


When I woke up I was in the dungeon cell and get up to go to my food and water they left me and, the water is clean and they gave me dried meat, instead of bread. I was confused on why they gave me a bowl instead of a crappy cup. I looked in to the water to use as a mirror to see how bad I looked. I saw not my face but a fucking wolf with white silvery fur and a black pattern with blue glowing eyes. Then I tried to speak instead I barked I was so confused on what happened to me. I didn't notice that a person, more like a vampire was near me.

"Well. Well. well. Look what we have here." Daiki says to me.

I growl and step backwards.

"Well Unknown, you seem to hate me. Alot." he said with a evil smile.

I continued to growl I really wanted to say, Fuck you blood suker,you mother fucker. but I couldn't.

"Aww. how cute. Humm should I let you go…" Daiki says taunting me by spinning the ring of keay and one had to open the door, "nope."

God damn I wish Rune was here he's probably freaking out about me disappearing crap now I feel bad.

"Do you want out… huh do you." Daiki says treating me like a baby or a pet.

Screw him I thought. He started to unlock the door and walked to me he was carrying something in his hand. I tried to back up more but the chains holding me back.

"Grrr…" I growled baring my fangs at Daiki.

"Hey! Hitoshi come here and hold her down." Daiki said still with that evil grin to Hitoshi.

Hitoshi walked toward me and I tried to back away from him and I was cornered shit. I howled in fear hoping to be found by someone I knew and who will help me. I fought against them by snapping and growling at them. I lossed. And I had a dog muzzle on me, so I couldn't bite them an tear out their throats. One of them came toward me. And he had a bright red iron bar to brand me.

"There their wolfy…" Daiki said to me, "it won't hurt a bit."

"Grrr…" I growled the best I could because of the muzzle on me that the stupid vampire Daiki put on me.

I hate him I HATE him for this. Rune where are you. Arg!! I can't take this anymore. I hate my life I hate this. I felt the hot iron brand close to my fur and felt it singe a little and the heat of it coming closer. I closed my eyes tightly. Then everything became quiet and I felt the chains on me loosen. I casisloy open my eyes and saw that Daiki and the other goons were all on the floor knocked out. Daiki had a cut on his face as well as massive burn as well. I realized that the chains were no longer on me. So I ran through the halls of the mansion where I was held. Then three other vampires whom started to chased me when they caught a glimpse of me. My heart was pounding faster and faster to where I heard it in my ears. I have no clue witch way was out, I wanted out I, wanted to see my friends again. I found the stairs to the higher