ability to devour anything to obtain its powers'

Yahweh responded after a brief pause 'those can be granted but what world are you thinking of starting out in first since I'm going to watch you 'closely' to relieve my infinite boredom"

Kami sneers disdainfully 'hmm I'm thinking of visiting the Rimuru Tempest World and wait in the cave to perhaps enslave Rimuru since he becomes a God Of Space And Time later on the story" Yahweh warns Kami " Don't do anything drastic as killing him as he's a pawn of fate and reality could crumble if a protagonist of that 'slime' world could dissappear"

Kami questions "why???"

Yahweh exclaims " its just a excuse since I don't wanna see my favourite slime MC get killed and besides that balance wouldn't have occurred between the Demon Lords, in that world , and chaos would ensue"

"Okay i think its time for you to go to that world since I wanna see the rampage that will ensue due to the combo of a edgelord gaining op powers" Yahweh jests

All Kami saw in the blink of a eye was a bright flash and he landed in a familiar cave filled with magic crystals and familiar slime...

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