
Live and Let Die

Evil has always existed in people. But with the apparition of the metahumans the criminality began to flourish everywhere. The so-called superheroes have risen to stand against them, but why will the villains fear them when the worst they can get is a nice and warm place in jail? One of Gotham's delinquents is about to change that. After going through hell a true vigilante is born. I didn't make this just reposting cause it got deleted

OtakuWeibo · Anime e quadrinhos
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52 Chs

Chapter 51 - End

An enormous explosion shattered the terrain and obliterated any sort of lifeforms for miles around. The radiation that followed poisoned the Earth and continued to persist like a tumour for decades.

'Help me!'

Huge industrial conducts polluting the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean for dozens of square miles and killing countless aquatic living beings... Hundreds of thousands of square miles of forests razed to the ground...


It was a desperate cry, one that woke Naruto up from his sleep and almost made him jump from his bed as if someone just threw a bucket of ice-cold water on him.

'Hey, you ok?' Galatea asked sleepily.

She was startled awake by his sudden movement too because she had been sleeping with her head on his shoulder.

'Don't worry, it was just a dream. Go back to sleep, there's a big day waiting for us tomorrow.' He said and kissed the top of her head before getting out of bed and leaving.

He went outside and sat on the short-trimmed grass in his courtyard. Closing his eyes, he let himself fall into a state of communion with Nature, just like he used to do whenever he had tried to enter the Sage Mode in the past.

The desperate cry for help in his dream came from Nature - it was not hard for him to figure that out.

Once he established a deep link with nature, he placed his palm on the ground. The short grass grew to envelop his hand and a series of emotions were transmitted to him through it. They were the same like before - Nature was suffering, angry and in pain. But, unlike before, when he was still just a superpowered human, this time, its emotions could no longer overwhelm him. He was a god. Furthermore, there was something else that was different now: Nature was pleading, asking for his help.

'What do you want from me?' Naruto asked.

An inhuman voice sounded in his head:

'Help. Vengeance. God of Retribution.'

He was rendered speechless for a few moments. Only a few hours earlier that day, he had proclaimed his divine authority, his domain as a god. He had never expected the planet Earth itself to be the first one to call out for him, for his revenge.

'You've tried to directly kill me, twice, with those two lightning tribulations.' He said after a while. 'Why would I help you with anything now?'

His words caused a feeling of unrest in the wind.

'Pledging loyalty. Obedience.'

The voice speaking in his head didn't seem able to form proper sentences but it was not difficult for him to understand the message it was trying to convey.

'You want me to slaughter all the humans that are tainting you in exchange for what? Your obedience?'

He snorted.

'My mood changes alone can bring forth natural disasters; what use would your obedience have to me anymore?'

Now that he was a god, he was well above Nature's laws. Nature offering its obedience was similar to slaves offering their obedience to a lord in order to haggle for something. It made no sense because slaves had to obey their lord regardless of whether they wanted or not. Their will was irrelevant. Naruto was clearly not going to just forget how Nature's Heavenly Tribulation nearly killed him for good on the Prison Island. He tried to retract his hand but the blades of grass tightened around his hand and vines protruded from the ground and encroached his arm up to his shoulder. It was not painful - it was actually similar to how children would cling to their parents when they begged for something in spite of their reluctance to listen to them.

Through the vines and blades of grass embracing his arm, Naruto could feel Nature's hope and its pleading.

'Who would have thought that the Earth was an actual, sentient living being?' he thought in wonder.

It came as a novel thing to him. But it wasn't like it hadn't happened before for a planet to become sentient just because Naruto had not heard of it. After all, Mogo, the living planet, was known as one of the most powerful Green Lanterns due to its sheer size alone. Furthermore, the entire system of the Green Power Rings choosing their new owners whenever their previous wielders passed away was working because of Mogo alone. This sentient planet was guiding the rings and overseeing the entire process.

He was about to put more force into his arm and retract it from the vines and the blades of grass encroaching it when, unexpectedly, a glimmer of light rose from the ground and illuminated the darkness of the night. Soon after, more of them appeared in a marvellous display of light. Sensing the change in the environment around him, he opened his eyes. For the second time that night, he was a rendered speechless.

A ghost-like silhouette, glowing with white light was standing in front of him.

