
Lord of Mysteries : Shadow of Order

Lord of Mysteries Rawls Adrian, consumed by the enigmatic mist, found himself transported to March 1349 (three months before Klein Moretti's arrival). As a "lawyer," Rawls embarked on his extraordinary journey. "Those who steal a mere trinket shall face retribution, but those who plunder a nation shall earn themselves the title of marquis." .................................................................................. This is taken from another website and translated this does not belong to me I am only doing this out of hobby so don’t expect much Cover is made from Ai Raul's=Rolls Sephirah Castle=Origin Castle ke=Klein

LordofDreams1243 · Livros e literatura
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13 Chs


"At that time, I had some understanding of how to consume the potion, and I departed Backlund after informing your father. However, I never anticipated that your mother would pass away after giving birth to you, causing Mason's spirit to nearly collapse.

By the time I discovered this, it was too late. there was no way to salvage Mason's fragile spirit."

Rawls inwardly sighed in frustration. His predecessor had believed that Mason focused more on his work and neglected his son, resulting in his unstable state. But now that he knew the truth, both Mason and his parents were gone.

"Two years ago, your father requested Ken Lister to send me a letter, expressing his desire to meet with me."

Bird Mustang didn't answer Rawls's question directly; his voice grew somber as he continued, "Upon receiving the news from Ken, my intuition urged me to return to Backlund as soon as possible, or else I would undoubtedly regret it."

Everyone possesses intuition, which enables them to perceive the spiritual realm and receive information from higher levels. However, ordinary individuals are unable to consciously access this ability. Divination tools serve as aids in presenting this information. Even without divination, as a Sequence Five "Mentor of Disorder" Bird Mustang possesses a strong command over his own intuition.

"After I quietly returned to Backlund, Mason couldn't hold on any longer. In his youth, he pushed his body to its limits, causing excessive damage. After he became an Extraordinary, his mental instability compounded the strain on his body. Coupled with his relentless efforts, Mason has become like a flickering candle that could be extinguished at any moment.

Initially, my plan was to have Mason consume the Sequence 8 "Barbarian" potion to enhance his strength. As for the specific effects of the potion, that could have been discussed later. However, Mason refused to take it, so I had no choice but to give him some of the healing potions I had brought. Yet, that would only buy him more time."

Bird Mustang, known as "Viscount Fear," sat in a chair with his hands clasped, as if in prayer, pressing them against his forehead.

Rawls simply observed in silence; there was nothing more he could do.

After a while, Bird Mustang straightened up and let out a sigh of relief. He gazed at Rawls and asked, "Did you know that your father never wanted you to become an Extraordinary?"

Why is that so? Wasn't Mason the one who wanted to bring Bird Mustang back and have him succeed his position as a Beyonder?

No, Mason should have been aware of the formula for the "lawyer" potion. If he didn't want Rawls to contact Bird Marstein or enter the world of Beyonder, he wouldn't have allowed him to return.

Observing Rawls's expression of astonishment, "Horror Viscount" felt slightly relieved, but soon sadness washed over him again, and he said, "Your father doesn't want you to become an Extraordinary. He doesn't want you to set foot in the world of Extraordinaries, and he even requested that I never have any contact with you!"

"Why?" Rawls asked, genuinely unable to comprehend Mason's intentions.

"Are you asking why Mason doesn't want you to become an Extraordinary or why I chose to disregard his wishes and allow you to become one?"

"Both," Rawls replied.

"Mason believed that even if your relationship was strained, you could still lead a fulfilling life without becoming an Extraordinary. With Edmund's presence, the company wouldn't collapse, and the inheritance he left for you would ensure that things wouldn't go back to the way they were before."

Rawls was left feeling bewildered, torn between trust and distrust.

"Mason told me that he altered his destiny by becoming an Extraordinary, and in turn, he became the person he is today because of being an Extraordinary. He doesn't regret his own path, but he doesn't want the same fate for you, his own child—a poor soul who might struggle to find proper companionship."

Now Rawls truly grasped the meaning behind those words. They were guardians, fighting against danger and madness, constantly battling in this insane and chaotic world. Although Mason wasn't a Night Watchman, once he became a Beyonder, there was no turning back—only death or madness awaited.

What a world of madness and chaos!

"My initial plan was to follow Mason's instructions, leave Backlund, and never return after taking away his Beyonder characteristics. But I was truly concerned. Mason was my last friend in this world, and you are his only child. Boy, that's why I stayed hidden in this secret room."

"I originally intended to wait for your return from Tingen and then officially hand over the office to you before leaving. However, you hadn't come back yet. When Edmund heard the news of your father's death, he had a heart attack. If it weren't for some leftover potions I had, Edmund might have died before your arrival."

No wonder Uncle Robert appeared so frail and weak during Mason's funeral in the memory of his predecessor.

"I had doubts about Mason's arrangement. After pondering over it all night, I made the decision to make you an Extraordinary. Only with your own power can you have the freedom to choose."

"So, on the second night after you arrived, I barged in, pretending to be a ruthless pirate, and coerced you into becoming my intelligence spy in Backlund."

Rawls found it rather amusing. When he was forced into becoming a pirate intelligence officer, his predecessor had been terrified, and this was the outcome.

"What do you mean by 'pretending'? You are a pirate! A fearsome pirate with a bounty of 18,000 pounds!"

Rawls almost forgot that if Bird Mustang hadn't been the second mate of the Dark Emperor, his own strength alone would have been enough to make him a pirate admiral. After all, "Lieutenant Admiral Hurricane" Qilingus was merely a "Wind Blessed" of Sequence 6, and he too had risen to the ranks of pirate admirals with the "Creeping Hunger."

"You had a strained relationship with your father, and I was afraid that you would misunderstand Mason. So, I concealed everything about him, intending to explain it to you later.

You're different from your father. After you took the potion, I explained the method of acting to you so that you won't end up like him."

After uttering these words, Horror Viscount fell silent, undoubtedly lost in his thoughts of Mason Adrian.

Rawls offered comfort, saying, "Father wouldn't blame you. If I hadn't become a Beyonder, perhaps things wouldn't have turned out this way for me."

"Oh, during the week that I stayed here, I noticed your resistance to my teachings on Beyonder knowledge. Thus, I had to leave, hoping that you would learn on your own. But when I returned a year later, I found that this secret room had reverted to its previous state. The books I left you, filled with mystical knowledge, were covered in dust."

Bird Mustang gestured towards the books resting on the desk, the dust on their covers having been swept away by the "Hurricane Ring."

"At that time, due to your forceful coercion, I had developed some resistance towards these matters," Rawls admitted helplessly. He couldn't decide whether to attribute it to Bird Mustang's brusqueness or his predecessor's stubbornness.