
Life in Konoha's ANBU

ANBU!Naruto. Drafted into ANBU at a young age, Naruto is guided to the path of a Captain. Leader of Team Sigma, the Hokage's Personal Guard, Naruto will lead his team and defend his Village to the best of his ability. Threats besiege the Land of Fire from all sides, and only Naruto stands before them... This is not my fic i found it on fanfic*net the orignal authour is Shezza this fic has 53 chapters currently unfinished A new take on ANBU

SirSleeplessBoi · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 : ANBU Directive 6

Three dark figures bounded through the air, little more than streaks of darkness against the green foliage of the forest. They leapt from branch to branch, moving at incredible speeds as they raced towards their destination. The trees rumbled and shuddered and the wind brought the sounds of distant cracks and whines, explosive tags and elemental jutsu clashing as the two sides waged war against each other. A flash illuminated the afternoon sky as a great ball of fire rocketed up past the trees.

One of the moving figures cocked his head back at his comrades and his fingers flashed in two other figures nodded and in a great burst of speed they leapt from the trees and onto their unsuspecting target. White and red robes billowed out in the wind as Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, turned his head to meet them.

One of the attackers flung his arm forward and kunai rushed forward. Sarutobi slightly shifted his head and the kunai missed, embedding into the ground. The Hokage raised his hands, fingers twisting through hand-seals in a blur, and a huge gust of wind struck the group. Two of the attackers righted themselves and dove to the ground while the other one was overcome and was sent flying. A set of shuriken slammed into the disorientated Shinobi and took him out of the fight, while the two others leapt at the Hokage. One drew a sword, the other formed a hand seal and inhaled.

It was over in a flash. A fire technique burst into existence and was brutally suppressed as a long rod of earth exploded from the ground and slammed into the attacking man's stomach. At the same time, Sarutobi tapped the ground with his foot and the ground around him rippled. A loud shudder rumbled through the ground and the set of kunai embedding in the ground around him- the same set with hissing explosive tags wrapped around the handles- exploded from the ground. The other attacked didn't even have time to blink as they exploded around him and finished him off.

The encounter was over in less than ten seconds.

"Hokage-sama!" An ANBU flickered into view, crouching down and waiting for orders. "The enemy leader has advanced on the field!"

Sarutobi nodded grimly, rubbing his short goatee. He tapped his ear, his dark brown eyes tightening in annoyance. "Communications are down," he grunted. He raised his hand, clicked his fingers and watched as two more ANBU appeared before him. "Teams Alpha and Charlie will continue flanking maneuvers!" he commanded. "I will take Team Delta and pacify the enemies advance. Go!"

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

The ANBU left in a swirl of leaves and Sarutobi adjusted the Kage's hat on the top of his head. He motioned to the ANBU by his side and disappeared in a burst speed that far outstripped the younger and more physically able Shinobi by his side.

A few moments later and the trees began to thin. Smoke billowed out in the distance and the sound of metal clanging on metal became more distinct. Blurs rushed through the trees, some clashing with each other in a burst of sparks as kunai and swords met. A nearby blur paused on a branch, hands blurring in seals, and a torrent of water burst from the ground, destabilizing the enemy's position. The ANBU attacked, black cloaks meeting those with grey, and Sarutobi was pleased by the efficiency of his forces as they quickly dispatched the enemy.

"Where is he?" Sarutobi spoke to the nearest ANBU, who bowed her head respectfully.

"150 meters ahead in the clearing," the ANBU female reported. Her purple hair swayed behind her back, practically inviting the enemy to use it as leverage, but Sarutobi's eyes could see the miniscule tell-tale signs of chakra embodied through it. "We've secured the outer perimeter and await your orders."

"Very well," Sarutobi nodded. He drew himself up and flexed his chakra. The ANBU were well-trained enough not to flinch but some of them certainly tensed as the God of Shinobi prepared to let loose. "I will suppress the enemies defences! On my signal, move forward to attack!"

"Yes, sir!"

Sarutobi drew himself up and his hand flashed through a series of hand-seals. Chakra exploded from his elderly frame and the wind howled. Sarutobi melded the elemental chakra of earth, wind and water alongside each other and combined five separate techniques into a single rush of power. The ground burst open as geysers of water gushed to the surface and a tidal wave of water and mud, propelled by a shrieking gale, exploded past the tree line and into the heart of the enemy defenses.