It was a very young girl, seemingly about 10 years old. Her pale-white spectral body was covered in leaves, her long green hair was intertwined with vines and her ears were slightly longer than those of a human and pointed to an end, like the ears of a mythical elf. However, the pure image of the child was destroyed by the patches of purple light staining her face, neck and her bare arms. The girl was not making any sounds but tears were falling down her cheeks in an unending stream.

It was Nature's incarnation.

Scene break

'You're not coming anywhere!' a man shouted.

'I'm not going to stay locked up and hide somewhere like a coward!' a young boy yelled back.

The man suddenly kicked a heavy chair to the other end of the room where it smashed into the wall. The boy froze for a moment startled, recognizing just how angry the man - his father - must have been in order to lash out like that. His father was one of the most composed people he had ever seen, hardly ever letting his emotions getting the better of him.

'Damian, you should listen to your father. He only wants your-' a tall woman with short brown hair began to say, only for the boy to snap at her with a yell:

'Don't act as if you're my mother!' he shouted back at Catwoman.

Without another word, Damian quickly left the central room of the Batcave and went to his bedroom, purposely slamming the doors shut after him with all of his strength as he passed through various rooms and corridors of the mansion. Just after he threw himself on the bed, a knock was heard on the door.

'Young master Damian?' the voice of an old man came and the boy begrudgingly sat up and went to the door to open it. For some reason, the rebellious boy has always been more inclined to listen to the old butler than to anyone else.

'What is it, Alfred?'

Scene break

Similar scenes were happening with other members of the Justice League too. Many of the weaker, more ordinary members, were forbidden to come out and take part in the conflict that was about to start, in the War against the Yellow Lantern Corps.

It was, not surprisingly, the Green Lanterns themselves - John Stewart and Hal Jordan - that set things straight right away.

'Whoever thinks they have a chance of surviving, let alone making a stand in this war against other lanterns, I invite them to come at me.'

Silence followed his words as the rest of the League's members finally realized the scale of the incoming battle.

'Among most of the Green Lantern Corps' members, there is no huge discrepancy in power. At the very least, I'm just ordinary.' John Stewart said rather humbly.

In contrast, Hal Jordan was known for his cockiness. He said all the while smirking:

'Now imagine that you'll be fighting against a few thousands of 'ordinary' lanterns, just like John over here.'

In the end, even hard-headed heroes like Nightwing or Green Arrow stopped making a fuss about being excluded from those that would participate in the fight against the Sinestro Corps. They were forced to accept that, as ordinary humans, they would be just dead weights. They weren't Batman.

That said, the weaker members were given tasks like overseeing the evacuation operations and the order and discipline in the immense underground shelters across the country alongside the forces of the army and the police. Although they were frustrated, their feelings were of no consequence in the grand scheme of things.

At the outskirts of Gotham, in Naruto's residence, there were more people than usual.

The usual people - Naruto himself, Misaki, Galatea and Barbara - were joined by Rupert Jones (the sole survivor from the Prison Island's massacre), and Tsume, the leading figure of the Mad Dogs Gang and the head of the Inuzuka family, together with her daughter and son, Hana and Kiba and Barbara Gordon's family.

Barbara was on no speaking terms with her family but she had stepped on her pride and ego and came to ask them to join them at Naruto's house because - in her words - that place was going to be the safest place on Earth for the foreseeable future. She didn't want her family to get killed even if, for the past 3 years since Misaki's supposed death, they have been in a relationship similar to a cold war.

'The war is going to start any moment now.' Naruto suddenly said and most of the occupants of his large living room became anxious.

'Just stay calm and listen to my clone's orders while I'm away.'

Misaki came to hug him and said softly in his ear:

'Be safe, please! I want to see you back in one piece when this is over.'

Naruto broke the hug and patted her head gently. Before leaving, he said full of confidence:

'Don't worry. This war won't last more than a day. Galatea and I will make sure of that.'

Then, he went to his bedroom. He had one last thing to do.

A very loud sound of bones popping was heard and Naruto's spinal cord started to grow out of his back together with his ribs and the bones of his legs.

'Holy shit, that's creepy!' Galatea said from the side, unknowingly reverting to her habit of speaking in an unladylike manner.

