
Liony's Living Burden  Liony's Living Burden  Liony's Living Burden  Liony's Living Burden


A bundle of used cardboard that was brought by Liony is now lying on the floor of the house which is filled with used goods. A middle-aged woman, seen sitting looking at Liony with a limp face. That woman is none other than Mooji, Mother of Liony. Since his father died, Mooji is often sick and gradually becomes paralyzed. With this condition, Liony has to work hard every day to meet their needs. "Mother.. Eat!" said Liony as he opened a packet of rice that he had just bought. Mooji slowly opened his mouth. Liony bribed his mother with rice with a piece of fish. When his mother ate, a lot of rice came out scattered due to the stroke he suffered. Liony remained patient and always persuaded his mother to continue to eat for his health. "Drink first, okay?" Liony took a drink of water while spooning it into his mother's mouth. Mooji's eyes seemed to say that he was very sorry to see his son Liony. Seeing his mother like that, Liony stroked his mother's hair. Liony could guess, what was going on in his mother's mind. Mooji's eyes seemed to say that he was very sorry to see his son Liony. Seeing his mother like that, Liony stroked his mother's hair. Liony could guess, what was going on in his mother's mind. Mooji raised his hand slightly as if to say that he was full. While cleaning up the leftover food that was stuck and scattered, now Liony stood up and raised the glass that his mother had just used. Dull face, wrinkled and dirty clothes have become Liony's daily life. Liony plans to take a shower and return to the room with Mooji. The day seemed to be getting dark, now Liony closed the fragile curtain that was made as an insulator for their room, with piles of used goods that he had worked on for several days. The next day, Liony planned to take all his used goods to Boss Wuyan's place. With a fragile wagon, he pushed everything all the way to where Wuyan was.

"You brought a lot of stuff today, Liony?" said Boss Wuyan.Yes, Kho." replied Liony while taking out his used goods to be weighed immediately. The banknotes that Liony received could only cover the simplest living expenses for two days. Without lingering, Liony took back his cart while pushing it home. In the small and shabby house, Liony takes back the sack and other equipment as a tool for him to return to his fortune by collecting used goods around the city.

"Prack...!" Liony heard something falling from inside the house. He turned and saw what and where the voice was coming from.

The door of the house was pushed by Liony. He was surprised to see that his mother had been crushed by pieces of the wood supporting her house, broken because it was starting to rot. "Mother...!" Liony shouted and immediately helped his mother. The piece of wood that fell onto his mother's back left Mooji injured and unconscious. Liony panicked seeing his mother's condition at that time. "What should I do?" inner Lion. He shouted calling people around for help to help his mother. "What's wrong with Lion?" asked some of the local residents. "Liony's mother was injured and unconscious because a piece of wood fell on her house. Let's help!" other residents answer "Where are you going to take Mooji? To the hospital? Do you have enough money for the fees?" The question became a matter of debate among local residents.

Liony can't wait to see his mother linger unconscious. He took a long cloth while carrying Mooji on his back. Liony doesn't care about the heavy burden anymore. Dripping in sweat, he carried his mother down the street to the hospital. "Help my mother, Doctor!" Liony pleaded while crying. He could not do much to force the hospital, because of the cost. "Help this patient!" Doctor's orders to the nurses on duty that day. Mooji was taken to the ICU, where he was treated by a doctor and several nurses. Liony is waiting outside. He looked so worried about his mother who was injured and unconscious. The doctor who treated Mooji came out of the room. He called Liony to talk in his room. "Excuse me, what's your name? Are you the patient's child?" ask doctor "Yes Doctor. My name is Liony. I am his family as well as his child," he answered.

Here you go, Lion. Your mother has serious internal injuries. It's likely that it will take him a long time to come to his senses. Honestly, with his coma like that, he needs special treatment in this hospital, of course it costs a lot. Are you ready with everything, Liony?" Like being struck by lightning, Liony heard the Doctor's words. He didn't know what to say to the Doctor. Cost, was the main thing that became the challenge at that time. As a scavenger, he finds it impossible to get his mother's medical expenses. "How's Lion?" Again the doctor was waiting for Liony's answer. As a child who had been raised by his mother, Liony at that time became excited and felt he could do anything for his mother's life. "Okay Doctor, I am responsible for all the costs. I hope the doctor will provide the best service for my mother, so that she can recover as soon as possible," answered Liony. "Then we from the Hospital keep your promise, Liony." Liony came out of the Doctor's room. He sat for a while thinking, what steps would he take to make up for all the hospital fees. A great spirit grew in Liony's mind at that time. Whatever he can do as long as the work can be done by humans. He did not care, no matter how hard work he would do to get his mother's medical expenses. "I have to earn at least one hundred thousand rupiah in one day. I can't lose. For my mother, I will do anything," thought Liony. Liony walks on the edge of town. He saw that there were many construction workers. Sand, Stone, and also Cement are the main materials that they have to handle every day. "Excuse me, sir. Can I work here?" asked Lion. The worker in front of Liony saw it while laughing at Liony's words. Liony did not care about the ridicule from the worker. He even met the boss who was walking around to see the condition of the building. "Excuse me, sir. Is there a job vacancy for me?" The man looked and wasn't sure if a woman wanted to work on the project. "Hey..you are a woman, you must be in the wrong place when looking for work in this place. There are only men here, it is very dangerous for women to work here." he answered. "I don't care about the risks, sir. As long as humans can do it, I'm sure I can do it." replied Lion. The man became more and more curious about Liony. He was sure, there must be serious problems faced by the woman in front of him. "It seems you are in trouble. If I may ask, what is the reason you want to work here?" asked the man.

My mother is sick and in a coma. The doctor said my mother would be conscious in quite a while. The doctor also said that I could cover the cost of treatment and hospitalization. I am the only child and my mother's family. For that reason, I want to do anything for my mother, sir." The man was silent and felt concerned for Liony. He applauds Liony's great responsibility and work ethic for his mother.