"Go!" Sarutobi barked as he lowered his hands and his loyal ANBU sprang forward, a dozen dark blurs leaping past the devastating effects of his technique to disappear behind the tree line. As they left, Sarutobi took a deep breath and followed them in a burst of speed.

He reappeared in the middle of what used to be a clearing. Now it was a pit of muddied water, the ground cracked and broken. Whatever traps that the enemy had set up had been washed away by the power of his technique. As black and gray cloaked figures clashed with each other high above in the trees, the enemy of the Shinobi army stood in the clearing, waiting with his arms folded.

"I am the Third Hokage," Sarutobi said grimly, landing in the mud and water and walking across the surface. His white and red robes were somehow pristine despite the muck about them. "You have made an enemy of my village. I will accept your unconditional surrender and, in return, I will spare your life."

The somewhat young leader cocked his head, a Leaf headband glinting in the sunlight. The slash that ran through it marred its otherwise lustrous surface. "You know," Uzumaki Naruto said with a scowl. "This sucks. Why am I the one getting the beat down?"

"I see," Sarutobi nodded gravely, as if Naruto hadn't spoken. "Very well. If you are prepared to die for your cause then I am prepared to assist you!"

"Screw you, boss," Naruto said with a resigned sigh. Chakra exploded from him, a potent and heavy presence settling down over the clearing, and his blond hair ruffled from the effort. "Let's see if I can at least draw blood this time."

Naruto's hand darted his vest and he withdrew a kunai. Before the demon host had even felt the cold metal in his hands, there was an explosion of smoke as Sarutobi's hand struck the ground. Naruto winced as Enma, the Monkey King, was summoned into battle.

"What's this?" Enma asked, one yellow eye opening partly as he took in his surroundings. "The war games again? You're pushing them hard, Sarutobi."

"Enma!" Sarutobi barked grimly. "Help me defeat the leader of the missing nin!"

Enma glanced at Naruto and a somewhat nasty smile curled the large monkey's face. "With pleasure!" he grunted. "Henge!"

"Fuck you all!" Naruto whooped and the kunai flashed through the air as Enma exploded in a cloud of smoke. "Kunai Shadow Clone!"

One kunai became dozens and they rained down on the elderly Hokage. Sarutobi reached into the cloud of smoke and whirled around, the large adamantine staff of Enma bashing away all the kunai. They struck into the ground and trees, piercing rock and wood up to the hilt. Sarutobi whirled around again, facing Naruto, and Enma stretched forward, striking the blond in the chest.

Naruto's eyes widened with shock as he flew backwards, the pole slamming him into a tree with a pained grunt. Naruto was suspended there, still and unmoving, until Sarutobi abruptly pulled Enma back in and side stepped. A kunai flashed past his head, slamming into the adamantine staff and sliding down it in a shower of sparks as Naruto pressed up against the Hokage, his abnormally sharp canines bared in a menacing grin.

"Rasengan!" He cried, his right hand pressing against the staff as his left hand brought a spiraling and whirling ball of pure chakra forward, straight into Sarutobi's chest. There was a flash and a terrible screeching noise as the ball of pure chakra tore past the ceremonial Hokage robes- and nothing else. Naruto only smiled grimly as he pulled his hand back, preparing to leap away- when suddenly the metal staff shifted and pushed away his kunai. A large white-furred hand zoomed from the end of the staff and wrapped around Naruto's throat.

The kunai fell from his grip. Before it had even hit the ground, however, Naruto had brought his hands together. Bird. Ox. Dragon. Ram. Lightning sparked at the tips of his fingers, chakra rushing through his body. It was shoddy and wasteful, too much chakra and not enough control, but Naruto gripped Enma's strangling hand with flickering blue hands and the Monkey King bellowed in pain as lightning was pushed into him. The hand quickly withdrew and Naruto immediately substituted himself with a nearby piece of debris.

He was a fraction of a second away from being knocked out as the substitution was successful just as Sarutobi burst from the ground, a grey gauntlet swinging around and catching the clone embedded in his substitution in the face, dispelling the illusion and obliterating the piece of wood. Naruto flashed through some signs and the wind howled through the clearing as a blade of wind tore from the blond's outstretched hand.

