
Limited Life

Muru is a shy and introverted werewolf. She gets bullied at school and cannot find until the night her wolf awakes and she might be able to leave school - and even her whole pack behind. James is the alpha's son, one of Muru's bullies and her childhood friend. But what would happen when they finds out that they are mates? Will Muru forgive him? Will he be able to win her back?

Lethes_Ghost · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


My life with my mate was better than I had ever imagined. Our new year together was perfect! She was so happy and seeing her smile made my heart skip a beat.

I hated myself in that moment for all the times I made her sad. Just thinking about it, I could have seen her smile for much longer! I had been such an idiot.

Ayla mentioned something on new years. I hadn't noticed it myself, but after she said it I noticed it was true. Muru had just taken over for three months instead of five. Did that mean that she stayed a few months with me without my knowledge? Was she slowly getting ready to forgive me?

The thought alone made my heart beat faster. I love Ayla, with all my heart, but the one I love even more than that is Muru - and I realised that too late.

Ayla is great. She is an amazing mate and the most beautiful and strong wolf I had ever seen, but I knew that Muru would complete me in ways she never could. It was as if Ayla was the mate to my wolf Argus and I was the mate to Muru. The four of us would be completely complete together.

I missed Muru. Her nerdy jokes. The way she could get excited over a H.P. Lovecraft story that she could talk about for hours on how he described something.

I remember one time when we were young she had confessed that she would love to take a picture of the architecture described in his stories, knowing full well that it was impossible.

"Damn I miss you." I muttered. But hey, maybe she was in the process of finally forgiving me! The thought alone made my heart flutter. If she forgave me I could show her how much I had changed. The therapy had helped me a lot - actually us, as my sister later joined.

She also wanted to talk to Muru whenever she was ready and ask for her forgiveness. She actually had told me a few months ago what actually had happened in the forest on that fateful day. It made me feel even more guilty. I had already apologised to Ayla, who had accepted my apology. I even saw her writing it into her journal. She thought she was being sneaky with it and I just couldn't bring myself to expose her.

Ayla could see how hard I was working on myself. How hard I tried to make us work. I would do everything and anything for her. I would never hurt her again. I had my anger under control now. That didn't mean I stopped my sessions. I would go once every month just to be sure. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever were to hurt her again.

I thought back to that day I beat her up. It wasn't the first time I had lost control, but it was the first time ever I lost control in front of her. I had known about my anger issues when it came to my little sister. Why didn't I go to therapy sooner? My parents had tried to get me into therapy several times, but I had always refused. Therapy wouldn't help if you didn't want it so my parents had to give up. I was so stupid back then!

I still remembered vividly what Muru said that day. She didn't hate me. It still stung, now even more than ever. I finally understood what she was trying to tell me. I was not in her heart or her mind. I wasn't worthy of being hated. They say the opposite of love is indifference and just now I understood that it was right.

If she hated me, she would at least feel something towards me. Anything. But if she didn't hate me - then I was nothing to her. I didn't want to be nothing to her. I wanted to be her world. I wanted her to feel safe with me. I wanted her to be happy with me - or even without me. Okay maybe not, but I would try my best. I wanted her to smile like she used to when we were children.

I still remember that smile, I see it often on Ayla. I cannot remember the last time I saw it on Muru. It just vanished over time, fading away, just to never appear again. I wanted it back. More than anything. Would I ever get it back?

"I hope you can forgive me." I whispered, looking down on Ayla in my arms. She stirred in her sleep. "Please forgive me, Muru."

I hoped she heard me. I really did.