In all the fairness, in an onlooker's eyes, it was definitely a very startling scene. It appeared as though a complete skeleton made of blue, crystal-like bones were growing out of Naruto's back. It also came as a shock for her when flesh started to appear on the skeleton at an alarming pace, in less than 30 seconds becoming a perfectly normal body, even clothed.

It was Naruto's clone. It was a clone technique different from the Kage Bunshin. It was a clone technique created by Naruto himself. A Bone Clone, a clone that would not dispel after being damaged hit. It had to be killed in the same manner as Naruto himself. While the combat power of the bone clone was half of the original body, its durability was exactly the same. Who could say confidently on Earth that they could kill Naruto as he was now?

Galatea watched in morbid fascination as the process was repeated for 4 more times. Five Bone Clones.

With a thought, 4 of clones disappeared from the house with a Body Flicker Movement, only one being left behind.

Naruto didn't need to instruct the clones verbally. They were telepathically linked. The four Bone Clones were sent each to a different continent - one to Europe, in Munchen, one to Asia, in Hong Kong, one to Africa, in Cape Town and one in South America, in Rio de Janeiro. As for the 5th clone, it was going to remain at home, right next to his sister, to protect her and everyone that had gathered there.

According to Doctor Fate, while over 80% of the Sinestro Corps would start their assault in the United States, another part would attack the rest of the world once New York was razed to the ground. At least that's how it was the first t The 4 Bone Clones' mission was to kill any enemy that was sent outside the USA.

Scene break

A sphere several hundred feet wide encased the western part of Brooklyn in New York. It was invisible to the naked eye but, inside of it, there were thousands of beings waiting in hiding.

Superman, Wonder Woman the Flash, Martian Manhunter and a few other tens of members of the Justice League were there as well but they were a minority. Most of the people in there were members of the Green Lantern Corps, nearly 3 thousands of them.

Furthermore, above everyone's head, a dozen or so small and blue-skinned humanoid beings were floating next to each other. They were the Guardians of the Universe, the leaders of the Green Lantern Corps themselves.

Unlike the first time around, the Green Lanterns were not fooled into thinking that the Sinestro Corps would launch an all-out attack on Oa. It had not been easy for John Stewart and Hall Jordan to convince them that Doctor Fate was not a lunatic and that the Sinestro Corps really won the war the first time. It was only after Kyuubi, whom they recognised as a new but extremely dangerous Yellow Lantern, confirmed their sayings and showed them a replay of the Sinestro's last war meeting with his corps that the Guardians of the Universe finally accepted their words as true.

Thanks to Doctor Fate everything had changed this time around: nearly the entire Green Lantern Corps was on Earth, fully prepared for killing their enemies, Superman, Supergirl, Naruto, Galatea and many other members of the Justice League were alive too and the population in most of the large cities of the USA had been already evacuated to the underground shelters that the government had built month before.

'Sorcerer, are you sure this shield makes us undetectable?' one of the Guardians asked.

'Nobody would be able to sense us as long as they're not less than half a mile away. I guarantee.'

The Guardian was about to follow up with another question but he was stopped when a yellow beam of light suddenly exploded into the Statue of Liberty, obliterating it.

'They're here!' exclaimed everyone.

One of the Guardians said:

'I won't go again over everything we have planned before. I am sure you know what to do. Just remember that it is not only this planet's fate that rests on your shoulder but that of the entire Universe.'

'There is no room for feelings of sympathy. There is no room for mercy.'

'Remember that weight of the responsibility you're carrying on your shoulder!'

'It's kill or be killed! This is war!'

Thousands of yellow lights began to appear in the sky, the Yellow Lanterns appearing now in everyone's sight.

Right at that moment, a chorus of powerful voices was heard: nearly 3 thousand people began to recite solemnly, at the same time:

'In Brightest Day,

In Blackest Night,

No evil shall escape my sight!

Let those who worship evil's might,

Beware my power:


Just as they shouted the last line, a green light blinded everyone and Doctor Fate's spell became undone.


