
Tournament Part 2 Certain people in the tournament

After the personal situation was taken care of, the Tournament prelims kicked off. Contestants were showing their might in every corner. With so many people, the competition was heated. The Multiforms were a good addition, as they cleared out a lot of fighters in a few rings collecting data on different fighting styles to look out far.

Currently, it was Kakarot's time to shine.

"What the hell is this?!" A bodybuilder stared at Kakarot unimpressed. Eyes provoking while looking at his clothing. "You claim yourself a King? That is rich! Go back home and take care of your brats!"

"You have one minute! Begin!" The observer announced quickly.

*Woosh!* Dashing forward, Kakarot kept his arms folded as he attacked with his tail only. Smacking his opponent in the knees. The man buckled, putting his face to close to the tail in the process. Wrapping him by the neck. With a toss, the guy was thrown out of the ring on his head.

"Number 71 is the winner!" The observer said. It was so quick most thought it was crazy it happened. 'Dark King, never heard of it though. Then again.. Devil's Hand is such a dangerous place.'

"Wh.. what just happened?" A surviving monk of Orin temple was suprised the most. He was blinking wild in remembrance of what happened months ago when King Piccolo's forces attacked them.

"He underestimated his opponent and paid for it." A boxer smirked. Counting his luck, he would not be fighting against the tailed man.

The bodybuilder was still out cold.

"You didn't have to go so rough." Tights muttered. All she received was a look and nothing else from him. Just the smallest bit of acknowledgment, he heard what she said. "Sis, is that guy ok?"

"Yeah, just a lot on his mind lately." Bulma frowned. She could tell something was bothering Kakarot right now. "It was rough, but it is not like he used his fists. Which would be much worse. Take it from someone who knows."

"Has he been beating you?"

"WHAT ARE YOU AN IDIOT!?" Bulma yelled loudly at her sister at the comment. Catching herself despite the looks to keep from yelling. "Training, the good ole fashion way!" She huffed, getting away from her older sister.

"Jeez.. it was a joke to see the relationship between the two of you." Tights walked away, embarrassed her sister loud capped her like that. 'Chichi said she was supposed to date Yamacha, but.. I don't see that happening, and then this guy named Vegeta.. no way is that gonna happen later.'

Chiaotzu drew badly and ended up in a match against Pilaf. The match of the vertically challenged went quickly and brutally. Pilaf uses his magic to empower each of his blows and only using his Ki for defense.

His aggressive approach mimicked the way a lof the Demons fought in Devil's Hand. No respite or regard for damaged taken.

"Pilaf, really good job." Kakarot still had a wide eyes look on his face. "I didn't think you had it in you. I mean.. we usually talk research.. but this is something else. Need to add you to my sparring list."

"Hehehe, thanks." Pilaf rubbed the back of his head at the praise. The Majin Mark was weakening over him but increasing with the Timebreaker Mark.

*Bam!* Off to the side, a contestant went flying from Krillin. Mercenary Tao couldn't believe he lost to a child like this. Not only was he surpassed by his own students, but he also couldn't defeat members of the Turtle School now.

"Grr..." Tao stood up actually thanked Krillin for the match. ".. a good fight. Shame you are under that old fool. The way of a killer needs guidance that he won't provide."

"!" Krillin was shocked then looked at his hands. The notion he was a killer never really crossed his mind. His anger had continued to grow since the Orin Temple incident.

"Hey, you ok?" Chichi called to him, concerned. She did her best to help guide him properly when Roshi was busy. 'The situation with Orin Temple has left him so damaged; if he keeps this up, no way does it end well.'

"I'm fine." Krillin didn't want to talk about it as he left the arena. Moving to a corner and brooding at bit. 'I just have to win and take that kakarot guy down, it was just bad luck Tao, and I were matched up.'

To make the situation worse, the clearing of Martial Artists already left an opening for some people to see old friends. As well as old rivals. They missed his match, though.

"Hey, is that Krillin?!" A few Orin Temple members came over. The arrogant looks really didn't fit with temple monks. Especially towards someone who helped save your life. "Hehe, it really is you!"

"Oh high guys, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be helping to repair the temple still?"

