
Life of a horny Divorcee

Dijat a sex starved beauty who got divorced but went on a sex adventure she meets a fellow who matches her vigor and loves her for who she is. Will she fall In love again or will explore her adventure of sex. Let read to know…..❤️❤️

Muna_Sammin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Be careful Dijat

I drove back home tiredly. I opened the door only to meet with the working out Gina. I lazily threw myself on the couch waiting for the interrogation to come from my detective kinda friend. I sat there and watch her in silence. Good morning sleepover whore! She greeted me. I got startled only to realize I just dozed off. Hey Good morning honey I greeted back rubbing the sleep off my eyes. So you went out yesterday to fuck a stranger whom you just met yesterday? Who does that girl ! Anyway gist me how did it go . She yanked me to a girly cuddle with a naughty grin on her face. First of all I'm not a whore and secondly everybody is a stranger until you get to know each other, I said with a raised brow at her. I started narrating to her how it went and what happened. She was making funny facial expressions and exclamations like, Hey! Wow! You really did that? Cool! I like you again babe. You're really brave! Along the way of my narration. So as you can see babe, I need my beauty sleep now. I'm tired and achy all around my body I told her. Why won't you be aching when you went fucking a stranger all night. Girl I don't know you anymore. Who did you turn to overnight Dijat? I ignored her and started going upstairs. So are you going to fuck him again? She asked while I was climbing the stairs. Of course yes! I will again and again I answered without looking back. I got to the bedroom and threw my heavy achy body to the bed and drifted to sleep. I woke up late in the afternoon feeling better. I got up and went to ease myself in the bathroom then went downstairs to make myself lunch since I was very hungry. I took my phone from my bag and saw alot of missed calls from my business partners, Reina and Davies. I called my business partners back immediately and we discussed about business issues then called Reina to hear what she got for me. So you went fucking Davies Black yesterday? Was the first thing she said when she answered the call. Huh here we go again I sighed with my eyes rolling. Gina told you already? I asked her too. I've been calling you since yesterday evening and got not response so I called Gina and asked her if everything was alright with you that when she told me you went out. She said you slept over too. I can imagine Reina now saying all this with a raised brow and a frown. LoL she is the matured one among us and the most boring 🙄 duuh. Becareful Dijat ! Davies isn't the comfort you should be having now dear. He is worst than Robin dear. The guy is a playboy. Haa I sighed again. Who said I'm into that Davies ? Gurl I'm just having fun nothing else. This is not the right kind of fun you should be having Dijat. You ain't done with Robin yet remember. You filled for divorce all right but he hasn't signed it yet dear. Reina baby, relax okay . Me and Dav won't affect your work if that's what you're worried of. Secondly if this is not the right fun for a sex starved lady as me, then tell me the right fun to satisfy my hunger for sex dear. But Davies won't be committed to you dear, She said again. Who said I want to be committed or be in a relationship Reina? I need no boyfriend, husband nor fiance dear. All I want is sex and fun dear. I need it, I want it. I've been a good girl for long Reina ! I just want to set free the other me just for a while I said to her. Okay dear but please becareful and use Condoms please. I love you Dijat. You guys are the only real family I have now you know , so please take good care of yourself just for me honey! She said in a low and caring voice of a big sister to me. I smiled and assured her I will be. I will be very careful. I love you too Reina, I love you so much muah and we both hang up. I went ahead to the kitchen and prepared myself some Rice with tomato sauce and served myself. I was eating at the dinning when my phone vibrated with a message. I checked and saw it was a message from Dav. I feel someone is ignoring me on purpose, the message read. Oh sorry dear I just woke up from sleep please I replied. Can I call you ? He texted back. Sure I replied too. My phone rang soon after my reply. Hello sleepy head, he greeted. Good afternoon Dav. How is my precious doing he asked. I'm kicking great you? I asked back. I'm fine too just that I'm missing you already dear. I miss you too I also said. You didn't go to work? He asked. Naa !! I got home and tiredly fell on my bed only to wake up now, so today is automatically off. I'm tired I need rest I said i to him. Okay dear but why don't you send me your location so I come check on you after work. Okay I will send you dear I said to him. Okay let me not disturb you now honey. Find something to eat and be healthy for okay. Okay I will dear I said and we hang up. I sent him the location and continued with my Food.