
Limitless The Strongest Revenant

"If you intended to die anyway, don't die quietly like a pussy! Go out in a fucking blaze of glory!" That was the statement that changed my world forever. I was a loser in life. I died and got reincarnated into a Revenant. Revenants were people who defended the living from the dead. In exchange for a second life, they had one task and were blessed with one cheat ability. The task? To kick as much zombie ass as possible. Unfortunately, my cheat just made me "Rewind". It didn't give me super strength, speed or the ability to fly. Hell, it didn't even give me a way to fight! Without any way to kill zombies, I nearly died on my first day on the job! Back then I remember crying and puking all over the place like a little bitch. But while I started out like a little bitch, I didn't stay one. Dying full of regrets changed me you see. So much so that I made a promise. I refused to repeat my mistakes when I was human. Reborn as a Revenant, I will never bow down to anyone ever again. Unfortunately, these Revenant bastards were old school. Like they hacked zombies with swords and all that crap old school. As a man born in the USA, I saw no reason why I needed to follow their outdated way of thinking. The modern world had the superpower of gun powder and lead. So instead of swords, I came after every zombie I saw with guns. Like countries in the middle east, I proceeded to blow the motherfuckers to kingdom come. And surprisingly because of "Rewind", I found out I could never run out of ammunition. $200 for each kill. Hefty bonus for each area of hell liberated. What scared normal people shitless suddenly allowed me to earn millions every day. The richer I got the more "Freedom" I could unleash! Mortars, tank, air strikes to even nukes. Backed by modern science and technology, I slowly but surely drove the undead back. Along the way, I met and saved seven heavenly beauties. And all of them fell in love with me. They were a little obsessive, scratch that, they were all fucking insane. My precious harem was comprised of nothing but Yanderes in every sense of the word. Still, I would willingly burn the entire world for just one of them. For when I called, only my battle harem answered. And that was even before I learned of another secret. Exchanging bodily fluids with my girls gave me their cheats. Suddenly, in contrast to every Revenant in the world who only had one, I alone wielded eight. One from each girl plus my own. And so unfolded my 2nd life. Which eventually became my legend. Who am I you ask? I was born as John Smith. But these days not even my girls use that name. Both on Earth and in Hell everyone else just calls me Limitless. And I am the Strongest Revenant. *************************** Author Notes: Harem size: 7 | No NTR | No Yuri | No Grape Novel Focus: Action, Adventure, Urban Fantasy, Reincarnation, Dark, Weak to Strong, Battle Harem, Beautiful Heroines, YANDERE Heroine, Military, Loyal Subordinates, Kingdom Building, War, Politics, Conspiracies, Overpowered, Face Slapping, Tragedy, Character Development, Multiple POVs, Betrayal, Alternate Realities, Demons, Zombies, Superpowers, Tower Climbing, Tower Defense, Wish fulfillment. I have paid for and own the copyrights to both the cover and character images. Official Discord link https://discord.gg/7yxSzd3szy, See you there!

Yinghuo_392 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
792 Chs

So you like smelly armpits then?

After I got Isabella off me, she gave me a swift peck on the cheeks.

"I'm really glad you were the one that saved me, John. I mean it. From now on, call me Bella, okay?" she whispered.

Like a whirlwind, she then quickly let go and started to do some stretches. I could guess why she was suddenly being kind, but wasn't this too much? Were Brazilians really that open in their advances?

I coughed to dispel the awkwardness and told her about my plans.

"Should we go to the platform, then? I don't have anything else to do except to just shoot the hell out of the zombies while using the reapers as shields. What about you?"

She placed a finger on her chin as she pondered. At that moment, the surroundings suddenly got brighter. I then noticed that the reapers started to pile up the undead like a wall and burned them. The smell that I thought I already was immune to got several times more horrible.

"I guess they decided additional lighting is better than being able to breathe." Isabella placed her hand on my arm as she spoke.

"I know I am being spoiled, but can you please delay going there and hunt with me?" she requested.

Unsure why she would ask that of me, I waited for her to explain.

"You said earlier you intend to murder someone there. If that is the case, I want us to prepare. Right now, I have zero souls. {Code} only needed 10 souls to activate for a day and 100 to evolve to level 2. But as I can now use {Rewind} I want to have 150 souls to be able to use {Auto}, {Save}, and {Rewind}. And an additional 150 to heal myself."

Hearing Bella begin to take my affairs as hers improved my appreciation of her. This woman already considered not only her safety but my goals of her own accord. Perhaps I lucked out in finding this woman.

"My calf is still killing me. I want to use {Rewind} to heal. Plus, if you can help me hunt till I get another 100, I can evolve {Code} and we might get a new ability that can help us," she said.

"Why 150 though?" I countered.

"Huh? Aren't you aware? {Rewind} needs 100 souls per use. {Auto} requires 30, while {Save} requires 20. I had killed four zombies gaining 40 souls and absorbed around 10 souls. But {Tourniquet} used it all up. If we go there now, I will be nothing but a burden. I told you it's expensive for a low-level {fate} right?"

Hmm. So, you could pretty much count how much you had by what you killed. Good to know. But why could she see the costs when I could not? And what was that about absorbing?