Wind Release: Vacuum Wave! Sarutobi's hands sped through rat, snake, horse and dog signs. He took a deep breath and spun around. A sphere of compressed sharpened air exploded from the aged Hokage, overwhelming the incoming wind blade. Fire Release: Ash Burning Pile!

The howling winds whipping around the Hokage became dirty with grey smoke. It quickly engulfed the area and Naruto's eyes widened. He raised his hands, performing a single hand sign, just as a loud crack filled the air and the smoke abruptly caught light. Fuelled by the power of Vacuum Wave, a massive flash of light and heat roared into the heavens as the entire clearing was engulfed in powerful searing flames. A nearby tree crackled and burned as the fire caught on to other parts of the forest, forcing several of the battling Shinobi to retreat further and further away.

Sarutobi stood in the middle of this firestorm, seemingly unconcerned with the fires that licked harmlessly at his plated shoulders. The wizened Kage took a deep breath and his hands twisted into an unusual sign- one not part of the twelve common hand-seals. With a burst of pure chakra, Sarutobi cast his chakra and negated the storm of fire roaring around him with a single thought.

There was no sign of Naruto.

"I see," Sarutobi murmured, closing his eyes briefly. "You escaped my attack by tunneling underground and now you expect to jump up from behind me-"

The ground behind him exploded as something flashed up, metal glinting in the sun. Sarutobi dodged the first swipe and blocked the second with his forearm guards, looking amused. Naruto grinned back at him, his face sooty and streaked with water and mud.

"Man," Naruto whistled. "Fighting against the Third Hokage is scary. So many collaborative techniques by a single Shinobi…you really are a monster, aren't you?"

Sarutobi grunted but said nothing. A cool wind blew through the clearing as Naruto pressed down against the aged Hokage with all his strength. For that split second, they were at an impasse. Naruto was too young to have the necessary bulk to force his kunai against Sarutobi's guard without both hands, and the Third Hokage could practically feel his bones creaking against the sheer pressure Naruto was bringing down on him already. The sound of metal scraping against metal grinded on Naruto's ears and he felt a rush of satisfaction as Sarutobi was forced to take a step back-

- only to have a giant white-furred paw slam into him and grip him by the throat as Enma, the Monkey King, appeared with a burst of smoke.

"Naruto!" Enma roared, his yellow eyes practically glowing with outrage. The headband of the summon glinted as Enma shoved his face right in front of the blond ANBU. "What did you just say to your Hokage?"

Naruto gurgled something but he had the strange feeling that it was lost in translation underneath the crushing paws that gripped his throat. His grip on his kunai failed and Sarutobi pushed away his flailing with ease. Naruto desperately tried to use the replacement technique but the Monkey King had gripped him too tight for the technique to take effect. Although, there was the other way he could escape…

But in the end it was easier to submit. Sarutobi leaned back, his foot flicking something up from the mud, and a kunai soared into the air. The Third Hokage grabbed it and with a backhanded blow, drove the unforgiving metal deep into Naruto's chest. Naruto grunted at the painful sensation- but it was nothing compared to the sensation of a real kunai. As soon as the metal had touched his chest it had taken on a purplish-orange haze. The seals embedded in his training uniform also reacted, resulting in a display of Fuinjutsu that the young demonhost didn't really understand, but made the kunai only moderately irritating.

"Alas," Naruto deadpanned. "I have fallen."

His quip probably would have sounded better if it hadn't come from the gurgles and gasps he was still emitting as Enma squeezed tighter and tighter-

"That's enough, I think," Sarutobi wheezed. He appeared to be breathing a little harder than usual, although it was hard to tell with him.

Enma complied and disappeared with a puff of smoke. Naruto gasped for air as he fell to the ground, reveling in the sensation of cool air flowing to his lungs. He panted as Sarutobi straightened out his clothing. During that fight, his robes hadn't even gotten muddy. Naruto scowled as he slowly clambered to his feet.

"Ferret," Sarutobi murmured, his eyes taking in the devastation around him. In the nearby distance, battles were still being fought. "Transmit this to all other operatives- Operation Message #3C: the operation has concluded. All ANBU, report for further orders."

Naruto made a grunt in the back of his throat but complied. His fingers drifted over the red swirl of the ANBU tattoo on his shoulder and he channeled chakra into it. A small flash of smoke swirled around him. When it cleared, Naruto was dressed in his ANBU garb, a white porcelain mask covering his face. Naruto carefully went through a dozen hand-seals and placed the palm of his hand on his ANBU tattoo. All throughout the forest around them, ANBU operatives battling at each other stilled as a message was telepathically transmitted across the short distance.