"The Temple Master suggested a few of us come to the tournament to help with recruiting. Numbers are really low with a lot having left after that "weird" water fiasco." His gaze was still provoking on Krillin. "But why are you here?"

"What do you mean?" Krillin furrowed his brow catching the animosity.

"A troublesome kid like you should be back at the temple. It was bad enough you brought that weird stuff in, but you even left without saying anything." A lanky monk frown had deepened when Krillin looked away. "I wonder how many people were killed by you when that "toxic water" made people go crazy?"

"Hey, you don't mess with my little martial brother." Chichi flared her ki pressing its weight down on them. Quite a few participants did not fare well against it already. "I hate to have to go do some old school dojo crashing after winning the tournament."

Orin Temple was barely surviving as it was. Her getting involved would have just made it worse.

"You..." The Orin monk backed away, having rembered seeing her fight against a few of their people.

"Hey, didn't you beat everyone in Orin Temple already?" Hasky nudged Khansa. The Multiform just smiled but kept quiet. "Well, all the strong ones survived anyway. Just the bottom feeders and the losers were taken out. Guess a few were missed."

The Orin temple monks scurried away, seeing the face that brought back violent memories. Krillin, unable to control himself cut the Multiform off. Wanting to settle the matter and willing to leave the competition to do so.

"You and me.. right here and now!"

"Have more important things to deal with than you." The Multiform walked away by sidestepping him. A spike in his Ki Sense alerted him to back attack. "Foolish!" He didn't dodge and took the blow to the back.

*Thump!* Falling to the ground, Krillin stopped his next attack because the referee got in his way. Attacking another contestant was against the rules. He just got himself disqualified.

"Those are the rules, little guy." The referee didn't back down. Even with them being students of the Turtle Hermit. "If you continue to create problems, you can lave as well."

"Grr! You coward!" Krillin stormed off.

"You could have dodged that blow easily." Chichi glared, upset, but it dawned on her that Kakarot would go to any limit to win. "Are tricks the best you have to offer?"

"Lady, you have me confused with someone else." The Multiform shrugged, then walked away. Passing by Kakarot Prime. 'Won't be easy to get the other kicked out now; those Orin Monks messed things up.'

'True, but the faster the tournament ends, the better.' Kakarot thought back. 'All is fair in Love & War, the energy in Chichi I picked up every now and then was not.. natural for this time frame. I can't put a pin on exactly what it is, but it matches a few disturbances in Space.'

The competition needed to speed up to take out anyone with Ki signatures. Which meant the intensity increased, and a few more dropped out in fear. However, the martial artists joined the crowds and started making bets on their favorites.

"Never thought I would come to one of these in person again." Fortune Teller Baba had to get use to being social again. Part of the deal between her and Kakarot. No way would he let a recluse moneygrubber teach his people. "Haa, if he wou;dn't have helped me young again, I would not have believed it."

"Wait until your aunt is freed from that blasted sword and that Kai she fell in love with." Towa said offhandely. Two of Kakarot's children were hanging from Baby Carriers on her. His son playing with her hair on the back and the daughter giggling reaching out to anyone that passed by. "This is not a bad day so far."

There was a small wave of energy out in the Galaxy but nothing to do about it right now.

"Jeez pops, your to strong." Ruby boasted. The little troublemaker was sitting on the wall kicking her "We have to kick up my training when we get back after winning the tourney."

"You got it." Kakarot saw no reason not to agree. "But only after you finish your homework and not before. PLus you need to earnto get off being grounded."

"So no slacking off." Lazuli teased next to her. "Best grounding ever if we can earn a way to get out of it, I guess." In her hand was a book on Morality and Justice. A strange hobby she picked up with her choice of topics to look over. "So much to read..."

"You will be fine. It is light reading." Kakarot moved back to the prelims area. An announcement went off, reminding the contestants not to go away to far. "Just checking on everyone, see you in a bit."

Inside a nice little match was starting up.

"Begin!" The announcer for Bulma and her opponent to start was pretty excited. 'Another member of the Briefs family fighting, how exciting!'

