
Lord Frieza incarnate in Gensokyo

-=| Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story |=- Synopsis : A playboy weeb from our world, that doesn't know anything about Touhou, gets Frieza-sama powers and the appearance of Killua Zoldyck from Hunter X Hunter, then gets isekai-ed to Touhou Project world. Note: From chapter 36, 'High school DxD' will be initiated. Read According To Your Status : _If you KNOW what Touhou is > In case you find incorrect information in the story, it’s not like I didn’t know about it and was making things, but I've deliberately changed it to fits my story or it can be the characters themselves didn't know about it, it’s not like they have a freakish wiki about their world or anything. You might also found new characters or additional information about the world itself. _If you DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > The MC himself doesn't know a damn about it, so there is no information requirement to read this story. _If you KNOW who Frieza is > Come here buddy, you’ve found what you're looking for ( ° ͜ʖ °), but you JUST have to endure until chapter 10 and you'll get what you want. (─‿‿─) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is > …Just type his freakish name in google, but i’ve made sure to explain everything about him in the story, so you don’t need to read his wiki page, just marvel at our Lord Frieza in Youtube and come back here :D. _If you KNOW who Frieza is and you also KNOW what Touhou is > Read this, i’m confident in my work ;) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is and you also DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > Well, give me your damn brain, you’re basically gonna read a new novel. _If you KNOW or DON’T KNOW who Killua Zoldyck is > It doesn't matter, you only need to see his image on the thumbnail(He's the kid in front of frieza.) or google image, and you're good to go. -=| DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE CHARACTERS APPEARANCES IN GOOGLE. |=- /* Search someting Like this : ('name of the character' Touhou) */ And you should find official or fanmade illustrations of that character. -= AUTHOR COMMENTS =- So, I've just got this idea in my mind for a while now, and decided to write it out. I've accumulated chapters and edited everything to get a good foundation before publishing this. HOWEVER, if this will continue or not... it all depends on you guys. I'm basically a lazy person by default, so if I don't see any comments, review etc... I won't write anything. IN OTHER WORDS, you're the ones who will get me to write new chapters, and I wish you good luck in that, if you want a hint... then you should start by having at least 10 comments in every chapter and with reviews of course. And I promise that I will read every single comment, so you don’t have to worry about that... after all, that’s my only entertainment in writing this story. *Wink* English is not my mother language, in fact it's so far from it and considering that i know 4 other languages, which means it's 6 languages in total, thus i can't help confusing beetween them, so spare me the grammar, vocabulary etc... but it's definitely readable, i try my best here, you know? if you can read this Synopsis then you will be able to read my story, this, i can at least guarantee it for you. Also, if you're a kid or don't like swearing words, you should probably avoid my book =] . And finally, if you want to try this book, then you have to absolutely at least read the Foundation Volume before you decide anything about the story, the Foundation Volume is basically the first 10 chapters of the book, they are constructed in a way that... well, you'll find the answer in chapter 10. If you didn't read them and still leave my book, then you are just ignoring a good story (;一_一) Anyway, Enjoy.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Chapter 59

MC's Dimension - Void


As my consciousness slowly emerged from the depths of darkness, I felt a peculiar sensation coursing through my body. It was as if a surge of electricity had awakened me from a deep slumber. Blinking my eyes open, I found myself in a surreal void, devoid of any landmarks or sense of direction.

"Deja vu…" Confusion gnawed at the edges of my mind, and I tried to recall how I ended up in this somewhat familiar strange place. Memories of the mega-tsunami in Mexico flashed through my thoughts, along with the searing pain that had left me on the verge of losing consciousness. And then, a truck... Yes, a truck had appeared out of nowhere.

"Wait a minute," I muttered, my voice tinged with both disbelief and a touch of anxiety. "I swear I saw 'Truck-kun' above it at that time... Don't tell me I'm going to experience a 'Reincarnated Overpowered Protagonist' scenario or something this time–"

As I muttered to myself, the words "Truck-kun" seemed to trigger a flicker of recognition within the void. It was as if the very fabric of this ethereal space responded to my thoughts, teasing at the edges of my memory. But before I could grasp hold of the fleeting connection, a voice echoed through the void, capturing my attention.