A deafening battle cry broke out from their chests! Like berserkers, as one, the Green Lantern Corps and the Justice League threw themselves at their enemies. With the Guardians themselves leading the attack, a one-sided slaughter began! The Sinestro Corps had never expected to meet the Green Lantern Corps on Earth. They had never expected to find New York, a city housing over 10 million people, completely empty like an abandoned ghost town. And they had definitely not expected the Guardians of the Green Lanterns to lead the attack themselves, nor for them to be so vicious.

Over a hundred of Yellow Lanterns were killed in the first minute of the fight!

The element of surprise coupled with the Green Lanterns being amped by the power of their Oath proved to be deadly. Fear began to gnaw at their hearts.

Suddenly, a powerful scream overpowered the entire noise on the battlefield:

'Green Lanterns, Justice League, Superman! Come at me! Come at me, I will kill you all by myself!'

Dressed in a special suit sporting the colour and the motif of the Sinestro Corps, it was none other than Superboy-Prime himself.

'Hahaha-' maniacal laughter came out of his throat but it was cut mid-way as what looked like a flaming meteorite slammed into his body!

A deafening boom and a massive shockwave exploded from the impact! It was as though reality itself was wrapped and all the buildings for several hundred feet around were turned to ash. Crimson flames hotter than the sun itself were pulverizing everything! But they were obviously well-controlled as they quickly subsided and a tall and athletic woman with short blonde hair and dressed in a white bodysuit appeared from within the flames. It was Galatea.

'Oh my god!'

'Are you for real?'

'I-Is this the power of a Kryptonian?'

The messy battlefield became as silent a cemetery. Green and Yellow Lanterns alike were shocked for a moment.

Their stunned state, however, was further prolonged when the day suddenly started to grow dim. It was as if there was a solar eclipse - a gigantic body covered the sun. Crimson red, over a 1000 feet tall and just as wide and with 9 enormous tails that created winds with the strength of a tornado with a simple flap...It was an enormous nine-tailed fox.

It was as large as a mountain.

It was Kyuubi.

A primordial roar shook the atmosphere. It shattered all the windows of the thousands of buildings in the city below and many structures collapsed from the power of the roar. A demonic fire started to burn around his mouth and something like a mythical dragon's breath incinerated dozens of Yellow Lanterns in a heartbeat. Not even their Power Rings survived!

Panic overwhelmed the Yellow Lanterns. The harbingers of terror themselves were now tasting their own medicine at the betrayal and might of Kyuubi. Endless power surged into Kyuubi's Power Ring and booming laughter exploded from him, his demonic voice dripping with malicious glee.

'Bwahaha! So much destruction! So much death!

'Come at me vermins! I'll squash you all like the insignificant bugs you are!'

A gigantic ball of purple-black chakra started to be amassed at Kyuubi's mouth. He was a charging a massive bijuudama!

'What are you doing, you IDIOT?! Are you trying to kill everyone there, friend and enemy alike?!' Naruto yelled through their telepathic connection.

Although he was no longer Kyuubi's jinchuuriki, he could still communicate mentally with Kyuubi when they were in proximity.


'Ups, my ass!' Naruto retorted.

'Sorry, sorry. I got a bit too much into it. My bad.' Kyuubi chuckled clearly unrepentant.

When he was about to stop charging the bijuudama, an enormous beam of destruction - as large as his colossal body - was suddenly shot at him. Kyuubi's senses alerted him of mortal danger and he quickly fired off the incomplete bijuudama at the ray of destruction coming at him.

But the beam swallowed his tailed beast bomb like it was nothing and continued on its trajectory, all the buildings in its path disintegrating like the dust in the wind. Just as it was about to engulf him as well, a gigantic sphere of yellow light appeared around Kyuubi from his Yellow Power Ring. The terror his size alone had inspired in the thousands of yellow lanterns around amplified the power of his Power Ring to unprecedented levels - the seemingly unstoppable ray of destruction couldn't even crack Kyuubi's yellow light construct. That deadly ray, however, was reflected at the side: Manhattan and half of the Bronx district simply disappeared. Buildings, cars, trees - it was as though they never existed. Only a desolate plain was left in the wake of the attack.

'That's enough, Kurama. Our plan worked.' Naruto said.

Their plan was from the beginning for Kyuubi to openly betray the Sinestro Corps and cause immense destruction in order to lure the Anti-Monitor out, to force its hand and come on the front lines by itself.

