
My First Life [4, Last]

As i woke up from my sleep, i saw Agnes looking and playing with my face cutely, i remembered what happened last night and it made me blush a bit. I kissed her on the lips passionately, then we both got up and clean the aftermath of our war.

After that time, our love just kept growing bigger and bigger, like it will never cease to stop, the next week i went on and meet with Agnes's parents , that is not the first time that I've visited her parents, the first time is 1 week after she saw me "dating" with my sister and cleared up the misunderstanding with her parents, my relationship with her parents is pretty good since i need their consent to marry Agnes....

We talked alot about my relationship with Agnes and living together and stuff, they also tease us by saying when we'll get married, it made both of us blush, we talked for about 2 hours or so and went back to our apartment, on the way back i told her when I got a stable job, i will propose to her and when i declared that, her face went full red which only make her cuter.

Fast forward 5 years later, I had already finished my college and got a job as a programmer in a pretty big company, i've had my internship there for 1 year and then directly worked after my graduation, it pays pretty big and it's enough for me and Agnes with a lot to spare plus with the money that Agnes made ( she works in the same company ), we're sure that we can provide our kids a good life.

Me and Agnes have been dating for 8 years, from Senior high school to now, it's a pretty long but wonderful journey, we've done the sacred thing lots of times now that i've lost count of it but I've never felt bored being with her, i decided to propose to her on her birthday 15th May.

When i was planning that, it was still 29th March so i still got more or less one month left to plan all of it, i decided to plan a vacation on Niagara Falls, the best place to propose a marriage! I've booked the ticket and hotel, candlelight dinner and bought the engagement ring.

On the d-day, I was so nervous, it reminds me of when i asked her out in Senior high school, my heart's pounding and my back starts to sweat a little, i decided to just ignore all of it and go with the flow. She was surprised that i planned a vacation to Niagara Falls and hugs me tight, we got to the airport and board the plane. We arrive in America at the afternoon so we got time to spare, we first went to the hotel and put all our luggage there then start exploring this foreign country.

At evening, we went to Niagara Falls, it was really beautiful, i was mesmerized by nature's beauty and i took a picture of her looking at the waterfall while the sun sets down, it was the most beautiful scene that I've ever seen in my life, and i feel like its the right moment.

I call her name, kneel one foot down and took out the ring, she was confused why i kneel but when she saw the ring, tears started to fall from her eyes, i proposed to her

"Agnes, Will you marry me" even though I've practice this alot with my sister, i was still really nervous, waiting for her answer, beads of sweat started falling from my head, my heart was pounding like in the past, she opened her mouth but before words came out of her mouth, she hugs me tightly and whispered near my ear

"Yes, yes i would love to marry you!"

That day, it was the happiest day of my life.

We started arranging the marriage after enjoying our holiday in Niagara falls, i told my parents that i'm getting married and told me "It took you long enough"....

My sister told me that she is happy for me but i feel like there's other emotion mixed into it when she told me that... i was also wondering when she'll get a boyfriend that time since she's only 3 years younger than me.

Me and Agnes marry each other 2 months after our trip, it was 17th July 2026, it was not too luxurious marriage but it was enough for both of us since we wanted to save our money for when we have kids, and we both planned to have 2 kids.

On the day of our marriage i prayed so that we both can live our life peacefully without any problems and our marriage can stay eternal....

But fate got something different planned for us

On my second day after marriage, i was still enjoying the atmosphere of a Newlywed couple, riding my motorcycle home from work, i was ready to engage another fierce battle with Agnes in hoping to get a child quickly.

The weather is not supporting me, the rain was very heavy, thunder claps everywhere, heavy winds kept pestering me, i was alone on the street when suddenly i blacked out...

"And that's all i could remember about my life, now can you please send me back to my home, i'm sure Agnes is worried about me, i miss her you know!"

