
Chapter 35

The silvery blade of the knife glimmered and flashed across her eyes and as she felt the light breeze coming toward her together with the sudden attack, almost without thinking she suddenly fleeted away. She was like a particle of dust that suddenly moved away as something disturbed the air around it.

As she landed on top of the leaves of a tree she looked at the dark figure in shock. Her heart was beating so heavily and uncontrollably in her chest she thought she'd pass out, meanwhile images of the middle-aged merchant attacking her earlier the days before flashed before her mind's eye.

"Breathe!" A stern, loud voice suddenly entered her ears and broke into her mind. "Remember your breathing! No matter how dangerous or threatening the situation is, always remember to breathe calmly, or you'll suffer the consequences of the lack of oxygen."

When she recognized Jun Xi's voice, the images in her head slowly faded away and she began to control her breathing. She felt the darkening spots before her eyes slowly dissapate and her heart to calm down, it was still beating quickly and heavily but no longer felt out of control.

When she had calmed down a great deal, she saw the dark figure step forward and as he did it was like he stepped out of a shadow and she could suddenly see Jun Xi clearly. Her brows trembled on their own as she tried to figure out what just happened and then she suddenly broke out into tears.

Jun Xi frowned as he saw the little girl standing on top of the tree bawling her eyes out as if she'd just been bullied. For some reason he felt worse about this type of training method than he had expected. But it still needed to be done, for her own good. With a single step he floated off the ground and then landed in front of her and pulled her into his embrace.

When Ming Yue felt his warm and comforting body embrace her, she at first felt really good, but then she became angry and began to hammer his chest with her tiny clenched fists. "Y-You scared me!"

Jun Xi furrowed his brows as he lowered his eyes and saw the top of her crown and felt her fists tickling his chest. Why did it feel like he had done something wrong? He couldn't understand it, but instinctively felt like he should hug her tighter, which he did. He felt the tickling against his chest seize and her loud crying turn into quiet sobs.

They stood like that on top of the tree for several moments with the sun slowly setting behind them.

"Are you hungry?" Jun Xi asked once he felt that she had calmed down. He felt her head bob up and down against his chest, so he wrapped an arm around her waist and then stepped off the crown of the tree and the two of them slowly floated to the ground.

He then brought her over to the small octagonal pavilion and had her take a seat before he sat down on his own stool.

Ming Yue's mind seemed to have cleared up and her mouth watered as she looked at the many dishes that were served on the table. She unconsciously licked her lips as her stomach growled.

A smile grew on Jun Xi's lips as he saw this ravenous little foodie and grabbed a few pieces of grilled fish with his chopsticks and put them on top of her bowl of rice.

Ming Yue wasn't polite at all and immediately dug into her bowl and began stuffing her whole mouth full. She realized she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and was really hungry.

After having cleared almost all the plates on the table, she leaned back a little to give her bulging belly a little space. Then she let out a quiet barf, not caring at all if Jun Xi heard her. She was still upset with him and tried to ignore his existence.

Jun Xi could only quietly shake his head. While she had never been truly "ladylike" in his eyes, she had at least tried to keep a positive image of her in front of him.

Then with a wave of his arm he replaced the mostly empty plates with a pot of warm wine and two cups.

Seeing the warm wine, Ming Yue immediately grabbed a cup and downed two cups in succession. She was still feeling rather upset from before when he scared her and downed her third cup. She immediately began to feel slightly buzzed as she refilled her fourth cup.

Not knowing why, he suddenly said, "Sorry." He didn't know why he said that. After all, this technique of not letting the disciple relax after a traumatizing experience was something he had learned through countless books and experiences. Only by facing the experience over and over again could the human mind overcome it.

Ming Yue crossed her arms and harrumphed. 'Now you know to be sorry? Scaring a little innocent girl who's just gone through a traumatizing experience. What were you thinking!?' As she thought about it more and more, she was getting more and more upset and downed her fourth cup. She was feeling rather drunk now, and suddenly she stood up and jumped toward him, as if she was a cat attacking a mouse with both of her arms stretched out in front of her.

Jun Xi was surprised when he saw her small figure suddenly jump toward him, he could've easily avoided her, but he didn't do anything at all and let her body slam into him.

The two fell over together and landed on the ground. Ming Yue sat on his abdomen and held the collar of his robe with her two hands. She wanted to punish him but now that the two of them suddenly were in this intimate position she didn't know what to do and as her eyes looked into his dark orbs that seemed to contain swirling galaxies all her thoughts proofed out of existence.


Her heart suddenly began to beat heavily in her chest and with each beat it steadily increased its pace. Her face began to flush and her eyes were suddenly drawn to his sexy lips.


With thoughts of punishing him running through the back of her mind and with her eyes gravitating toward his lips and her mind buzzing from drunkenness her body suddenly moved on its own. She suddenly bent over and kissed him and when she realized what she had done her whole face became a steaming red hot of a mess and in a mix of shock and panic she jumped off of him and ran inside of the house.

When she entered her bedroom she slammed the door shut behind her and clasped at her chest where her heart was beating so madly she thought it was about to jump out. Then she felt her steaming red hot face that seemed to be only a moment from self combustion. She reached up with her two hands and felt their scolding heat and began to fiercely wave her hands before her in an attempt to cool them. But as her mind kept replaying what had just happened it seemed to be a futile effort.

Meanwhile, outside near the octagonal pavilion, Jun Xi still laid on the ground looking up into the starry skies that now had turned dark. It was impossible to know what he was thinking from looking at his expression, but seeing how he was still lying there not moving at all, it wasn't hard to figure out he'd just experienced something out of the ordinary.

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