A being in bulky armour over 10 feet tall landed in front of Kyuubi with a crash. Then, another ray of anti-matter burst from it in all directions, annihilating everything in its passing.

Kyuubi didn't feel like testing the protective capabilities of his ring once again. With a gigantic leap, he quickly jumped to several thousand feet away and continued after that to distance himself from the Anti Monitor by flying with the assistance of his Power Ring.

Kyuubi wasn't the only one that retreated from in front of the wave of antimatter. The two Corps of lanterns and the Justice League also flew away, putting a safe distance between them and the Anti Monitor.

However, there was one person that didn't run away. Standing only a few tens of feet away from the Anti Monitor, the wave of anti-matter was going around him like a river parted in front of a large rock. He was simply unaffected. Dressed in a set of plain black clothes - the traditional ninja outfit of this world - it was none other than Naruto.

'I've waited for you to come out,' he said and he raised his right hand towards the sky.

Like magic, the sky all of a sudden became covered with such thick black clouds that a semi-darkness was instilled, making the previously bright day appear like a dark evening, right before the sunset. The rain started to pour like a torrent, further darkening the day.

Naruto let his hand fall to the ground as he shouted:


An enormous serpentine dragon of lightning with the thickness of a skyscraper lunged from the sky and collided straight into the Anti Monitor! The thunderclap that followed was so powerful that it actually ruptured the eardrums of some of the superheroes that were in range!

The target of the attack itself was frozen. Before it could recuperate itself, an aura of black lightning burst from Naruto's body. It was so thick and so dark, that his physical characteristics became impossible to discern. Only a hazy silhouette could be seen from behind the cackling curtain of black lightning. Quickly, the aura of lightning around him intensified even more as his body grew a set of large draconic wings and a new appendage - a deadly looking bone-tail with spikes on its end. His skin turned grey-ish black and metallic scales covered him from head to toes. Bone spikes started to protrude from all over his torso and back, the white of his eyes became black and his blue irises turned a crimson red, with the pupils becoming slit. Claws grew out from the fingers of his hands and feet and two demonic horns grew out from his forehead.

Now, he looked like a humanoid dragon. Like a demonic being out of nightmares.

Naruto was not going to pull any punches. He transformed into his most powerful state right away and covered himself in the thickest Raiton no Yoroi (Lightning Armour) that he had ever conjured. He was about to launch himself at the still frozen Anti Monitor when white specs of light began to rise up from the ground - they appeared especially eye-catching in the semi-darkness.

At that moment, the battle between the two lantern Corps was stopped, the two battling sides standing away from each other and watching the clash between the humanoid dragon and the Anti Monitor. It was the calm between the storm. Two immortal beings way above their level were about to clash. This wasn't a fight they could take part in.

However, Kyuubi and Galatea were not like the others. Instead of standing in place stupefied, Galatea seemed to blur out of existence as she disappeared in a burst of speed towards the direction where she had blasted Superboy-Prime to.

As for Kyuubi, now that the two battling camps were divided, there was nothing holding him back from launching the most destructive attack of a bijuu: the tailed beast bomb!

A mile in radius crater appeared in the ground and a devastating shockwave levelled all the buildings in Brooklyn as the Anti-Monitor's body left sonic booms behind from the speed at which its body was blasted into the outer space!

At the same time, an enormous tailed beast bomb almost as large as Kyuubi's own colossal body was shot from his mouth towards the Sinestro Corps' members. They all pooled in their power to create a powerful yellow construct just as the bijuudama detonated!

When the blast settled down, and smoke disappeared, the Yellow Lanterns were seen to be still alive but their construct of yellow light looked like cracked glass. And that was the moment when the rest finally decided to intervene! Wonder Woman suddenly jumped and plunged her divine sword into the centre of the construct, making it start flickering. Superman and Supergirl followed right after and punched explosively! The construct of yellow light that over two thousand Yellow Lanterns have created with their Power Rings finally collapsed, being blasted apart.

A massacre ensued. The Sinestro Corps were annihilated.

Scene break


A groan of pain came from the depths of a smouldering crater.

'That bitch!'

He screamed as rose up to his feet quickly but choked on his words as blood burst from his mouth because of the sudden strain that he had put on his body.