"W-What?!" It stammered, the beautiful voice filled with astonishment and disbelief. "H-How she... How did she know about Truck-kun-sama?!"

"I know it…" Before me, a figure began to take shape, emanating an aura of innocence and purity. She had an ethereal presence, almost childlike, as if she had not yet been touched by the harsh realities of the world. It was apparent that she was a Goddess, though her youthful naivety spoke of a gentle nature.

The Goddess before me had cascading locks of platinum blonde hair that seemed to shimmer in the ethereal light of the void. Her eyes, adorned with pupils shaped like delicate golden stars, sparkled with an enchanting hue of pale pink and held a childlike wonder and innocence. Her skin was fair and flawless, as if untouched by the passage of time.

She wore a flowing gown that seemed to be made of wisps of silvery moonlight, adorned with intricate patterns resembling constellations. The fabric seemed to sway and dance as if caught in a gentle breeze, despite the stillness of the void. Delicate golden accents adorned her attire, adding a touch of celestial elegance to her appearance.

Her slender form exuded an aura of serenity and purity, and as she approached, her movements were graceful and fluid, as if she floated rather than walked. Angel wings hair clip adorned her forehead, with sparkling gemstones spanning the great celestial sword in her right hand that reflected the myriad hues of the cosmos.

As I gazed upon her, a mix of awe and curiosity filled my heart. She was the epitome of innocence, her presence radiant and captivating. And yet, hidden within her innocent demeanor, I could sense a flicker of something deeper, as if her naivety masked a wisdom waiting to be uncovered.

Her voice, when she spoke, held a soft, melodic quality that seemed to soothe the soul. *Ahem*

"Oh, h-hello there! My name is Astraea, the Goddess of Justice and Innocence. It's so wonderful to meet you, Amira!"

Her words flowed forth with unassuming authenticity, brimming with genuine enthusiasm that resonated within the emptiness, leaving behind a tranquil echo.



However, as the silence lingered, a hint of perplexity crept across Astraea's countenance. The naive Goddess, Astraea, blinked innocently, her wide starry pale pink eyes widening in surprise. Her delicate features revealed a mixture of confusion and curiosity, as if taken aback by my unspoken response.

"...cute ROB?" she uttered, her voice betraying a tinge of innocence and uncertainty.


"Oh, um... Did I say something strange?" Astraea asked, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "I-I apologize if I surprised you, Amira. It's just that... well, I have this ability to see glimpses into the thoughts of those I meet."

Her explanation caught me off guard. I hadn't expected her to possess such a unique ability, and the fact that she might be able to discern my 'cultured' knowledge of the infamous ROB(Random Omnipotent Being) and Truck-kun was both fascinating and slightly unnerving.

I looked at Astraea, my mind racing with a mix of intrigue and caution. It seemed that this naive Goddess had the power to peer into the thoughts of others, perhaps even glimpsing the nature of their past lives or experiences.

Taking a moment to collect myself, I responded to Astraea's explanation. "No, it's not strange. It's just... surprising, I suppose. I didn't expect you to have the ability to see into people's thoughts. Should I say, as expected of a Goddess?"

Astraea smiled, seemingly relieved by my response. "Oh, thank you, Amira! I'm glad you think so. It's a part of who I am as the Goddess of Justice and Innocence. I strive to understand and connect with those I encounter."

Her genuine enthusiasm and gentle demeanor put me at ease. It was clear that Astraea meant no harm and genuinely sought to foster a bond of understanding and friendship.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to inquire further. "Astraea-sama, if you have the ability to see into people's thoughts, does that mean you know about my past life? About… the powers I possessed?"

Astraea's expression turned contemplative, her golden star pupils shimmering with a mixture of curiosity and empathy. "I can catch glimpses, but the full picture is often shrouded in mystery. Each person's past is like a tapestry, woven with countless threads of experiences. Sometimes, the threads reveal themselves more clearly, while other times, they remain elusive."