"There is no way my Lion-Lion-Fang will lose to a little girl like you." The martial artist looked down on her a little to much. Carrying the same old prejudice that a few of the people still had. "You should leave, girl."

"Humph!" Bulma shifted her weight as her nostrils flared. "I will defang you weak "little" man, using my Demon Fang." Her tone was clear and carried in the area over voices. She was mocking him for disrespecting her.

"Taaah!" Charging and delivering a strike with the left hand, it missed as Bulma drifted to the side with simple footwork. "She disappeared!" Moving into a person's blind spot at high speed was a good way to keep them lost. "Ooof!"

Bulma used a three combo to keep from killing the man as she held her anger in check as much as she could.

*Pow!* The first strike disabled the senses as it hit the side of the head.

*Crack!* The second strike broke his ribs, as she could change her motion fast enough. Stopping himself from getting pushed out of the arena was not the best choice for the opposing martial artist.

"Kyah!" Bulma let out a shout as her last strike went towards the head. The blow knocked the martial artist out of the arena. With a possible concussion as well. "Who else wants some?" Her provocation caused the few in her section to soundly give up.

"Well... she defintely has gotten stronger." Tights looked at her sister with a smile. 'Arriving in this Dimension was such an adventure. But we just don't belong here.. don't fit. I have my own sister to go back to. I wonder how different she will be?'

Lost in thought, Tights missed her name getting called. Not until Yamacha came over and got her attention of course. She ended up walking directly into a young man who had a striking resemblance to Yamacha.

*Poof!* The young man turned into an actual Tiger person. Freaking her out a little in the process, Kakarot walked over, touching the Tigerman, turning him back to normal. In the process, he absorbed a bit of the Young Man's energy in the process.

"Tsukutsun Tsun, you need to learn to get that under control, as well as your anger to." Kakarot faced the young man who lost to one of his Multiforms. Suprised he was actually here at the tournament, considering how far away Penguin Village is from them. "I passed over your island not to long ago spotting this situation."

"Hehe, thanks for helping me. Most people freak out when I change like that." Slightly embarrassed the young martial artist didn't notice the energy loss. "Who are you by the way?"

"Just a scientist intrested in your condition, as well of that of your sister." Kakarot handed him a card. "If you want to take care of that problem you have and hers, give this number a call. Know invasive surgery or anything like that of course."

He then walked away after a little conversation to alieve fears and concerns. Tsukutsun Tsun, existed mostly because of Dr.Slump Subsidary Dimension, however it was also part of most of the other parts small areas.

"Aww this is just a bad match up now." Kakarot looked at the two that were heading in. 'No way will she even risk it herself.'

"Ready to go at it sis?" Tights looked at Bulma. Seeing her smile back, she was not ready for the response.

"I'm good. I withdraw." Bulma said to the organizer. He just nodded, marking it down. "Good look in the tournament." She walked off to go towards the others. Who gave understanding smiles.

"Hey!" Tights came around, stopping her sister. "Come on, don't give up without even trying!"

"I only came to get a little experience against other fighters. I have fought against you countless times already, nothing to be gained from fighting you right now." Bulma sidestepped her. "Unless you have developed an entirely new fighting style, it doesn't matter."

Not wanting her to know her new fighting styles, she kept quiet. Not good to reveal them just yet. Bulma was to smart for her own good. Already catching that Tights resting posture was different than before.

Bulma (Native)

Soul: Mutating

Aspects: Sealed

Spirit: 28,789

Ki: 2,121

Magic: 1,748

Styles: Namekian, Demon Realm, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast I, Sense I, Telepathy II, Power Up, Ki Shout, Masenko, Kamehameha

Abilities: Quantum Thinking

Transformation: Infused Magic

Tights (Outsider)

Soul: Normal

Aspects: Sealed

Spirit: 48,789

Ki: 3,122

Magic: 748

Styles: Turtle, Crane, Namekian, Kaioshin, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast I, Sense II, Telepathy II, Power Up, Ki Shout, Dodon Ray, Kamehameha, Tri-Beam

Abilities: Parallel Thinking

Transformation: Infused Magic, Rage Mode

Magmatidecreators' thoughts