'Fuck! I'll rip her to shreds!'

The suit that he had gone to great lengths to build in order to store the sun's radiation and ensure the fact that he would not be left powerless during the night was in tatters now. And, if that was not enough, there was a 2-inch deep indentation in the right side of his torso. The ribs in that area were shattered and the liver behind them was badly damaged as well. The hair on his face and head was burning and blood was trailing from his ears and from the corner of his mouth...

...and all that from just a punch.

A sickening sound was heard as Superboy-Prime brutishly rearranged his broken ribs with his bare hands while he was absorbing the solar radiation to heal himself.

When the pain finally subsided and his wounds healed, he took notice of his surroundings - there was only white. Snowy plains and mountains surrounded him from everywhere. There was no sign of civilisation at all. Superboy was not aware of it, but Galatea's punch catapulted him to thousands of miles away - straight in the centre of Greenland.

He didn't have time to further think about his situation because, at that moment, the object of his rage came into his field of view: dressed in a white bodysuit and with crimson red flames flickering around her fists, it was none other than Galatea.

'So it was a Kryptonian. No wonder.' Superboy said in acknowledgement. In his eyes, only a fellow Kryptonian could possibly possess that kind of strength.

'You're not half bad.'

'On second thought, you're not bad at all. You look positively delicious,' he said as he leered at the body parts that her white suit was leaving exposed: the window in her cleavage and her long legs with sexy thighs and strong looking calves.

'I wouldn't mind keeping you alive just to have a few goes at you.'

Despite his despicable words, there was no lust in his eyes. It was in his character to destroy someone not only physically but to break their mind too.

'I'm taken by someone who's 10 times the man you can ever hope to be,' Galatea said, her blue eyes starting to burn crimson with anger, her heat vision ready to shoot at any moment. 'You're pathetic.'

'Maybe I'll have to kill that jerk first then... or no, I'll probably keep him alive just make him watch as I fuck y-' he began to say but his words died out in his throat when five fingers clenched around his neck, abruptly cutting his breath out.

'I'm going to kill you,' Galatea said and choke-slammed him viciously into the ground which collapsed in itself from the immense force of the hit.

She was done talking. Bending down to his unmoving body, she smashed a devastating punch into his head. The ground ruptured and a chasm of huge proportions appeared like the jaws of a primordial beast to swallow Superboy's falling body. She wasn't done, however: two immensely wide heat beams shot from her eyes. They hit Superboy fully and melted the entire area 2 miles around, transforming it from a frozen waste into a smouldering pool of fire, like the mouth of a volcano.

Still burning and with the skin all over his body charred, Superboy-Prime suddenly flew up screaming and punched Galatea in the gut hurling her a few good hundred feet back. He was about to follow up with an uppercut but his form was too sloppy. From the moment she was born, Galatea had been trained to become the perfect fighting machine; the perfect warrior. After recovering from the surprise of the first hit, Superboy's punched looked ridiculous in her eyes. She blocked his punch and headbutted him in the nose, disorienting him. He didn't have time to get a hold of himself before an axe kick to the clavicle sent him back down crashing into the pool of fire below.

But he flew up again and lunged at her like a savage beast. He was swinging his fists widely and throwing even spinning kicks but none were meeting their mark.

'Stay still!' he screamed incensed at seeing he wasn't able to land even a punch on her. 'Stop running like a cunt. Fight me! FIGHT ME, BITCH!'

Galatea merely kept her silence, only continuing to block his hits and counterattacking right after.

'I've expected more. So much more.' she thought in disappointment. 'He is very powerful physically. And his durability is something else, I'll give him that. But that's it.'

'He's pathetic.'

He had no martial arts skill, no skill whatsoever.

'He looks more like a kid throwing a tantrum.'

Doctor Fate had made Superboy-Prime look like one of the 2 'ultimate bosses' in the war. And that was truly the case for him and the rest of the Justice League - unlike Superman, Superboy-Prime was immune to Kryptonite, he had no weakness against magic either and his power and durability made him a complete monster.

However, Galatea's physical strength and durability were not any lower than his. They were evenly matched, a reason for what their fight became a fight of skill. And it was a one-sided beatdown.