"Attention- all active ANBU forces within Training Group #7- ANBU Operative designated as 'Ferret' brings operation orders #3C- Orders are as follows: Operation Concluded, success to team designated as 'Red'. Report to grid coordinates 13-A-67 for orders."

It was no Yamanaka technique but it did the job. Naruto removed his hand and waited for the horribly-dizzying sensation that always accompanied him when he used the technique. He was sure that the Third Hokage could have easily performed the technique himself-

A massive wave of nausea and a sudden blinding migraine struck him.

But if the Hokage wanted to do all of the grunt work then he wouldn't have fast-tracked a naive genin into becoming his personal assistant all those years ago, would he?

Naruto waited out the aftereffects of his techniques, which were not surprising considering his age and proficiency in the arts of mental communication and warfare. There was a reason why the techniques were usually learned specifically by Communication Officers and few others. As his headache abated he could hear the sound of ANBU appeared in the clearing. It was a soft, almost inaudible sound- a small quiet displacement of air and elite Shinobi appeared from well-timed Body Flicker techniques and landing silently on the mud-soaked and scorched earth. Most would have missed it.

Naruto was just that good.

He hoped.

So was Sarutobi, it seemed, as he continued to rest his eyes until he heard the arrival of the last ANBU operative, a man whose armour had cracked and fallen apart waist height. The ANBU took their training seriously.

"The operation has concluded," Sarutobi said quietly but his voice was heard by all in the clearing. "The rebel uprising led by former-ANBU operative Uzumaki Naruto has been suppressed. As the leaders of both sides of the rebellion, he and I have reached a satisfactory conclusion."

Naruto's eyes widened and he wanted to whimper.

"Uzumaki will take full responsibility for his actions!" Sarutobi thundered. Some of the ANBU snickered as the sheer agony that was radiating off the ferret-masked blonde by the Hokage's side. "All ANBU operatives in the team designated as 'Blue' will be integrated back into the rank and file! Uzumaki Naruto, as the leader of the insurrection, shall provide compensation to each and every single one of you on top of additional administrative duties!"

"Wait, what?" Naruto cried out.

Sarutobi reached over and absently whacked his assistant across the back of his head. The sheer force of the plated armguard sent Naruto sprawling into the mud. Without skipping a beat, the Third Hokage continued.

"All food and leisure costs will be reimbursed directly from the failed rebel, Uzumaki Naruto!" Sarutobi concluded. "Spare no expense on his account! As a traitor, he must learn from his mistakes! Compensation will be personally delivered by the little brat, as well as a most sincere apology for his actions! Had he merely accepted his fate, we would not have had to perform our Operational Training Drills again so soon. ANBU Teams Alpha through Delta, you are dismissed!"

Many of the ANBU chuckled out loud. Some of them called out cheerful thanks to Naruto and waved. Naruto remained oblivious to it all as he lay in the mud, scowling fiercely. The masked figures disappeared after a few moments, more than willing to have a night on the town at the poor blond's expense.

"Why?" Naruto cried out as he threw his hands in the air. He wailed to the heavens despondently. "Why me? What did I do to deserve this?"

Sarutobi took out his pipe, puffing on it solemnly. "Learn from your mistakes, Naruto," he said sternly, not hiding his amusement at all. He puffed out some smoke. "The next time I ask you to complete some paperwork it had better be done. Are we understood?"

"Yes, boss," Naruto wept pitifully as he climbed up from the mud.

Sarutobi chuckled as his blond assistant and ANBU guard took his customary place on his left side. He reached out with one hand and ruffled the boy's locks of hair fondly.

"Now," he said. "Let's talk about our little spar, shall we? I noticed that your lightning manipulation was quite poorly channeled. With your level of chakra, I expect better from you! If an old man like me can defeat you so easily then you need to train more!"

"Yes, boss," Naruto replied blandly.

"Quiet! I wasn't done!" Sarutobi whacked Naruto over the back of his head and hid a grin at his subordinate's furious reaction.

ANBU Directive #6: An ANBU must be healthy in mind and body, willing and able to reach their peak performance in order to attend to their duties