Her words resonated within me, offering a glimmer of relaxation. It seemed that Astraea's power had its limitations, just like any other ability.

"I see," I replied, a sense of relief settling over me. "Well, Astraea-sama, I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to answer my question. I believe our encounter here is not a mere coincidence. Perhaps, there is a greater purpose to our meeting?"

"Amira," Astraea began, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "You're right. Our meeting is not a mere coincidence. There is indeed a greater purpose to our encounter. The delicate equilibrium of power in the world is being threatened, and I want your help to restore the harmony that has been disrupted."

As Astraea spoke of the disruption in the balance of power, my curiosity was piqued, and I leaned in closer, eager to learn more about the situation at hand. But before I could inquire further, Astraea continued with a hint of concern in her voice.

"You see, Amira, there is a conflict brewing among the pantheon of gods and goddesses. Our once harmonious relationship has been overshadowed by rivalries and discord. The realms they govern are becoming unstable, and if left unchecked, it could have dire consequences for both the divine realms and the mortal world."

Her words weighed heavily on my mind, and I couldn't help but think of the potential repercussions of a power struggle among the gods in that world. The fate of both divine beings and mortals alike hung in the balance.

"Well, I understand the importance of restoring harmony," I replied. "But why me, Astraea-sama? Why do you believe I am capable of aiding in this predicament? What about my own world? When I was struck by that… Truck-kun, did I die over there or something?"

Astraea listened attentively to all of my questions, her expression becoming more solemn. "Amira, I must confess that I did not specifically choose you. The summoning ritual that brought you here was a last resort of mine, a forbidden act performed by desperate deities seeking aid from the other worlds since the beginning of time. It is called the Hero Summoning."

As Astraea spoke, a sense of unease washed over me. The thought that my presence here was a result of a forbidden ritual was disconcerting, to say the least.

"The Hero Summoning is a forbidden ritual that reaches out to the other worlds in times of great peril," Astraea continued. "Its purpose is to seek help from individuals who possess unique qualities or abilities that may aid in resolving the crisis. In your case, Amira, it seems your connection to the concept of… this 'ROB' and the tiny glimpses I caught of your past life drew the attention of Truck-kun-sama."

I took a moment to absorb the gravity of Astraea's words. The Hero Summoning, an act of desperation, had brought me here, and it seemed that my knowledge and experiences had played a role in their decision. Although I couldn't shake off a sense of unease that they might know about my Gamer System, a part of me felt a responsibility to understand the situation and lend a hand if I could.

It is not too late to go back to my world and find Dr. Smith when I become strong enough in this new world. After all, I just need to learn something like Goku's Instant Transmission or maybe just ask Astraea for help in the future.

Astraea's eyes held a mix of concern and determination. "Amira, despite the circumstances of your arrival, I believe there is a reason for everything. Perhaps your presence here is no accident. You possess qualities and knowledge that could make a difference in restoring harmony in our world."

I nodded, acknowledging the weight of the situation. "I understand, Astraea-sama. If there is a way for me to help, then I am willing to do so. However, I would like to know more about the conflict and the world it affects. The more I understand, the better equipped I will be to make a meaningful contribution."

Astraea's expression softened, appreciating my willingness to help and my desire to gather information. "Of course, Amira. I will do my best to provide you with the knowledge you seek. Let me explain the world and the gods and goddesses involved."

As Astraea began to describe the world and the pantheon of gods and goddesses, I listened intently, absorbing the information she shared. I learned about the intricate web of relationships, rivalries, and domains that had shaped their existence. It became clear that the delicate balance of power had been disrupted by the conflicts among the divine beings, causing instability that could potentially impact both their realms and the mortal world.

Throughout Astraea's explanation, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of responsibility. It was evident that the resolution of this conflict would require not only understanding and diplomacy but also decisive action. If I could somehow contribute to restoring harmony, even in the smallest way, it would be very helpful to the peace of that world.