Superboy-Prime had never met anyone as powerful as him. He had never needed to devise any strategies; he had never needed any training. He had always overwhelmed his enemies with brute strength alone. His immense strength had even altered the reality itself at some point. And now, when he finally met his match in every aspect, he was realizing just how weak he actually was compared to someone that had skill on their side.

'Is that all you've got?' Galatea asked eventually as she sent him crashing into the ground for what had to be the 20th time already.

His entire body soaked in blood and battered was making a great contrast with Galatea's perfect appearance. There wasn't even a drop on blood on her white suit and even her hairstyle was style perfect, with not even a strand of hair straying. Compared to her, he looked like a dead dog.

'I guess it's time to wrap this up,' she said and her killing intent flooded the air.

When he heard her words, the reality of the situation finally sank in. For the first time, Superboy actually began to fear for his life. An afterimage was left behind his body as he disappeared with a great burst of speed.

'You think you can run away?' She laughed and her lips curled into a mocking smile.

She started burning the chakra in her pathways and a fiery red light coated her skin. Sonic booms were left after her as she started to break the sound barrier, her speed only continuing to steeply increase.

Scene break

The Anti-Monitor's armour was full of cracks and the antimatter was leaking through them at an alarming pace. It was a wonder that the devastating blow it had suffered had not outright blasted him to pieces - after all, it launched him into the outer space like a rocket.

Before the Anti Monitor could stabilize its condition, it saw what looked like a rain of light floating from the direction of the Earth. It didn't have time to make sense of the situation however as another crushing punch shattered half of its armour's ribcage, sending it crashing into the moon.

It was Naruto in all of his draconic glory.

But when he stopped, the rain of light coming from the planet below finally caught up to him.

'What is this...?' he muttered to himself distracted as he saw the specs of light rushing at him and sinking into his skin as if he were a magnet attracting metals. But then, immense power started to surge through his body.

'Nature's energy?'

It was, however, different from any other time he had ever gathered the natural energy to create senjutsu before. This time, Nature itself was willingly offering him its essence, its vitality.

As he continued to absorb Nature's potent energy, he understood the lengths to which Nature, the Earth, was willing to go to in order to earn his acceptance: as the planet kept sending its energy to empower Naruto, all the major deserts started to expand at an alarming rate. Nature was literally offering him part of its life.

He recalled the Nature's words: 'Pledging loyalty. Obedience.'

'You've won me over,' Naruto said and sighed. 'I will not leave your deeds unpaid. For your help today, I will honour your request.'

'I will get vengeance for you.'

The moment he proclaimed that, a foreign rush of energy that he had never felt before flooded his being.

It was the power of faith. It was the power of a god.

He clenched his fists as he dived towards the moon where the Anti Monitor was trying to mend back his armour, the only thing allowing it to exist in the positive side of the Universe.

'I won't just destroy your armour.'

He had no intention of just banishing the Anti Monitor back into the anti-matter Universe. He was a god. And now, he was amped by the power of a god and the power of his universe - the Nature's essence. He was going to kill the Anti Monitor.

A tornado of lightning burst from his body. A moment later, a crater of the size of Texas appeared on the surface of the moon. Not even a spec was left from the Anti-Monitor.

Scene break

The War was over. From the beginning until the end, thanks to Doctor Fate and months of planning and preparations, the Green Lanterns and the Justice League won. This time around, the Yellow Lanterns never held the advantage. They were utterly suppressed. They were all killed, to the very last one.

Only a few moments after the Guardians of the Green Lanterns wrapped up the fight against the Sinestro Corps, Galatea also appeared, carrying Superboy-Prime's corpse by the hair. He was unrecognizable. His body was charred black, he was missing a leg, his arms were bent in a wrong angle and his head was at his back, clearly a sign of having his neck snapped. He had died a gruesome death.

Two terrible beings - Superboy-Prime and the Anti Monitor - were killed on the same day by Galatea and Naruto. Two beings that could threaten the entire Universe died in a tiny and insignificant corner of the Universe, on Earth and its moon.

The news of the battle spread to every corner of the known Universe. In no time, there was nobody who didn't know of Earth and of the Absolute Duo - the couple that had killed two of the most powerful beings in the Universe. Naruto and Galatea became a living legend.