
Nozel Prefers Asher over Solid And Nebra

"B-Brother, but why is he... What is he doing here?" Nebra stammered nervously, her anxiety evident in her voice. Her older brother was the person she feared the most, causing her to feel a sense of unease and uncertainty at his unexpected presence.

"It's none of your concern. I have already assigned you both a mission, haven't I? Carry it out," Nozel stated icily, his tone leaving no room for argument or discussion.

"U-Understood, big brother," Solid said with sweat all over his face. He then dragged Nebra out.

Asher observed the scene with disinterest, his gaze reflecting his growing boredom. He had no desire to witness the squabbles between siblings and felt a pressing need to depart. His time was precious, and he had little patience for trivial disputes that held no relevance to his own objectives.

With the departure of Nebra and Solid, Nozel exhaled a deep breath. He directed his gaze towards Asher, realizing the potential implications if news of their encounter were to reach Fuegoleon and the Crimson Lions. Nozel was well aware that such an incident could result in a loss of prestige for both the Silver Eagles and himself personally.

The sheer intensity of the Vermillion family's protectiveness towards their own was beyond anyone's imagination. If Asher were to be subjected to mistreatment or bullying within the Silver Eagles headquarters, the consequences would be severe. Merely envisioning the formidable Mereoleona storming into the headquarters caused Nozel to develop a pounding headache, fully aware of the dire repercussions such a scenario would bring.

But Asher is not easy to bully. He will never let himself be bullied. That's why, even though he didn't admit it, he acknowledged Asher's strength, just as he acknowledged Fuegoleon as his rival.

Despite the preceding events, Nozel managed to maintain a calm demeanor, his face betraying no sign of disturbance or acknowledgment of the situation that had unfolded.

"Let us proceed to my office. I will provide a detailed explanation there," Nozel stated, motioning for Asher to follow as he began to make his way towards his office.

"Very well," Asher replied nonchalantly.


"You want me to help you raid the terrorist camp?" Asher said, drinking the hot chocolate that Nozel gave him.

Nozel confirmed, "Yes, you are a perfect candidate for this mission. The captain of Coral Peacock will be joining us as well. We only need two captains and a few members from our squads. The Wizard King has given me the authority to choose members from either Crimson Lion or Golden Dawn to ensure the success of the mission. That is why I have chosen you, Asher. You possess the necessary qualifications to be part of the team."

"Why not pick your siblings?"

"I would prefer to work alongside you rather than those two. Their presence may complicate the mission unnecessarily."

"I understood. Then, when will we attack?" Asher asked.

"Everything was already planned. We will attack the day after tomorrow."

"Fine, I'll be there."


The next day

Asher roused from his slumber and stretched his body with a yawn. Sitting up on the bed, he rubbed his eyes to clear away any traces of sleepiness. He found himself still at the Silver Eagle headquarters, having been advised by Nozel to stay there overnight, considering there was another meeting scheduled in the headquarters, saving Asher from the hassle of tiring himself out again.

As Asher got dressed and prepared for the day, he carefully pinned the medal bestowed upon him by the Wizard King to the left front side of his robe. Adjusting his slightly disheveled hair, he was interrupted by a knock on the door, capturing his attention.

He walked towards the door and opened it, revealing a woman with lilac hair and fair skin standing before him. She was slightly shorter than average height and adorned a pointed hat with a wide brim. A garland of natural flowers was elegantly wrapped around the base of the hat, adding a touch of enchantment to her appearance.

"Dorothy Unsworth?" Asher tilts his head and looks at Dorothy curiously.

"Greetings, Asher-kun! Nozel-san informed me that you were here! I was absolutely thrilled when I found out that you're part of the mission! I am eagerly looking forward to working alongside you!" Dorothy exclaimed cheerfully.

Asher took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to maintain his composure.

"Is the meeting about to start?" Asher asked.

"Oh, that's the reason I'm here as well. Let's proceed then. The meeting is about to commence!" Dorothy exclaimed, enthusiastically grabbing Asher's hand and leading him along with her.

Asher let out a weary sigh and remained silent as Dorothy pulled him towards the meeting room. He resigned himself to going along with her, knowing that protesting would be futile.

As they arrived at the room, Asher noticed the serious expressions on the faces of the Coral Peacock and Silver Eagle members present. The atmosphere in the room was tense, but Asher remained unfazed. The gazes of the other members were directed at him, questioning why he had been chosen to help for the mission. Despite his formidable abilities and royal lineage, Asher's lack of experience raised doubts among them.

On the round table, three chairs were arranged, with Nozel already seated in one of them and Dorothy in the other. The presence of another captain was anticipated by everyone, but to their surprise, Asher took a seat on the third chair. The members were taken aback, unsure of why Asher, who was relatively new and inexperienced, would be included in the meeting alongside Nozel and Dorothy.

"Since everyone is here, then we will start the meeting. First of all, our opponents aren't normal terrorists. They are notorious and merciless; they are also strong; the leader and the vice leader can at least go toe to toe with a magic knight captain, so don't underestimate them. They held one village as a captive. We need to free them first for them not to be caught up in the fight," Nozel said.

"Captain Nozel, I didn't mean to insult Asher Sama, but he is still new to the Magic Knight missions like this and he is inexperienced. I know he is strong, but I think it wouldn't be enough to help against the enemies," a member of the Silver Eagle said.

"Are you doubting my judgment?" Nozel said coldly while looking at his squad member.

"N-No, captain, I wouldn't dare," he said with a trembling voice.

"Then don't go spouting nonsense like you know anything," Nozel retorted sternly. As the member of the Silver Eagle who spoke earlier felt the intense, icy stare from Nozel, he couldn't help but shiver and instinctively retreat.

"I-I apologise."

"So noisy," Asher stoically said.

Dorothy chimed in, expressing her confusion, "Why do you question Asher Kun's abilities? Shouldn't our recognition, along with the acknowledgment from the Wizard King, serve as sufficient evidence of his strength? Take note of the medal on his robe, which symbolizes his status as a student under the Wizard King's guidance."

The members from both squads involuntarily gasped in astonishment as they laid eyes on the medal displayed on Asher's robe. Their surprise stemmed from not having noticed it earlier, as the golden rope on his robe had concealed the medal from their view until now.

All of the members who doubt Asher felt embarrassed. If they compare themselves to Asher, it's like comparing Lion to a kitten.

"Let's proceed. Asher Vermillion will be the one leading all of you on the battle field, while me and Dorothy will confront the leader and vice leader," Nozel said, which shocked everyone.

I hate this chapter

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