
Light and Fate

After Granger and Alucard recover the daughter of their late mentor from the hand of the demon during their mission, they need to send the daughter quickly to her home as her life force are slowly fading away. Despite the confusion and conflict between the Merdelves and the Demon Hunter, love and friendship merged and new chapters are about to begin for the lady of the Merdelf house. But beneath the laughs and smile in those days, the threat from the abyss never stop coming. Two soul who should be together was about to be separate again. Someone's life about to be sacrifice in the name of peace and love.

Nocturnal_Writer · Videojogos
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: The Guardian of the forest

Time is ticking, grim reaper is nearing. As they ran fast in the deep and enchanted forest, barks and roots grew rapidly blocking the two demon hunters who was in the rush.

Female voice: Who dares to enter my territory?

They turned their head to the voice owner and there she was, walking out from the bushes, woods covered her body and horns with blooming little flower.

Female voice: Who are you? Why are you here?

The plants around her grew whenever her feet step.

Alucard: We are the demon hunter. We need to meet the Merdelf's house master. His sister's dying.

The elf tilted her head to see the sister of Finnrac who had been missing for 12 years in Granger's embrace. Dark aura coming from her. She's quite surprised that she's still alive and the elf was sure she's dead if she was kidnapped by demons.

Elf: There's nothing the master can do to her now. Follow me. I'll lead you to the cleansing river

With confused look, Granger asked her.

Granger: Who are you?

The Elf turned around with a smile carved on her face.

Azura: I am Azura, Azura the Wood Elf. Guardian of the Ancient Forest

Alucard and Granger look at each other. Both of them distrust this elf that suddenly appear in their way.

Alucard: Do you think we will believe you and trust you?

Azura had a smug look on her face. She giggles and stare at Alucard's blue eye. In monotone she answered.

Azura: I am the Guardian of the Merdelf family. Due to the order I receive from Master FInn, I'll have your head added to my collection long time ago. Luckily you guys are ordered to be under my protection.

Alucard was appalled by her words. Never he imagine that the master would gave out order to keep them safe. The Merdelf usually slaughter any intruders that invaded their territory.

Wait... When think about it again, they should be dead by now. Ah, he's confused. He didn't want to think anymore. All he want is to save Reichieru from the abyss power. While Granger kept his mouth shut, he held Reichieru with hope that this so-called guardian of the forest would save her.

They followed Azura foots step. Everytime Azura touch the trees, the trees emits light from its flower, the fairies that hiding behind the trees saw Azura and quickly flew around her, playing the flowers around her.

Some of the flower fairy also played with Alucard's hair but he seems having fun with them. Granger was teased by the fairies but he blew them away when they tried to mess up his hair. The fairies somewhat find him funny and cute. Then they notice the girl that Granger was carrying. They gasped in excitements.

Fairies: Is that the missing princess?!

Granger and Alucard startled when the fairies noticed Reichieru's identity. They cried and swarm the unconscious girl. Granger felt a bit weighted when the fairies kept playing her hair and sat on his shoulder.

Granger: Can you not give me some space?

The fairies ignored his request and kept playing with Reichieru's hair. Alucard giggled a bit when Granger was swarmed with fairies. Granger pout when he saw Alucard laughing at him. After a while walking, he finally get used with the fairies plays and tricks. Reichieru's long and wavy hair was braided and decorated with red flowers and some sparkles from the fairies pixie dust. They also sprinkle some of it on Granger's head.

Azura didn't say a word. She did gave a glance on those two but she's more concern with Reichieru's condition. She was pretty sure Reichieru died a long time ago.

Finally, they arrived at a place where Azura told that would save Reichieru's life. The place that she mentioned was a huge tree. the vines covered most of the trees produced beautiful and sweet scent purple-bluish flower. Not to mention there were colorful crystal embedded on the tree trunks.

Azura: Funfact, this is the Ancient tree and the leader of Merdelf grew up here. So if there's anyone from the Merdelf came here, the tree will respond to their magic and the tree itself became 'alive'.