"Astraea-sama," I said, after she finished explaining the realms, "I appreciate your guidance and the information you've shared. It's clear to me now that this conflict is a complex matter, and resolving it won't be easy. But I'm willing to help in any way I can. Let's work together to restore the balance and bring harmony back to your world."

A faint smile graced Astraea's lips, her eyes reflecting a sense of gratitude. "Thank you, Amira. Your willingness to assist and your unwavering determination gives me hope. However, it is important to remember that this conflict should ideally be resolved among us divine beings, without burdening a mortal like you with our struggles. Feel free to enjoy and embrace the new life that awaits you, and have faith in your own strength and the relationships you will build on your journey."

Astraea's gentle smile widened, filled with warmth and appreciation. She extended her hand towards me, a gesture of acceptance and blessing.

"Amira, your commitment to help and your genuine heart has touched me deeply. With your resolve and the power within you, I offer you my blessing. May the light of justice guide your path, and may your dreams become the catalyst for change. Embrace the journey that lies ahead, forge bonds with kindred spirits, and remember that you carry the hopes of many upon your shoulders."

As Astraea's words resonated in the ethereal void, a soft, radiant light enveloped me, as if wrapping me in a protective embrace. A surge of energy surged through my body, filling me with newfound strength and determination.

"I will also bestow upon you the gift of resilience, the unwavering spirit to overcome any obstacle," Astraea continued. "May it guide you through the trials ahead and inspire others to find strength within themselves. You are not alone, Amira. Remember that the bonds you form will be your greatest source of support."

I nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude for Astraea's blessing. It was a reminder that I was not alone in this journey, and that the Goddess believed in my potential to make a difference in that world.

"Thank you, Astraea," I whispered, my voice filled with sincerity. "I will honor your trust and carry your blessing with pride."

Astraea's eyes shimmered with a mixture of hope as she withdrew her hand. "Go forth, Amira, and may the winds of destiny carry you towards a brighter future. Remember, the power of justice and innocence resides within you. Trust in yourself and let your light shine."

With Astraea's final words echoing in my mind, I felt a surge of excitement welling up within me. I knew that this was only the beginning of an extraordinary journey, one filled with challenges and discoveries. But armed with Astraea's blessing and my innate Saiyan abilities. I was ready to embrace my role and make a difference in the world that lay ahead.

Not to mention the boundless potential of the soon-to-be unlocked Gamer System, invincible in its own right.

"Now, only one day remains. Fufu~"


MC's Dimension - ?


Unbeknownst to the duo, Killua keenly observed their entire interaction, finding immense amusement in every moment. Upon hearing Amira's inner thoughts at the end, he couldn't resist erupting into maniacal laughter, shaking his head with a mix of scorn and amusement.

"Haha, what a delightfully naive girl."

Little did Amira know, Killua's world operated on a vastly different time scale compared to hers. With an astonishing ratio of 1 to 300,000,000, a single day in her world equated to...

"While I may lack direct influence in that world since it belongs to the Root of Existence, this world is undeniably 'mine' and so it is 'my' rules that hold sway."

-= System Notice =-

Time left for Gamer System seal: 1,099,514 years 22 days 7 hours 56 minutes 13 seconds

"This is proving to be surprisingly entertaining. Do make sure to provide me with ample amusement, Amira-chan~"



-= System's Point of View =-

[ Hmph. Ignorant bacteria. ]

Unbeknownst to Killua, the System also attentively observed every aspect within his dimension, even his own being.

[ The Host successfully took the bait. ]

[ The Host fell into the trap as anticipated. ]

[ The Host's defenses have significantly diminished. ]

[ Advancing to the subsequent stage of the Root of Existence scheme. ]

[ Activating the Gamer System for the authentic Gamer residing in Kuoh Town, Japan... ]


Unbeknownst to me, the Creator of this whole world was also laughing his ass off at me somewhere in my own country or overseas while I try to understand what the fuck just happened while reading this paragraph on my screen… Wait a—!