".... why do you tell me this story, I have already told you that i'm a God right? i know all about you, i monitor your world, you're such a chatterbox. " said the girl clad in pure white clothes

"I don't care now send me back i need to see my wife now" exclaimed Vulop with a little bit of annoyed tone while thinking 'who do you think you are, pretending to be a God'

"Hey i can read your mind, i'm not pretending to be a God, I Am A God!" refuted the girl

"Prove it then"

"Fine" she then snapped her finger and the space distorts which surprised Vulop by a lot, his surroundings suddenly changes into a funeral home, in which his photo is displayed on top of a table while he sees Agnes crying, a big amount of tears rushed down from her eyes. From her red eyes you can tell that she had been crying for a while now, her originally cute appearance changes with eye bags plastered on her face.

"Wha... Agnes, what happened to you." as Vulop tried to comfort his Wife, the Girl restricts his movement and told him

"You're dead, your wife's mourning for you, good for you that you have a loving wife, now lets get back, you can't meet her right now. " She then snapped her fingers, the surrounding changes once more to the room from before

Vulop was devastated... 'I died? no it can't be real, i just got married, there's still a lot of memories that i need to make with Agnes, no, yeah, she must be joking "Stop the joke now i want to go back, send me back NOW!" said Vulop, he just want all of this to be a lie, he can't even imagine what will happen to Agnes if he really died!

"I'm not joking you really died, just accept your fate, i'm here to tell you somethi-" before she finishes her sentence, Vulop interrupts her while glaring with red eyes and some tears streaking down his face


"Well, that's the thing that i want to say to you... i kinda make a blunder and may or may not made some creatures mutate in the wrong time and indirectly kills you... sorry "

"what? what did you just say? WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU JUST SAY YOU PIECE OF SH*T!!" His anger can't be contained anymore, he swings his right arm to her face with full force but to no avail, she stopped him with just a glare

"now, now just calm down, i know i made a blunder so i'll make it up with you, i'll let you live in another world and when you're strong enough i'll let you meet your sweet wife again ok?" said the Girl, trying to convince Vulop not to stay mad

"AND WHY THE F*CK WOULD I ACCEPT THAT!" and of course he's not going to accept that.

"Calm down jeez, i'll tell you a secret, your world, Earth will change greatly in next year, mutated beast that kills you will be roaming all around the globe, and that beast is at the lowest of the food chain, as the beast evolved, humans will evolve too and gain what you humans call "Superpower", i guarantee you if you stay the same for the next 2 years, your family will surely die!" as she said that, Vulop's face became grim

"But at least i can have a chance to evolve and gain superpowers right? i can still save my Wife." refuted Vulop

"Here's the deal, i'll give you a power that's the most powerful of all the power that can be given to a human, you forget about my blunder and i'm sure you can get powerful enough to protect your family by next year, heck you could even try conquering the world. so what do you say? deal?" as she offered Vulop the deal, he was thinking quickly in his brain about what to do, on one hand he'll probably die in the next year, on the other hand he could just be separated with his wife for a year to keep her safe....

After a lot of thinking he said to the Girl "Fine i accept your offer, but what'll happen to Agnes, i need to protect her and i can't make her be worried about me, i need to tell her-"

"No can do, you're dead right now, when you're stronger, then you'll be able to go back"

"then what if she's in danger" asked Vulop worriedly

"Fine, i'll give her my blessing so she won't die even if she commit suicide, she can only die when i let her die" answered the girl with an annoyed tone, she then continued "Now just eat this pill, its the most valuable item that a god can have, i'm being generous so eat it fast or i'll take it back!"

"Ok fine jeez, you're the one who made the blunder" complained Vulop as he ate the pill, he swallowed the pill without chewing, expecting a change, but he didn't fell any, confused, he wanted to ask the girl but before he could, a space crack appeared behind him while a invisible force pushed him into the crack

"Bye bye now, don't die out there, remember, you still got a family to come back to" said the girl while smiling.

As Vulop disappear from the room with the space crack, the girl sighed deeply while muttering "Please Don't die, I've lost you once, i don't want to lose you again"

end of the past life arc, he'll come back to earth in a year or so.

Now starts the system things, the fun stuff

another chapter will probably come again today

Vulopcreators' thoughts
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