
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

audiobook_world · Anime e quadrinhos
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655 Chs

Chapter 582: The Feeling of Social Death

Chapter 582: The Feeling of Social Death

The familiar, brilliant starry sky reappeared. As she gazed at the ancient and mysterious palace hidden deep within the nebula, Fors instinctively felt a sense of reverence. However, after a moment of daze, she glanced again at the starry sky, and a smile unconsciously crept up her lips.


Realizing her reaction, Fors quickly retracted her smile, bowed her head heavily, and trembled, not even daring to look up.

She had just suddenly thought of Mr. Hastur sitting inside that palace of stars, playing the role of the high and mighty Stars. The alternating images made her unable to suppress her amusement.

"What is it?"

From the depths of the starry sky, the Stars in the palace seemed not to notice Fors's sudden lapse. Their tone was as calm and indifferent as ever, carrying an undeniable majesty.

"I, I just wanted to report on the recent happenings in the Tarot Club. Specifically, the following..."

Fors stammered as she recounted some important matters discussed by the Tarot Club in recent times.

After her report, a detached voice descended, "How are things with the Abraham family lately?"

"They seem to be preparing for some kind of ritual and have recalled many clan members to gather in the Fusac Empire area."

Fors continued to provide information about the Abraham family. When the starry sky above her completely dissipated, she collapsed on the ground, looking complexly at the now bare ceiling.

In the palace of stars, Hastur sighed softly, "This is indeed the social death problem that Mr. Fool is most worried about. It is truly terrifying."

Since Adam and the others revealed their true identities, he had not actively contacted Bernadette and Fors, just to avoid facing such a situation.

"Damn Adam, stirring up trouble for no reason, leading to the current state of affairs."

Hastur's gaze swept over the star where Adam resided, finally landing on the small light spots beside it.

Although Adam claimed he needed no believers or anchors of faith, there were still many members in the Twilight Hermit Order who devoutly worshipped Adam, the ancient sun god's ideal angel.

Hastur's gaze carefully examined each light spot, accurately identifying their information and compiling a list. He then conveyed this list to Lady Lisa through divine revelation.

The list included not only members of the Twilight Hermit Order who worshipped Adam but also members of the Aurora Order who worshipped the True Creator.

After completing this task, Hastur's gaze turned to the light spot where Bernadette resided. The Star Sea Kingdom should also play its role as part of the Starry Kingdom.

In the current environment, forcibly supporting Bernadette to become the new Black Emperor was a viable option.

With the Uniqueness and three Sequence 1 characteristics of the Assassin pathway in his possession, as long as Bernadette advanced to Sequence 1 and the rules and order of the Star Sea Kingdom gradually took root, the advancement to Black Emperor would only require a promotion ritual.


In the palace castle of the Roselle Islands, Bernadette was also gazing at the starry sky.

Whenever she had free time recently, she would often be alone, looking at the starry sky.

"Such an unexpected identity, even I was kept in the dark." The Lamp God emerged from the wishing lamp, self-mockingly saying, "If I had known he was the Stars earlier, I would have..."

"What would you have done?"

"Heh, nothing." The Lamp God did not want to offend the Stars at this moment. "But you, I once joked that you and Hastur were a perfect match. If you had listened to my advice and taken him down, tsk tsk."

"Does someone like you even have desires?"

"The Mother Goddess of Depravity and the Mother Tree of Desire have strong reproductive desires." The Lamp God casually changed the topic.

"So you're a mule."

Bernadette's light comment left the Lamp God stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to argue with Bernadette, he was sealed back into the wishing lamp, unable to come out or perceive the outside world for a while.

"The Stars..."

Bernadette looked up at the starry sky again, a strange light flashing in her eyes. She still maintained a reverent posture towards the Stars.

Her experiences and mindset differed from Fors. She clearly distinguished between Hastur and the Stars and knew how to interact with him or them in different contexts.

In the current situation, with the Stars seated in the palace of stars, hidden in the brilliant starry sky, this was a formal matter. The other party had only one identity, the Stars.

If Hastur interacted with her in reality as Hastur Campbell, it was a personal matter, and he was her friend Hastur.

