
Child's story time.

"Nana please read me a story" A bright green eyed little red head calls to her grandmother.

"What story do you want tonight my dear?" Lillian's Grandmother asked.

"Little Red Riding Hood."she says with excitement in her voice.

"That one again?" Her grandmother laughs.

"It's my favorite Nana."Lillian says with puppy dog eyes.

Every night for the past year Lillian asked her Nana to read only one book. It was the last present she had gotten from her mother and father, along with a red shawl.

Lillian's parents were killed in a plane crash a year ago and now she lived with her grandmother in a little house on forest road.

Her grandmother starts to read...

'Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was very kind and was loved by all.

She loved to visit her grandmother who lived in the middle of the forest.

Her grandmother loved her so much that she made her a red cloak which the little girl wore everywhere she went, so everyone started calling her Little Red Riding Hood.

One day her mother had baked a set of goodies and asked Little Red Riding Hood to take them to her grandmother.

Little Red was always happy to go visit her grandmother, but on the way she met a Wolf.

"What do you have there Little Red Riding Hood?" asked the Wolf.

"I have a basket of goodies for my grandmother." she said.

"Oh, let me take a look at those delectable things, you can spare just one can't you?" the Wolf asked.

"No, these are for my grandmother. I'm sorry Mr. Wolf but maybe next time I will bring you some too." Little Red Riding Hood went on through the forest.

Well the Wolf wanted her basket of goodies so much that he took a shortcut to grandmother's house.

He locked grandma into the closet and dressed up in her nightgown and bed cap. Then climb into granny's bed to wait for Red.

Soon Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door and the Wolf said in an old lady's voice, "Come in dearie."

Little Red Riding Hood open the door, she was a little cautious because that did not sound like her grandmother. As she walked in she seen the Wolf in grannies Bed.

"My grandma what big eyes you have." Red said.

"The better to see you with my dear." the Wolf said

"Grandma what big ears you have."

"The better to hear you with my dear."

"Grandma what a big nose you have."

"The better to smell the delicious goodies you have a my dear."

"Grandma what big teeth you have"

"The better to eat all those goodies up." and the Wolf jumped up and grabbed Little Red Riding Hood basket and ran out the door.

Out side a woodsman was chopping some trees and seen the wolf. He knew the wolf had to be up to no good so he went after him.

The wolf was so scared that he dropped the basket so the woods man went back to grandmas and help Red get her grandmother out of the closet and they all set and had tea and goodies together.

As for the wolf he was so scared he ran away and was never seen again'

Since Lillian was only four this was a story unlike the original where Grandma gets eaten and the wolf dies.

Lillian read and reread this story all her life. When she was 16 her grandmother got her the Grimm Fairytale book. She still like the one with the happy ending.

Growing up she was a kind child just like Red but not many of the kids liked her. They would make fun of her and tease her. They even stole her red shawl when she was a freshman in high school.

A Junior boy with dark eyes and jet black hair got it back for her.

"Hey, Sorry for the jerks taking this. Here, be careful from now on." He said

"Thank you. I'm Lillian Hood." She said as he handed her the shawl.

"Like I care kid. Just stay out of our way." He walked away with his friends laughing at her.

She would never forget this boy and would dream of him. Even though he had hurt her feeling, she still had a crush on him.

She had tried to talk to him a few times but each time he looked down on her.

She would spend the next three years alone with only her memory of her dark haired boy.

Little did she know that in a few years she would soon be in a real live story of Little Red Riding Hood with a dark twist.

Jake Smith Wolf would become a powerful man who always got what he wanted. Little did Lillian know she would become the basket of goodies he was after.

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