
Lord of the mysteries : Lost Error

Poor young man thrown into a world where you can die without knowing why. This is fine!

KorutoV1 · Livros e literatura
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10 Chs

First mission?

The next morning, Frank officially began his first assignment as a detective. He got up on purpose in the morning and went out to follow Mrs. Judy's husband. While standing in front of his first client's apartment, the young man waited calmly for the suspect to leave the house. After 2 hours, Mrs. Judy's husband finally left, heading for the place where he works. Frank waits for a while and, trying not to look suspicious, follows the man.

"I feel like I'm in a spy movie, except that I am spying on probably an adulterer and not a super dangerous person who could plunge the world into a catastrophe."

Seeing that Mrs. Judy's husband had taken the carriage, Frank did exactly the same. As he enters the carriage, he turns to the driver.

-Please follow the carriage ahead of us.

Saying this he hands the driver a pound. Without asking why the driver immediately followed the carriage. Leaning lightly, the young man begins to reflect on other matters.

"Considering I haven't even started digesting the potion, I should start doing something about it. I was wondering where can I find the recipe for Sequences 7? The only thing that comes to my mind is to meet the hermits of fate or hope for luck. He he , knowing my luck it won't be easy. Ehh I envy Klein sometimes he got sequence recipes on his plate. I have all the recipes for the fool's path potions in my head, but not a single one from the Error path. Maybe I should change paths later? Meh will be a topic for the future. ''

Calmly observing the passing landscape, the young man plunged into his thoughts. After some time he noticed that the carriage in front of him stopped in front of the building. At first glance, you can see that the building is not in the least neglected. Ordering the driver to stop, Frank waits a moment before he sees the man enter the building. Then the young man gets out of the carriage, but instead of going to the building, he sits down near some restaurant, pulls out a newspaper and calmly observes the surroundings.

One thing Frank knows about detectives is that they are not being rash. A normal person might think that a young man would immediately enter the building in order to spy on Mrs. Judy's husband. But such behavior would have possible consequences. First, what if for some reason the man had to leave his room and saw Frank spying on him, all the young man's effort and one pound would be wasted. Second, not knowing the surroundings, what if Mrs. Judy's husband was involved in some dangerous business and Frank was caught spying on the man?

Without knowing the area, Frank would be at a disadvantage. And if this case involved the beyonder , the danger would rise to the next level. So instead of recklessly pushing forward, the young man prefers to first familiarize himself with the surroundings and various escape routes in crisis situations. You could say that Frank is too paranoid, but if you are surprised, he has experienced many drastic and dangerous situations in a short time and knows himself that this world is based on madness.

Coupled with this, Frank's behavior is not surprising. Anyone would be traumatized by the youth's experiences. Not to mention that at the very beginning the young man was not one of the most normal people when his first reaction when some unknown entity wanted to take control of him was to take him with him while laughing madly. Frank definitely needs a psychiatrist. Reading the newspaper, the young man ordered a dinner dish along with an iced tea.

"In reading Klein has always praised the taste of iced tea and I honestly wonder if it is as good as he said. Klein in the LoM community is a famous foodie, so his opinion should have some meaning, right? ''

Waiting for the meal, Frank pulls the newspaper out in front of him and starts reading.

" Oh , the next meeting is tomorrow at 4pm? Maybe someone at the meeting will have a cryptologist recipe. ''

Pleasantly surprised, Frank continues reading. After some time, you can see a young man calmly watching his surroundings. On the table in front of him there is an empty plate and a cup. There is a newspaper next to the plate. Frank gets up, mumbling to himself.

-Okay, time to comb this neighborhood. I have to have some escape routes in a crisis, right?

Stretching a little, the young man sets off. Although, while walking around, Frank never took his eyes off the entrance to the building. After an indefinite period of time, the young man returns to the place where he originally sat. An expression of deep thinking appeared on his face as he rested.

"Fortunately, there are many escape routes that I could use, so my safety is somewhat assured. In addition, the area is quite busy so you can easily lose the pursuit. Even now, I could just walk into the building and spy on the suspect, and I would probably be able to walk out of it unnoticed, but there's no rush. ''

"Mrs. Judy did not specify when I should accomplish my mission, and the more prepared I am, the more chances I have to complete this mission successfully. Plus, I should probably start really trying to digest the potion. The only thing that comes to mind is looking for some cheaters and trying to cheat them. Or I could also choose a less friendly path and seduce women, so you can put it that swindle their hearts, and I could also swindle innocent people. But because this behavior does not suit me and I want to keep my humanity and the remnants of empathy for other people, I have to choose a thorny path, as you can see. ''

" Ehh sometimes I just want to be a bad person, they have some aspects easier. Just look at this Amon , this is a book example of a bad man. Although, in this case, he cannot be called human in any way except that he has a humanoid form. He was born with the uniqueness of Error and as a mythical creature he also has no humanity and his believer is himself. He is a total boss, he played with Klein as he wanted, and Klein was forced to kill himself to get out of the situation safely. Now, thinking that my worst enemy will be Amon, I must admit that I am a bit scared. And speaking of a little, I mean a lot. ''

"Not to mention my win over the remnant will of Celestial Worthy Probably not as simple as I think right now so you can consider it as a hidden danger. The more I think about my situation, the more I get depressed heh , Klein had it easier. ''

When he thought about it, a slightly depressed expression appeared on Frank's face, but after a while he was swept away by a slightly excited smile. But there was a faint gleam of madness in the young man's eyes.

"But it doesn't matter. Whether it's Amon or CW, I'll have to deal with them anyway. Why am I afraid I have already fought CW and somehow won what is still a miracle. I should just enjoy life, try to increase my sequence and what comes after that is another time. That I don't just die with regret, that's the most important thing. My previous life was too boring and I felt like I was chained but this life should be better and a slight thrill is just the icing on the cake. ''

The more Frank thought about it, the more he grew stronger in it. Ending his existential crisis, at this point the young man's body tensed slightly and the young man's eyes are drawn to two people. One of them is a man who is Mrs. Judy's husband, but the other person who caught Frank's eye is a woman. About the age of 20. Beauty can be said that her beauty is flawless. Her face is synonymous with all kinds of beauty. Be it innocent beauty or seductive beauty, this woman does not lack it. But it wasn't appearance that attracted Frank, but something else. After being promoted to Swindler , combining this with the acquisition of the Clown and Trickster skills, Frank's spirituality goes beyond the usual 8 sequences. And since the Clown has a feeling of danger, the young man is more sensitive to such situations. At that moment, as Frank looked at the woman in his head, bells started ringing, alarming that this woman was damn dangerous. A thought flashed in Frank's mind.

" Witch !!"

Yeah ... I was a little delaying with the new chapter, but I can't help it, the salted fish in my heart kept me from writing this. I'm a bit like Fors Wall when it comes to writing motivation. Although if I was in Backlund, I would probably become popular with some cheesy story, as the crap that Fors wrote is popular. But the end of regret is a chapter and it ended interesting heh. I'll try to finish it well somehow. I prefer to write comments SERIOUSLY when someone writes comments, it gives motivation !!! COMMENTS PLEASE WRITE WHAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND OR DISCRIMINATE MY NOVEL, JUST WRITE SOMETHING !! er, and so much advice is welcome.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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