"Assist the residents of the Silver City in the forsaken land of the god to leave, return to the sea, and see the light again."

"I will obey the divine oracle of the Stars."

Bernadette quickly understood her role in this matter. She was still a Sequence 2 Sage and needed to make significant contributions to advance to Sequence 1. She needed to be deeply respected, loved, and trusted by living beings, becoming the sage who saved them from suffering.

Helping the residents of the Silver City in the forsaken land of the god to see the light of day again should expedite or fully digest her Sage potion.

"German Sparrow shares the same goal in this matter." Hastur reminded her again.

"I will handle this matter well."

Bernadette nodded. When she looked up again, the brilliant starry sky had already dissipated.

She thought for a moment and released the Lamp God from the wishing lamp.

The Lamp God initially wanted to curse, but considering that the Stars might still be watching, he held back and glared at Bernadette.

"How can we help the residents of the Silver City leave the forsaken land of the god?"

"Silver City?" The Lamp God searched his memory but could not recall such a small city-state.

"A city sealed in the forsaken land of the god, isolated by history. They worship the ancient sun god."

All this knowledge about the Silver City was imparted to her by the Stars, enabling her to handle the matter better.

"It's very difficult." The Lamp God looked towards the direction of the Sea of Ruins, his face serious. "The Giant King's Court and the Sea of Ruins were shattered. The remnants of the divine battle there are impassable for ordinary people. Moreover, the Primordial One has awakened in the depths of the Chaos Sea and may still be lurking beneath the Giant King's Court."

"Is it feasible to directly establish a space portal?" Bernadette proposed her idea.

"In theory, yes." The Lamp God nodded. "Everything there has been shattered, including the seals and isolations. But you need to personally traverse the remnants of the divine battle and the Giant King's Court to enter the forsaken land of the god and reach the Silver City."

"Playing the role of a Sequence 2 Sage is not easy."

"This is just the first hurdle. When you advance to Sequence 1 and switch to the non-adjacent pathway to become the Black Emperor, that will be the most terrifying test."

The Lamp God also understood the purpose of the Stars' divine oracle this time.

Bernadette was silent for a moment, then calmly said, "I believe in the blessings and guidance of the Stars."


On March 26, the Bylon Empire, Intis Republic, Segal, and Luenburg jointly occupied two-thirds of the territory of the Fenepot Kingdom.

On March 27, the Ruen Kingdom declared war on the Massic Kingdom and sent a large army to invade.

On March 29, Suzy the Imaginary Dog was appointed as the archbishop of the Church of the Yellow Robe's branch in the Bylon Empire, widely loved by believers for her ability to resolve people's mental issues.

On March 31, the Massic Kingdom was conquered by the Ruen Kingdom's army, and the remaining territory of the Fenepot Kingdom successfully bordered the Ruen Kingdom.

On April 1, in the palace of the Bylon Empire in the southern continent, Hastur returned after finishing his chores and was taken by Audrey to see Count Hall.

Seeing Hastur again, Count Hall was momentarily at a loss for how to address him. During his stay, he had learned about Hastur's current status.

No less than a deity!

Even the king of the Bylon Empire treated him with respect and courtesy, often worrying about minor matters like inadequate hospitality.

"You, sit down and talk." Count Hall signaled Audrey and Hastur to sit opposite him.

"Father, there's no need to be so serious or to worry about identities. He is Mr. Hastur, your daughter's fiancé, and your future son-in-law." Audrey smiled to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Is Uncle comfortable staying here?"

After a brief conversation, Count Hall gradually found his previous state of dialogue with Hastur.

"I know you are busy now. This time I asked Audrey to find you for one thing." Count Hall looked at Audrey and Hastur, his tone heavy. "You have been engaged for so long, it's time to get married. The more chaotic the situation, the less such matters should be delayed. Otherwise, it will surely be a regret in the future."

"No, not now." Audrey shook her head to refuse before Hastur could speak.

She knew that Mr. Hastur was currently facing powerful enemies. They had moved to the southern continent to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Holding a wedding would undoubtedly attract the attention of their enemies, so now was not the right time.

"I believe in Mr. Hastur and our future."

Faced with Audrey's firm attitude, Count Hall sighed and said no more.