

In my past life I know it's harsh living in this country, no matter you do or how big is your communities is, when government work you can't do anything except you have connections. People in this country will do anything just for some reason "money and family", there such thing's like being gun for hire or hitman just for a living. I doubt that there's still like that in this universe. If that guy's dead because of assassination I'm not surprised if it is.

Me: Brother Raul did someone kill that guy?

Raul: hmm?.. I don't know but in the autopsy reports from the S.O.C.O. is that, the guy was drowned but the problem is that there is something that even investigators can't understand it. {Scene of the Crime Operatives. It's the same as C.S.I}

Me: can't understand it?... isn't ghost right? Hahaha...

Raul: ...

Me: wait really?....'the hell is this quest!... I'm not a f*ncking ghost hunter bruh!..'

Raul: no it's not... well I'm gunna ask you a question. By the way this is kinda weird question... are you able to handle to see a dead body? Since you're just a kid I will let you see what is it.

Me: yeah... maybe I can?

Raul: then wear this (throw some swimming equipment, by the way it's just goggles).

After equipping the gears, we dive immediately. I saw a man died while it is tied his feet to something, and it is roots... a big ass roots and what's creepy is that, is, it's moving and it's like have own life, and also I saw that the roots is sucking it's life force.

Me: mmmpphgg....gahhh.... the hell is that bro Raul...man ... it's giving me some goosebumps...

Raul: yeah when first time I saw it I'm same as you, I can't believe I saw something weird in my whole life.

[Quest Alert: Find the Source of Roots

Follow the roots where it is came from and if possible destroy the source. The roots will continue to grow if player will not do it immediately.

Quest Difficulty: D-

Rewards: 50 silvers, +1 lottery spin, 500 exp]

Me: 'tsk..' Brother Raul I should go and notify mom what's happening on sea.

Raul: yeah... go I'll handle this, kinda busy to keep the people/tourist away from the sea.

Me: 'gotta finished this quest immediately... such a pain in the ass'

I look to the mini map too if there is something, and yeah I saw something that is even more unexpected, the whole island is covered by the roots. And the source of it is at the cave more like underground. I summon ursa to keep me safe, just in case.

Me: let's go Ursa... gotta find that bastard who's doing this.

We walk through the forest and suddenly we heard something cracking like breaking a tree, so I immediately summoned my bow and a quill. I search my surroundings but there's no one.

Me: is the roots notice me?... but there's nothing also in minimap. What the hell!.... come out there! I'm not scared of you!.

I'm really scared right now, if it's human is my enemies I will not back down but this things... it's out of my league. After a few minutes, I'm so sweaty now. Then a gust of wind in front of me and turning a mini tornado, and the leaves in the forest is sucking it 'the hell.... where this tornado came from?'. Me and ursa are ready to fight on what is it. Suddenly a voice came out of from the mini tornado.

???: you're interesting human... your mana is like ours you know?

Me: what do you mean we are alike?... and who the hell are you?

???: I'm Illya the guardian of this forest or also some people called us a dryads... I have a request for you boy.

Then the wind stop, a body came out of it. Her body is made of wood more like like a wooden puppet, her face is like shinny brown color, her hair is made of roots. It made relaxed since I can feel that there's no enmity between us, more like she's desperate.

Me: 'well... isn't this female version of Pinocchio?...' My name's Ken, by the way what do you want madame?

Illya: I have a request to you... Please save my child!..he's in danger!.

Me: uhhh... what?... I'm just a passerby you know?... also I don't know about you?

Illya: I'm sorry about this but this island is brink of destruction.

thesis is still ongoing.... hahhh???... some of poeple cant wait why a 1 year old boy can do something like that ????it will be explained in future chaps... by the way pls review my novel if you guyz have time.... PEACE OUT

kenneth_the_gamercreators' thoughts
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