Alucard gave an 'oh' as his eyes was caught by the beauties of his surroundings. He never seen such scenery before. Even the previous master of Merdelf house never showed them this when they was still under his tutor.

Granger approached the huge roots. Reichieru's hair that was dangling hit the roots. Suddenly, the tree released an enormous magic power to its surrounding. The fairies that felt the magic power suddenly cried. Alucard and Granger was startled when the creatures around them start to sobs.

Azura tried to hold her tears as she also can feel the tree's cries. Azura never felt such emotion coming from the tree for thousands of years. Although the tree cried when a member of Merdelf died, but the tree never mixed the sadness into its magic.

This is probably Reichieru was the one and only daughter of Merdelf since the Merdelf gave birth to male children for hundreds of years. Reichieru's birth was an excitements to the fairies that was living in the Ancient Forest.

Alucard: Why you all... Crying?

Azura wiped her running eyes and straightened her back. She turned to Alucard and keep a serious face to him.

Azura: Well... As you can see here. The sole daughter of Merdelf finally comes home and the tree are crying for her.

Never did they now she's very special to the forest itself. Granger sighed in relief when she said so.

Azura: Now come into the tree. There's a river there.

Alucard and Granger follow her leads into the entrance of the tree. The fairies stayed outside and prayed that the daughter of Merdelf will be saved. The inside of the tree was beautiful just like the inside- no... probably even more beautiful.

The crystal inside there emits lights to brighten the inside of the tree. Then came down a flock of owl. Azura summoned them to take Reichieru from Granger and put her in the river.

The owls brought a long white silk to carry her. She's quite light for her petite figure so there'll be no problem for them to carry her. Granger laid Reichieru on the silk and properly put her braided hair onto the silk. After doing so, the owls carry her to the river and gently put her into the water. When she safely sink into the water, the owl pulled the silk slowly and flew back to the branches.

Azura pulled one of the branches and put it into the water, the waterfall at the river slowly flowed blue lights. The place was really bright. The tree probably channeled its magic power into the river. The lights slowly circle the sunken Reichieru.

Alucard: How long do we need to wait for the cleansing?

Its not like he wanted to rush it but he was a bit curious with the procedure. Azura bit her lips. She knew they'll ask about it. She too wasn't sure if the ritual would be working since the dark power already started consuming her life force.

Azura: I... *sigh* I'm not sure how it would turned out. We can't do anything about it. In this situation, we have to have faith with the Lady.

Alucard was shocked to hear about it. He refused to see his partner reaction as he knew what kind of expression that Granger would make. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked at it and he saw Granger with his dead eye looking at him.

Granger: I'll be waiting outside.

The gloomy face on his partner really showed his hidden emotion. He just see his partner walked away from both of them. Granger picked up his coat that had been wrapping Reichieru all the times.

He bit his lips to hold his own feeling. He refused to believe that she's going to die. He clench his fist and silently landed his bum on a nearby bench. The fairies that was waiting outside saw Granger's expression. They knew something bad would happen to their beloved daughter. The fairies hanged on each other and hoped for the best.

Azura who was still near the river keep her eyes on her. Alucard also stayed there to see if either she able to be revived or not. As she touched the barks of the ancient tree, she could feel sadness flowing inside the magic power of the tree. The tree was keeping its magic flow to revive Reichieru. Azura stroke the tree to communicate with it and said to it that she'll be fine. Although deep inside she knew she won't last that long.

Suddenly, the light in the room became dimmer. Alucard twist and turn to see the crystal also became dimmer. It all started when the light that circulating Reichieru weakened.

Azura keep her posture and see what's going to happen next. Alucard speed up his step to go and find Granger. Just like what he expected. Granger already notice what's happening. The light that reacts to a Merdelf presence became dimmer. Granger's face became even gloomier. He clenched his fist until his nails tore the bandages that was wrapping his entire arm.

Alucard gritted his teeth and accept the fact that the master's daughter will be returning to his side.