
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · Anime e quadrinhos
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26 Chs

Loki the Friend

Elena drove and was thinking of many things, then she noticed a man standing in front of her car, she was shocked and horrified, after hitting the man, she swerves and, her car flips on its head. Watching as the man walked toward her slowly, Elena was about to call Loki but Damon arrives and the man speeds off confirming it was a vampire.

Pulling out Elena from the car, Damon asks, "Are you okay?"

Elena looks up at Damon and said, "I look like her," after saying those words, she fell unconscious. Damon picked her up and put her in his car, waking up several hours later, she looked around and noticed she was in the back of someone's car. "Where am I?"

"Wakey Wakey sleepy head," said Damon noticing Elena waking up.

"Damon? What, didn't I just hit a man? Also, why am I in your car?" questioned Elena sitting upright.

"I saw you flip your car after almost hitting a man who I can probably 100% say was a vampire, and so after taking care of you, I just basically decided to um, escort you," assured Damon.

Elena looked around, "Escort me where, where is this place, Damon?"

Sighing, Damon stops and pulls over, "Okay, this place, is Georgia, just a bit away from Mystic Falls," answered Damon nonchalantly.

"So you are telling me that you kidnapped me, and now we are in Georgia?"

Shrugging, Damon confirms, "Yeah, but I wouldn't say kidnapped, more like, um, an um, road trip."

Stepping out of the car, Elena gets some fresh air, Damon accompanies her, and Elena's phone begins to ring, "You even have my phone?"

Looking at the user, Damon smiled, "It's your boyfriend, Stefan," Elena grabs the phone but doesn't answer.

Damon not knowing what transpired took the phone from Elena and answered, "Hello brother."

Stefan was confused, "Damon? Where is Elena? Can I talk to her?"

Handing the phone to Elena, she shakes her head, "Well brother, you see, me and Elena are having ourselves a little road trip," stated Damon.

"I swear Damon if you hurt Elena..." warned Stefan.

"Yeah, yeah, you'll kill me, blah, blah, blah, alright, I'll see you soon brother," said Damon hanging up the phone.

Elena grabs the phone and sighed, "Look, you have to bring me back to Mystic Falls," demanded Elena.

Damon looked her in her eyes, "Come on, you already came this far, the place I am going to isn't too far from here," assured Damon.

Thinking about it, Elena says, "Fine, but you have to not do that compelling thing."

"Alright, whatever you say your highness," joked Damon getting into the driver's seat. Elena goes into the passenger seat and thinks of something. Elena goes on her phone and calls Loki, "Hello?"

Smiling, Elena answers, "Loki, I am, um, in Damon's car, can you like teleport and accompany me on this road trip?"

"Hm, if that is what you wish," stated Loki who is right now watching Jeremy talk to Anna. Hanging up, using his Nen, he finds Elena's presence and teleports into the back seat. "Wow, I have never been in Georgia."

As soon as Loki appeared, Damon's anger has been going up, "You've never been in Georgia? Aren't you like Immortal?" joked Damon a bit pissed.

"Of course, I'm joking, I have been everywhere on the planet," Loki states while taking out his backpack. "Who wants some snacks?"

"Me, I want some water, my mouth is pretty dry," Elena claimed, Loki rummaged through his backpack to find a water bottle and hands it to Elena.

Damon decides to humor Loki, "Well, I am thirsty, so do you have some human blood?"

"Of course," stated Loki throwing a bag of human blood at Damon's face which made him swerve a little.

Laughing, Elena asks for more water and some snacks, while Damon was just ignoring the both of them. "So, you like the color pink?" asked Elena.

"Yeah, spread the awareness of breast cancer," replied Loki wearing a pink shirt underneath his flannel.

"We're here," stated Damon getting out of the car, Loki and Elena looked over at the place to find out it was just a bar.

Getting out of the car, Loki, Damon, and Elena walk inside the bar and sit down on one of the seats on the countertops. A black woman came and introduced herself as Bree, "So, what do you want now?" asked Bree bluntly.

Elena went outside to talk to Jenna while Loki was taking a leak in the bathroom. He was of course not taking a leak but was listening in to Damon and Bree's conversation. "To be blunt, I am here because I need to know what is required to open the tomb," stated Damon.

Bree sighed, "Look, I already said that it requires the crystal."

"The crystal is gone, is there any other way?" asked Damon.

"There is another way, find Emily's spellbook, and use a witch of her bloodline," informed Bree excusing herself. Calling someone outside, Bree called Lee and informed him that Damon was in her bar.

Coming back, Loki overhears Elena talking with Stefan, "How do I look so similar to Katherine? Am I related to her or something?" asked Elena quite confused.

Stefan couldn't answer, "I don't know."

Getting annoyed, Elena hangs up and Damon appears by her side, then before he could say anything, a man smacks Damon on the head with a wooden bat. Loki hearing the commotion walks outside to see Lee.

Lee is Lexi's lover, "You f*cker, you killed my girlfriend," said Lee beating on Damon. He takes out a gas can and begins pouring the gasoline onto Damon.

"Stop, please, if you kill him, you'll be exactly like him, I know Lexi wouldn't want that," said Elena making Lee hesitate.

Thinking about Lexi, he breathes out heavily and super speeds away. Damon gets up, cleans himself off, and walks back into the bar. Loki comments, "You are so lucky you brought Elena here, or you would've been turned into ashes."

"Shut it, he caught me off guard," claimed Damon wiping the blood from his mouth away.

Noticing that Bree wasn't in the bar, Damon snarls, walking to the back of the bar, he finds Bree trying to escape on her motorcycle. Super speeding and pushing her off her motorcycle, he holds her up against a wall.

Loki and Elena arrive at the scene, "You know why I betrayed you? Lexi was my f*cking friend also, even if you drink my blood, I drank a lot of vervain tea," claimed Bree struggling to breathe.

"I hate people who betray me," stated Damon. Without another word, Damon ripped her heart from her chest. Loki covered Elena's eyes from the gruesome sight, "Let's go back to Mystic Falls."

Arriving back at Mystic Falls, Damon heads off to who knows where, while Elena is on the couch of the Salvatore Estate, "Do you only love me because I look like Katherine?" asked Elena to Stefan who was standing beside the couch.

Loki was on the other couch just watching, "Of course not, when I came back to Mystic Falls, I saw you and thought you were Katherine pretending to be Elena but the more I watched you, the more I realized you were so different from Katherine.

I also have to tell you this, um, I was there on the bridge when your car got stuck in the water, I was the one who saved you, I pulled you out of the water then came back to get your parents but they already passed away before I pulled them out of the water, I'm sorry."

"Honestly, I don't know what to say, um, but I guess, thank you for saving me, I won't blame you for the death of my parents because I know my dad probably asked you to save me first before them, that is just how my dad is," cried Elena sadly making Stefan sigh heavily. "But still why do I look so similar to Katherine?"

Loki chimed in, "Maybe you are related somehow," shrugged Loki.

Stefan thought about it, and decided to reveal the truth, "When I saw the resemblance between you and Katherine the day I pulled you out of the water, I did some digging of my own and found out that you were...adopted."

Elena wipes away her tears, thanking Stefan for telling the truth and Loki for keeping her company during the ride, she asks Loki to teleport her home which he did. Arriving at the front porch, she knocks on the door, "Coming!" shouted Jenna.

Opening the door, Elena walks in the door and before Jenna could say anything, Elena drops a bomb on her, "Why didn't you tell me I was adopted?"