
Life with my billionaire ceo

“Father, what is the meaning of this?” Emerald yelled “I didn’t pick you dear, he chose you” her father replied Emerald, the second daughter of a successful businessman is forced to marry a vicious ceo for the sake of family business. Feeling lost, Emerald who has being in a coma for one month due to an accident woke up to this saddening news. In order to close a deal with Williams, Pedro willingly gave his daughter’s hand in marriage. Business to Pedro meant more than anything else, since the ceo of M&U company requested for his daughter’s hand in marriage in return for a finalized deal, he couldn’t refuse.

adeniyidivine726 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 9

Emerald walked towards the park and saw Williams standing there with his hands in his pocket and back turned to her. When she got close enough, Emerald cleared her throat. 

Williams turned to face her and smiled a little bit

 'Did he just smile??'

"Hi" Emerald said first.

"Hi" Williams replied almost whispering. 

Emerald just stood there, Looking at her shoes with her hands folded together.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Williams asked. 

"Oh yeah…sure" Emerald replied but she didn't look up at him. As they walked, Emerald decided to summon up courage and ask,

"I sent a text this morning, but you didn't reply until this evening"

"Oh yeah, I was busy with work. I saw the text this evening" Williams replied 

"Oh…" Emerald whispered in realization.

"Did it bother you? Were you worried about me??" Williams asked.

"Uh? No… I.. nope it didn't bother me. I was just a little bit angry that you didn't reply to my text on time" Emerald blushed as she explained.

"Hmm" Williams tried to suppress his smile. Emerald who saw that he didn't believe her was now trying to explain herself.

"I swear it didn't bother me. I didn't even bother to check if you replied" she said nonchalantly.

Williams started laughing…

 "What's funny?" Emerald asked feeling teased.

Emerald couldn't lie to herself. This man gave her butterflies. She stood there watching him laugh, his laugh was so soothing to her ear that Emerald didn't want it to stop, his teeth were so white, and even though he looked kinda stressed and messy, he still looked hot.

Emerald snapped out of her head as Williams suddenly stopped laughing.

"I would like it if it bothered you. At least I now know you care about me" Williams said

 "I…I care about everyone" Emerald pouted

"Well that's a good thing" Williams smiled.

"Can you stop teasing me?" Emerald frowned, but her frown was so cute that Williams couldn't help it, he laughed again

"It's not funny" Emerald smiled 

"Why do you talk like that" Williams asked.

 "Talk like how" Emerald was confused

"Your accent… " Williams said

 "Oh, my best friend talks like that" Emerald replied.

 "So you talk like that because your best friend talks like that?" Williams laughed in surprise

 "yeah? is it something bad?" Emerald said as she giggled.

"No, it's not bad. So…you copy how people talk?" Williams asked jokingly.

"I don't copy people, I just like it when she talks, she always sounds funny" Emerald replied

 "Just stop teasing me okay" she protested. 

She didn't know Williams talked this much, well… it suits him

"Okay okay fine, I'll stop, happy now?" Williams said. Emerald just laughed as she turned to the other side.

Williams suddenly stopped walking…Emerald turned to him "Is anything wrong?" she asked.

Williams turned to face her, the cool evening breeze blew his hair. He remained silent for about 10 seconds before he finally spoke up. 

"I want you to meet my father" Williams said calmly as he looked her in the eyes, trying to search for nothing in particular. 

Emerald's eyes darted, that came as a little shock to her. When she didn't say anything, Williams continued

 " I want us to get married in 3 weeks" he said in what almost sounded like a whisper. Now this was the biggest shocker…'Three weeks?'

"THREE WEEKS!!!??" Emerald yelled. 

"The earlier the better" Williams said again

"Are you crazy? ". Emerald was now fuming with anger. 

"I don't know, maybe" Williams replied.

'How could I even think of falling for such a person' Emerald thought to herself. 

"Look… we were getting married anyways, I'm just fastening the process" Williams said 

Emerald just stared at him in disbelief and something that looked like betrayal. 

"Goodnight " she said to him and turned around to go back home

"For a split second I thought you were a good person, I thought you actually cared" Emerald said to him one last time and walked away

Williams just stared at her silhouette as it slowly faded.


"What did I think? How could I forget his real motive? I'm such a fool, to think that I was actually considering falling for him. Gosh if his so eager and Impatient to get married why did he choose me? Huh? why is my life like this? People find each other, fall in love, date, and then get married. What about me? I skipped the first three stages, boom!!! I'm getting married out of nowhere, wow Emerald you sure are one of a kind. In three weeks?? I thought I had seen it all but this has got to be the craziest thing I've seen in my entire life"

Emerald stomped her way out of the bathroom and forcefully grabbed a nightwear. She felt kinda betrayed and heartbroken. She didn't believe she was having a good time with him.

Suddenly her phone started ringing. It was a call from Hyeri oh she totally forgot about this. She and Hyeri exchanged contacts during her party. Emerald picked up the call and said "Hello"

"Hey, sis in law". Hyeri called out playfully. 

"You wanna hang out tomorrow ?" She added

 "Oh I…" Emerald was about to tell her no because she wasn't feeling too well. She didn't feel like leaving the house, not after what Williams told her.

"Of course you would, I told you I was gonna test your fun level". Hyeri cut her short.

Emerald just chuckled awkwardly.

"So tomorrow? By 10? I will come pick you up. No excuses" Hyeri said.

"Oh…okay" It wouldn't be so bad to go out for some fun, it could be therapeutic, who knows, because right now she feels like a mess. Emerald thought to herself.

 "Okay sis in law, I'll see you tomorrow. We're gonna have loads of fun trust me" Hyeri said in a hyper tone.

Emerald just chuckled and replied with "Okay"

"Bye eee" Hyeri ended the call. 

"This isn't so bad" Emerald said to herself as she prepared to go to bed.