
5) Thoughts and Custody?....

Iann was glad that his parents were going to handle it, they even called into work just so they could get it all done tomorrow, he was actually smiling manically. His mom was scary in the original cannon, being a killer and all, but as a mama bear she was worse and could actually scare Dumbledore if she wanted to.

Iann's hair for the entire night was a bright yellow showing how excited he was he even had his eyes change the same color, his parents laughed while they tucked him in for the night. Yeah he was nine years old and was still being tucked in so what, if there was one thing he wasn't ashamed of that was being a mama's boy, hence the reason his dad could never punish him.

*The Next Day*

Iann woke up with a huge grin before jumping out of bed, he was usually up before everyone to make breakfast anyway so it was nothing new for him, Snow around his neck right along with him. Going through his morning routine he quickly went downstairs making a English breakfast for the family but he was bouncing in his chair a lot, since last night his hair color hadn't changed.

When his parents still saw him and Snow sitting there waiting they couldn't help but laugh at the same time they tried to keep off their serious faces to not scare there son. "Well someone looks excited this morning." His mother joked looking at him while sitting down and filling her plate.

"Mama get me something good!" Snow said sliding down his arm and eating the bacon he had in his hands. She was different from other Basilisk unlike others she couldn't die from a rooster crow, it was thanks to the bloodline of a horned serpent that made this disappear.

"Of course we are doing a great thing today after all." Iann said with a smile handing Snow more bacon even though she could eat the whole plate herself without his help but she did it anyway to be spoiled.


Harry POV*

My name is Freak-- or it was until I started school then it became Harry-- though things didn't change even after I got a name I was still the freak of the house my aunt and uncle hated. (A/N: Wont even spell there names.) They weren't what I thought family was and when I caught a glance of a real one on TV or out in the world it just proved my point even more they weren't real family.

I wasn't all to smart but it didn't take a genius for me to realize that my aunt hated my mother and was jealous of her for some reason. Though I didn't know what happen between them I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if they were here instead of me being trapped in my own personal cell.

The day I started school I thought about running away from home but quickly dismissed the idea thinking that something worse would happen if I got caught doing it. Then when I found out I was actually good at school work things at home took a little turn for me, my uncle beat me for being better than their whale of a son.

After that I let my school work drop and then the teachers started to look at me with disdain which didn't help with anything at all, I couldn't explain it to them either cause they stopped listening to me. Then things changed again one day after school.

I was doing what I always did, walk home, we didn't live to far so it would be easy for me to get home walking which my aunt and uncle agreed on. Well this was also known by my cousin and his friends who loved to pick on the parentless kid they liked to say.

I ran but when we reached the park I tripped and was stuck there while they started hitting me with everything they had, it wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't to skinny. There was nothing I could do about it though I just tried to protect my face so that my uncle and aunt would yell at me for messing up my glasses.

Suddenly the punches and kicks were gone and I could hear them yelling in agony, timidly I lifted my head looking around to see what was going on. Looking up I saw a kid with blue and silver hair kicking down the boys who were beating me my cousin, he had a white snake around his neck that had red eyes.

It was so cool to see him so fearless and looking at the snake I couldn't take my eyes off of it when I saw it, it was so beautiful. Suddenly I heard it speak out, "Mama are these your friends? I want to play too." I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me but it was funny hearing a snake call a little boy Mama.

He looked back at me and I heard him whisper, "Harry Potter?" He knew me somehow and I wanted to know how I had never seen him before so he must know me from somewhere else.

After he knocked Dudley down he talked to me for awhile and I was in awe about what he told me, when he asked me to take him to my house I didn't even question it before showing him. After he saw it he gave me a smile and took off in a run he waved at me before he left saying that I would see him again, I felt hope at that moment cause I knew he meant it when he said it.

The next day when I got up I was happy for once but didn't show it since I wasn't aloud to have anything good in my life so I didn't need them getting suspicious. After breakfast I got ready to start my daily chores when the doorbell rang and my uncle yelled at me to get it, I was the maid here after all.

Opening the door I saw two older people standing there, one was a woman in a dark blue dress with long black hair on her face was a friendly smile as she gazed down at me. Next to her stood a man who looked Australian and an older version of the boy Iann I met yesterday just with blonde hair instead of silver blue.