"Honey, I'm guessing you don't understand the absorbing bit, correct?"

I nodded without fanfare. "Regarding the {fates}, I also cannot see their cost, only their cooldowns."

Smiling like a child, Isabella placed her hand on my chest and explained the matter in a sultry voice.

"Whenever you have anything you cannot understand, just ask me, honey. If it's for you, I am willing to do anything. Reapers have a universal skill we all share. We gain souls in the presence of death. Anything that dies around you grants souls. The only question is how much. The difference of our {Code} is probably due to compatibility."

Oh. So, we were like literal grim reapers. We harvested souls from the dying. No matter how I computed, though, I should not have had over 500 souls. I took down only twenty zombies and used {Auto}, {Save}, and {Rewind} all a single time. It didn't add up. I briefed Isabella and after calculating, she could only respond while cursing.

"This fucking cheater! Why do you have so many souls?! Did you kill zombies before today? I barely managed to scrape up 50 and you are telling me you had over 700 before meeting me? That's unfair!"

Ignoring the child throwing a fit, I wondered if it was possible to just pass the souls to her. "You needed 150 to heal right? Then just take it from me. Is there a way to pass them to you?"

Isabella straightened up while smiling as she replied. "Yes! We can do so by sharing a kiss. But even then, I advise farming souls. If we will be fighting together, I want to know how you move. The side you favor and so on. Only then can I truly support you."

Hmm. My heart felt warm. Having a beauty worry about you was indeed a great feeling. But I had a goal right now and after getting betrayed I didn't want any romance, at least not now. So, I began to tease her to shake away the feeling of attraction.

"Oh? Then why don't you massage my feet? They hurt. I will do better afterwards, promise," I joked.

"Honey. No matter how much I adore you, refrain from being an asshole if you please?"

"What? You don't like my feet? You like smelly armpits, then?"

"Ugh! How disgusting?! Focus, honey!"

"Will you let me smell yours?"

"Honey… In Brazil you can get shot for sexual harassment, you know?"

We shared a short and sweet kiss then proceeded to banter while hunting zombies. Being able to spend a pleasant moment with her was refreshing to me. While I teased her, I made sure to never disrespect her.

In combat, Bella had a good head on her shoulders. Her training as part of Rio's police was evident. According to her, she considered her CQC extremely weak. Still, she fought like an assassin in RPGs. As much as I wanted to give her the 1911, I could not fight with a knife, so she had to bear with it for now.

She made sure to cover my blind side. According to her, I favored my right and tended to push forward aggressively. To compensate, she would prioritize guarding my back and left flank rather than joining me in attacking on the front and right.

Such a division of roles ensured I didn't accidentally shoot her when she lunged towards an enemy. With me taking point, I got to decide how fast we moved, and she followed.

This was how squads worked in both the military and law enforcement. There could only be one spearhead. Having multiple people move separately without order caused nothing but confusion.

"So, Mrs. Code, how many types of enemies are you aware of?" I asked.

Somewhere along the line, we started exchanging marriage jabs. She adamantly wanted to be called Mrs. Smith while I wanted to be called Mr. Taurus instead. After much deliberation, we settled for Code as a last name for our imaginary union.

"Well Mr. Code, IRIS has a wide list of undead types, but as at that time I wasn't a wraith I could only access a fraction of the stuff there. I will check tomorrow and will share them with you tomorrow evening."

According to Bella, wraiths were allowed only eight hours in Hellsgate. The application usually lasted just as long. Surviving the duration came pact and parcel with the enlistment. Particularly the enlistment had a special rule. Somewhere along the grounds, there would be a boss entity.

This boss would hide for seven hours and come out only at the eighth. Killing it would mean the end of the ordeal. She told me that this was what the night vision guys would aim for. Being able to kill the boss gave a special reward, it seemed

As we hunted on the opposite side of the platform, we were now on our way back. Supposedly, bunching up allowed the undead to detect reapers better. And by Bella's assessment, the platform would be overrun, should the boss appear.

I didn't know how long we took, but eventually, we were able to level up {Rewind} as well. We hunted over a hundred zombies in order to do so. Each kill made us work better and by the time we were ready, Bella already felt like my left limb.

During our date in hell, I evolved {Rewind} and got {Reload}. For 50 souls I could replenish my ammunition and weapons while staying in place at the loss of getting healed.

Bella, on the other hand, unlocked the second ability of {Code} - {Connect} which allowed her to talk to computers without a keyboard. She believed that with it, she could turn on the spotlights to even the odds in preparation for the boss.

The entire time we moved, there were no survivors. The screams of those I abandoned still rang inside my ears as I watched the surroundings. Maybe it was because I wanted to atone. I kept an eye out for any still alive. Just then, I heard sharp and tense voices around us.

"Jo, watch out! Kya!"

"Jas! Fanculo! Get off her!"

I had no reason to save them. Still, I wanted to try. I let three souls die. So, I wanted to save three as well, at least. Before I could even ask Bella's opinion, my partner smiled sweetly at me. Her words sounded like honey.

"Shall we go save them? Mr. Code?"

Hi everyone,

Story has been Vetted, and I applied for a contract! Wish me luck! If you like the novel please add it to your libraries and support it with PS and a review.

Enjoy the read!


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