
1st life

Have you ever been reborn into the world again?

For others being reborn into the world again is a blessing but for me, it is a curse that will repeat and go on.

Before I was born in my first life, I saw that I was destined to be a wife of a loving husband and a mother of a depressed child.

And I told God that, I wanted to be born and meet the destiny assigned to me. My parents were raised filled with love, joy, excitement, and happiness, as a child, I grew up as an independent girl even though I was only 11 years old, everyone praised my parents for raising a good daughter.


They didn't know that God sends me an empty Jar and a mission when I was 9 years old.

I was told to, fill up the Jar with happiness that I earned and learned.

As I grew up, learning to clean up the house, cook for my parents, and joining my family's business. The jar keeps piling up with memories throughout the years.

I reached the age of 21 years old when I first saw the destined man that God gave me.

Everything went smoothly, just in a blink of an eye, I'm now a married woman with a loving husband and a child who hasn't been born into this wonderful world.

As many things happening around me and to the person I love my jar is almost reaching the top.

October 16 at 2:35 am, I gave birth to a baby boy.

"My child"

"Our child"

As soon a saw the red face of my newborn child, my world stops for a moment, and feels like we're the only person who is in the world.

I whispered to the ears of my child "Sometimes, even a simple and happy life has to be fought for to obtain"

My husband rushed to me and crying out of happiness seeing the flower bloom of our love.

He carried our child and my eyes are starting to close. The midwife shouted "your wife has lost an abundant of blood and she can't make it"

The jar appeared in front of me bursting with happiness inside. Suddenly an angel takes my hand and out of no reason, I forgot that I give birth to a child, had a husband.

I snapped and realize that this is the end that God allotted my mission.

I beg the angel "can you give me just a little more time to express my farewell to my newborn child and husband?"

As I said those words the angel didn't hesitate to give me some time.

"My dear husband, promise me that you'll take care of our nest and our child, filled him with love, joy, excitement, and happiness like my parents gave me" fallen tears I received from my husband

"but... I couldn't live the life you wanted for our child because you'll be not there, so please don't give up, fight for our son's future... I'm begging you do not leave us... Please..."

"Promise me that our child will grow healthy and make sure that he will have a great wife and children. Named him Basil Alger so that he will remember that our love bloom and be tough to stand on his feet"

"Don't worry I'll be on your side, my dear husband"

"In the flowers that were on your way...

In those big clouds...

Every raindrop that will land on your palm...

And in the spring breeze that will ruffle with your fluffy hair...

It will be me... Don't cry, my husband... Please smile for our child... I love you..."

"farewell my little child and my husband"