
Re-calibration of Physical Status

The cafe owner was awestruck to my combat abilities.

Cafe Owner: wow!... that was a hell of a fighting boy!

[Quest Side Quest Complete: Help Cafe Owner

Quest Difficulty: F-

Rewards: 150 exp/thug, 15 gold/ thug]

[System Alert!:

Player has reached the 10 to all stats threshold, the player needs to rest for new reconstruction and upgrading the body tissues, organs, and bones. You have 30 minutes left before the recalibration starts.]

Me: 'what's this?.... didn't my stats have been 10 all stats nine months ago? That was weird' Nah... it's just minor stuff like this doesn't need to give attention. By the way boss, about these scums, how long did they have collecting protection fees?

Cafe Owner: nahh... they are just a new gang that just suddenly emerged last month, and those b*stards collecting protection money around this area to the point that some of the businesses have been shut down.

Me: why not call the police then?

Cafe Owner: hah!... police? What police!... the thug just give some money then they just shut up... what can we do even police got nothing to do with it. (Answered angrily)

Me: tsk!.. (I clicked my tongue) so that's why these bastards are running freely on these streets. I there any police officers can be trusted? How can we clean this mess?

Cafe Owner: leave it to me!... by the I'm Lin... (he cupped his two hands like a martial artist) I never expected your good at combat at a young age boy!

Me: haha...(I chuckled) just a bit of training... so you know how to fight but why you didn't fight back?

I will not be surprised that he knows some martial art, from his looks you can see he's an expert, if you observed his movements you will know immediately.

Lin: sigh... you will know the answer if you got your own family boy.. (he patted my shoulder)

Me: 'family huh...' I leave it to your uncle!... I got to go...

When I was about to walk outside of the cafe, I saw Jerry standing while looking at me, he was so dumbfounded on what he saw on the scene and he said...

Jerry: wh-what just... what the hell happened in here? was there a fight in here?

I walk into him and shrugged him off. I replied...

Me: I dunno.... let's get outa here...

Just a couple of blocks, Jerry and I went in different directions since his house kinda far away from Chinatown. While walking with him I was s annoyed to him, he didn't stop asking questions about what happened so I tried to change the subject.

I reach the house a few minutes, my body was so tired that any minute right now I will fall asleep. Open the house with the key, and the door made a creaking sound. I go immediately to my room to sleep and lock all the door cause I don't want any disturbances in my sleep.

Me: ugh... I ... should.... (and I fell asleep)

[Player need to rest for 3:00:00, any disturbances to the player the system will automatically shut down for 2 hours]

I didn't mind the system notification anymore, and when I woke up I was surprised what happened to my body. I feel like your bursting with power while your body is light. I check the system what happened to me, maybe I get more clue to it. I open the panel and there was a big notification appeared in front of me.


Description: the system upgrade all your strength, speed, and will.

Physical power: minimum (45kg x *str stat) x 2 maximum strength x 2 for each Physical Calibration {note: each threshold will upgrade - 10:2, 20:3, 30:4..... basically his strength is around a minimum of 1.5 tons}

Physical resistance +1%

Armor +1

Movement speed +1

Magical resistance: +1%]

Me: holy sh*t!!.. this crazy upgrade... so that is why my body's feel so awesome!... and most important of all magic resistance that is definitely good thing but what if it's a talent like Scarlet Witch will it affect it to me if I got 100% magic resistance, what about professor x? I don't know if he exists though... well there is no use if I always on theory.

My mood right now is like I'm on drugs, it's like it tells me that I should be tested my body... before that let's inspect my stats.

[Ken De La Cruz

Level 9:





STR: 14.6

AGI: 15.3

INT: 16.1


-Inspection lvl 3

-Summon Spirit Bear lvl 9

-Powershot Mastery: Intermediate lvl 9

-Hand to Hand Combat Mastery: Intermediate

-Weapon Specialization Mastery: Beginner

Undistributed Status Points: 4

Undistributed Skill Points: 9

Lottery Spin Tickets: 5]

I look at the lower panel, I was still hesitating using the lottery spin tickets and my reason is, what if I got time limit skill then it's really a waste of tickets cause I know this system is so trashy that will give me some weird things and I hope it will not a f*ckin loading screen cause when I was browsing some skill to buy I was shocked to the care that I was able to it.

Me: man... what should I do... (while massaging my temples) f*ck it!!... ill use the two of it.

I click the panel and there was showing a wheel of a different color.

[Spinning wheel.....

You gain an ordinary flying courier]

*crack* Islam my hand on the table where it is almost broken since it is made of glass.

Me: F*UCKKKK!!!.... pls... my Lord, someone out there... pls don't wast my tickets!... you god*mn system!!.. ok..ok... just be calm... (I take a big breath as trying to calm myself) here we go... (I take a sign of a cross)... pls God!...Jesus!...Budda!!...whatever you are pls give me all your luck!!

[Lottery Spinning...

You gain skill book: doppelganger]

Me: YES!!...paise the Lord Alleluia!... this to me baby...

I was so really lucky this time, this skill is kinda crappy at a low level, but if o upgrade it to a higher level since there is no level cap all of the level... hehehe...I didn't want to know.

Me: let's see...

[Active Skill: Doppelganger

Player briefly vanishes from the battlefield. After 1 second, Player and any of his nearby illusions reappear at a random position within the targeted location, along with two additional doppelgangers. Extends the duration of all illusions. The two added doppelgangers have different properties: one takes normal damage and deals none, while the other takes 600% damage and deals 20% damage.

Cast Animation: 0.1+0

Cast Range: 6 meters

Reappear Radius: 3.25 meters

Illusion Gather Radius: 9 meters

Reappear Delay: 1

Number of Illusions: 2

First Illusion Damage Taken: 100%

First Illusion Damage Dealt: 0%

Second Illusion Damage Taken: 600%

Second Illusion Damage Dealt: 20%

Doppelganger Illusion Duration: 4 seconds

Cooldown: 40 sec

M.P. Cost: 30]

Me: this is a good haul isn't it?... Let's try it out...

I take a breath and close my eyes as I trying to familiarise this skill. I made a theory that all the skill given by the system doesn't need to shout its name but instead go with the instructions what comes through my head after learning it, similar to PowerShot that I used it unconsciously. *whishh* I saw myself very similar to me that the two of them standing in from of me.

Me: hello there!...

One of them nods at me at my confirmation as a test subject... (well myself) and let them punch me. I saw my self punching my gut but I didn't felt anything.

Me: Wow... there's really no damage huh...come number 3...

I look at the other one also I want to let him punch my gut but... *pooff*

Me: what 4 seconds are up?...well I'm very surprised to my self... plus can level it without using Skill Points... now next is Status Points Distribution well there's no need to put it on strength... I'll save those status points, just in case.

Now my intelligence almost at 20, I hope it will surprise me in the near future.

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