
Lora and James

This is a modern retelling of the Disney movie Lady and the Tramp as human characters.

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3 Chs


James studied his new deskmate. She was very beautiful. She seemed like the kind of girl who would refuse to hang out with people who were poor like him.

"Hey." he said, trying to strike up a conversation. "Lora, right?"

"Yeah..." she mumbled with a 'dont-talk-to-me' attitude.

"I was wondering if..."


A dark haired and dark skinned girl with a name tag that said 'Jackie' called. "Come on! Let's go to lunch!"

Right beside the dark haired girl was a serious looking boy with glasses. "Lora, come on!"

Lora looked at James. "Well... See you later, I guess?" She started to walk away-

When James suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"I don't have anyone to sit with, so can I join you?" He asked.