
Day 2

Dear people,

So today's about a cursed mouse.I had this pretty old mouse, made in 2001 (I think).I hooked it up to my computer and tried to log in and the curse kicked in.It went something like this:Log in,wait 2 minutes,Error try again, went on for 10 minutes.I unplugged it logged in and succeeded and then plugged it right again thinking the problem was something else.Boy was I wrong.Took several mintes to answer one question on a test I had.Classmates were telling me about selling this as a possessed antique. So long story short this damn mouse multiplied loading times.

Revisiting Godie and Laner, we were walking to class and talking about two friends, Berty(Male) and Deli(female) and how to get them together.My master plan was unveiled and it went like this:when she not paying attention "accidentally" put your hand on top of her hand.I then turned to Godie and said you try it on your crush I mean she sits right next to you. Laner didn't catch on at all.

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