
Lord of the luck

Lords, The Hegemons, and the masters of their own universe who protect humanity with their unparalleled powers and might. Join the journey of one such young lord that will become the master of his own universe.... Or not??? ( Disclaimer: English is not my forte. So, I would be glad if you could help me with errors if there are any. Extra Disclaimer: Not proficient in writing too.) (╹◡╹) (Another one: Might edit chapters after posting them )

SaUmiPtZ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Chapter 38: Yup, I overdid it(Part 2)

"Once more" I was trapped inside the illusion.

" For the last time" Also trapped inside the illusion.

I only stopped training the skill after I started feeling the strain on my soul. Also, it was a pity that I wasn't able to activate the skill without getting trapped inside the illusion for the whole training session.

Although I wasn't able to activate the skill without getting trapped inside the illusion. I had Lilith by my side who was helping me break the illusion making the process of spamming the skill faster but without any improvement in terms of being able to successfully cast the skill, that is.

I was still satisfied with the progress I made through training as the proficiency of the skill increased by 3% totaling 5% as a whole from training for two days.

It had already been about three hours by the time I stopped training the skill after feeling the strain on my soul. Lilith was beside me with a blush on her Pretty face, looking at me from time to time.

" You have to deal with it for some time until I won't become capable enough to utilize this skill without getting trapped inside the illusion." I thought before exiting the territory with satisfaction.


Sigh, Being an adult is hard. I couldn't even train a skill without being forced inside the illusion.

Being forced inside the illusion was okay but my body was in the stage where it was filled with hormones that made the illusion I was trapped in something I wouldn't want anyone to know about.

And there was Lilith who blushed every time I was free from illusion, looking at me with beady eyes.

" She was supposed to be someone who would feed on lust and desire to get stronger, wasn't she??" I had such thoughts looking at her whenever she was with me while I trained on the skill, blushing while being unable to even meet her gaze towards mine.


Whatever, I was progressing on the skill, and that mattered the most. Also, the feeling of lethargy was something that was plaguing me after I exited the territory right now.

" Was It due to the fact my whole body was in pain that I didn't feel lethargic yesterday after exiting the territory?" It was something to think about.

I thought about it some more before shaking my head and heading towards the bathroom to freshen myself up before going towards the living room where my parents were sitting.

My dad was rummaging through some files, everything scattered around him with the Television turned on and its volume cranked to its max while my mother was busy looking at her mobile seemingly in a good mood as she was smiling.

" Haha… Did you sleep properly little one?" My dad was the first to notice me and asked me with a wide grin on his face.

I was exasperated while looking at my father's knowing grin. I mean I was feeling pain all over my body yesterday, OK!

I wasn't clamping my legs while groaning after indulging myself within my territory like you were imagining.

"Little lord, You are already out of your room today. That's good for you you know the breakfast is already ready and we were just waiting for you to leave your territory before having breakfast. Alright, Let's go and have breakfast. I've cooked your favorite meal today." My mom who was still busy on her mobile looked at me and then at my dad before going towards the kitchen while shaking her head.

I was right behind her with my dad coming right after me having managed the files that he had put all over the sofa and table in front of him.

The breakfast was peaceful with me enjoying the food, it was Flare-infused meat with some normal rice today. The breakfast was exotic to say at the very least as the Flare-infused meat did wonders on my body, slightly alleviating the feeling of lethargy I was feeling after training the skill today. The soul that was strained through activating the skill was also slightly alleviated due to the Flare-infused meat.

" By the way, How were you able to obtain Flare-infused meat? I mean, doesn't it require someone with access to tier-1 or above in the spatial market." I asked my dad who was also enjoying breakfast with satisfaction plastered all over his face.

" Hmm... I was provided it as a gift by my superior who wanted to send his regards to you for becoming the lord this year. You know him, Uncle Roger who used to tell you stories about lords whenever he got free time while you were a little chubby boy. Do you remember him?" He replied with a smile on his face.

"Of course, I remember him. Help me thank him for this wonderful gift." I replied while smiling at him.

"Sure, He would definitely love it. Also, Why don't you meet him personally to thank him whenever you get a chance in the near future."

"I will." I nodded at him.




<For the lord>

I was in the forest looking at the orcs massacring any monsters they came across with such a level of ferocity that even made me feel a chill upon my spine. These orcs were devoid of any emotions and killed any monster in the most brutal ways like inhuman killing machines.

Some had their skin peeled off their body while alive before finally getting killed. Some didn't have any semblance of their former self but were still alive and howling in pain. Almost every monster met with such horrifying deaths.

<Kyahahaha >

<For the Lord>

And then there's Grede who was gobbling every item dropped by the monsters happily without even caring about the gruesome state of the monsters before they dissipated leaving the items in their place. Also, I still feel disgusted looking at the way he gobbles down the items left behind by the killed monsters.

"What did you do to these orcs, Lily?" I asked Lily who was standing beside me with a light yet fatal smile accentuated in her cute face.

<Nothing much. I just drilled some basic directives and fighting styles into their brain. And look at these Orcs, especially little Orion. Does he like an honest Daemon who only loves to brawl fill his stomach right now?>

<Don't you think it is amazing how a little bit of training converted these honest Daemons into Inhuman Killing machines?> She giggled while replying to my question

I could only wryly smile at her nonchalant reply while looking at the way monsters were getting Brutalized by the Orcs here and there.

"Did She use 'Deceitful charm' to terrorize these poor Orcs in order to make them totally merciless, inhumane killing monsters just within a day." I couldn't deny the possibility of her using her skills to trap them inside the illusions to make them feel like a totally different person just within a day.

"Let's start with my training, Shall we?" I could only focus on the reason I was here with them in the first place. I didn't bother questioning her right now as having such brutal and merciless recruits under one's territory was also important if you wanted to rise in strength as a lord.

<Yes, Master. But where shall we go for your training?> 

"Let's kill some Nightmare Pythons today," I said to her thoughtfully while thinking about the grotesque appearance of those monsters. Although I was afraid of their grotesque appearance, I had to take this step for the future where I would be battling against even more gruesome monsters as a lord.

As for battling other Lords, Let the future decide for itself as I wasn't interested in it for now.

<Ok, Let's go towards the swamp.>

<And you guys can stop with your training and enjoy time having a sumptuous meal prepared by Lilith back in the territory. You yourself for being while I train our Master Swamp.> Lily told the Orcs and Grede before following me towards the territory of the Nightmare Pythons.

<For the Lord>

<For the Food>

The orcs returned to their honest self after listening to Lily surprising me.

It took us about ten minutes to enter the swamp before we were able to see the silhouettes of several nightmare Pythons ranging from low tier-1 to advanced tier-1 Slithering in the swamp.

<Shall We start with your training, MASTER>