
The Twins who Lived

It was midnight, in a neighborhood called Privet drive and a man had suddenly appeared at the corner of a street. He had long white hair, a beard that reached his waist, and had a long blue robe to match his half-circle glasses. He grabs an item out of his pocket and opens it flicking it at each light as they all go out leaving no light in the street but two small eyes from a cat.

The man then walks up to the cat chuckling "I should have known you would be here, Professor McGonagall." the cat then transforms into a human who has an emerald-green robe and her hair in a tight bun.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true, Albus?" she questioned

"Im afraid so, Professor. The good, and the bad."

"And the twins?" she asks.

"Hagrid is bringing them." dumbledore answered.

"Do you think it's wise? To trust Hagrid with something as important as this."

"Ah, Professor i would trust Hagrid with my life."

As he says that, they hear a loud rumbling noise. They look up to see a flying motorbike with a passenger's seat once it lands

"No problems i suggest, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asks.

Hagrid replies "no sir, the boy fell asleep just as we were flying over bristol and the girl is just sitting there staring off into space."

"Oh poor thing, probably terrified." McGonigall says.

"How can she be? Young Sirius made them forget, says they shouldnt remember something bad at such a young age."

"Maybe we should check if it worked." McGonagall said taking out her wand.

"No, d-don't hurt us." Rose said staring at the wand.

"No sweetheart of course not." McGonagall says putting the wand away. "You're going to be living at your aunt and uncles house from now on ok?"she nods shaking harry awake.

"What Rosy?" he asks sitting up. He rubs his forehead revealing a scar shaped like a lightning bolt.

"Rose, do you have a scar like harry's?" Dumbledore asked.

She nods showing her wrist and a scar shaped like a spider (kinda like the spider on Spider-mans suit, the homecoming one)

"Can we go in now? It's cold, and I'm tired." asked Harry. Rose nods taking Harry's hand and starts walking towards the house ringing the doorbell. Some shuffling could be heard inside before the door opens revealing a skinny woman with short brown hair.

"Oh dear, please come in." she says opening the door so they can go inside.

"Aunt tuni, can we go to our room please?" Harry says.

"Of course go ahead you know where it is." the twins nod as Harry goes to the room. "Rose, aren't you tired?" petunia asks.

She shakes her head "tuni im scared."

At that time the professors clear their throat signaling that they are still there. "Well, I assume Rose can explain what happened." dumbledore said apparating back to his home.

"Oh don't mind him." McGonnagal says. "Voldemort found them and they didnt make it out alive, somehow the twins did, i suggest you get rose checked for PTSD the memory wiping charm didnt work."

"Oh dear." petunia gasps.

"Im very sorry for your loss, however i must get back home."

"O-of course go ahead."

The professors have left and petunia asks rose what happened

Petunias POV

I then calm ask rose what happens and she looks as if she is in a deep thought. About two minutes later she starts screaming and throwing punches at random. "No don't hurt Harry, go away, leave us alone you big meanie." she then let out a very high pitched scream shuting her eyes and covering her ears. I wait for her episode to be over while everyone in the house comes down the stairs.

"Mumm whats happening to Rose?" dudley asks.

"Nothing sweatpea just don't touch her ok." he nods. I go closer to Rose and hug her, taking her hands off of her ears. "Shh, it's okay rose it's all over no one is here you and harry are safe, it's okay."

Rose's eyes snapped open and she starts crying even more "i wan' momma an daddy." she says hugging me.

"I know, how about we all try to get some sleep and you can feel better after." she nods getting up towards Harry.

3rd POV

"Lets go to sleep Har." she says. He nods and so they go up to the room to sleep.

hey, its your fellow author here reminding you that you are all valid and if you ever need someone to talk to im here for you, whether its advice for your story or advice for real life im here for anything you might need i accept everyone as long as what you do doesnt hurt anyone so yea, have a nice day my guys gals and non bianary pals.

question of the day, what is your favorite food?

mine is dino nuggies

K4rm4creators' thoughts
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