While looking at the two another person popped out and it was Iann who I met he waved and gave me a smile, "Hello there Harry lovely morning is it not?" I couldn't stop the grin that took over my face seeing him, he really came to see me again.

"BOY WHO IS AT THE DOOR!!" My unlce yelled while stomping towards us.

-------------------------End of POV

Third Person POV*

Iann watched as an even bigger whale than the one he met yesterday in the form of a boy walked towards them, he could feel the anger rolling off his mother and father though. They might have given Harry a happy smile but he knew them well enough to know they were pissed, even snow was hiding in his shirt whispering to herself in fear.

"Grandma and Grandpa are scary." she said it quietly but he could still hear her.

When the whale finally reached them he saw us and was about to speak but before he could a fist landed on his face, my father the ever loving man, if not a coward in front of my mom. He had struck him before the man could speak, he squealed like a pig while falling to the ground blood rushing out his nose.

Harry looked shocked at what just happened but it felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulder seeing that happen, the noise brought forth his aunt and cousin who rushed to his uncle. "Well done husband." He heard the woman say who moved into the house taking out a stick from her pocket, she waved her wrist and he felt something weird in the air.

"Well since that is done lets get this over with shall we. We have come to take young Harry here." Bella said gaining everyone's attention as she reached into her purse and pulled out some papers.

"You can't do that he needs to stay here with us, we have a deal with Dumbledore!" Harry's aunt screeched her face going purple from anger.

That got both Bella and Chris's attention, "What deal are you talking about?" Bella his looking ready to kill someone.

"Harry stay's with us until Dumbledore has taken care of that crazy man and during that time Harry being here will protect us just incase something happens before his plans." She said taking the towel from her son while wiping her husbands purple pig nose.

Chris moved quick doing a quick scan of Harry before his eye went wide in horror, Iann noticed and was the one to speak out, "What is it dad?"

"Blood wards! Not only that but they are siphoning off his magic making it where it isn't even growing all but about five percent of his magic is being used to keep a constant protection over this house. There are also some tracking charms on him while he has many things wrong with his bone structure and he is malnourished." he said his voice shaking but he was also thinking about what the woman said a moment ago about Dumbledore who has apparently been keeping secrets.

"That monster, it's good that we went to Gringotts and got the last will and testament about what to do incase Harry was missing both guardians. If we hadn't went there then it could have been worse than this." Bella said anger seeping into her words.

"What do you mean?" Harry's aunt asked looking scared about what might happen if they took Harry away.

"Well according to them and the will the person who has custody both muggle and magical is my cousin Sirius Black, but in the event that something is to happen to him that Sirius could make the decision for who his guardians would be. After a check it was handed to me and my sister Andromeda, so seeing as Dumbledore has no right over this we can take him with us." Bella explained showing the Will to them who all looked like they had swallowed a fly.

Iann who was hearing everything now knew some things that he had been wondering, one is that Dumbledork bad and he should not trust him, two that somehow Lily and James Potter knew he was bad which is why he never got custody. The only thing he needed to know now was if he should mess more with Dumbledork's plan since in some ways it is needed for Harry to grow but at the same time his family could do that.

Though now that this was happening he was looking into Horcrux's so that he could deal with them, though if he was honest with himself, he didn't care what Moldyshorts did as long as he didn't mess with his family. Now though he thought he should at least let some events happen or he might miss some things he wants to see.

Well there was nothing first year really but second year he wanted to meet he other Basilisk in the chambers, he would help Sirius and clear his name, he also wanted to be in the Triwizard Tournament, he would have to kill Dolores Umbridge though that was tricky. But other than that he would just enjoy life an advance the magical world slowly as not to make them freak out to much when he did it or have them reject it.

This life for him was really focused on three things; Family, Finding someone for himself, and being the best known inventor that the world has seen. Smiling to himself he decided to let things play out he would just watch out for as much as he could as for the other two he would see depending on if they were evil or not.

He knew that Hermione wasn't ever really evil but was always manipulated by someone so she never thought for herself, that was one reason to not care what happens to her. Ron could be jealous or evil like other Fanfics so he would play that by ear but he would most likely be just a jealous prick.

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