

Here I will update on the list of characters until now in the story and their status.

Just for clarification, I won't make an "every woman that moves is in the harem". The MC has his likes and dislikes, the characters sometimes might not fit together so I won't try to force it. Also he might initially not like someone and later develop feelings for them so don't jump to conclusions, but you can be SURE that I won't make the uncomfortable situation where the woman and mc flirt with each other only for the girl to bang some random guy because "they're not in a relationship." that excuse is lame as fuck and that kind of situation only serves to make the readers uncomfortable and upset.

Kazuki Kurosawa: Our MC, transmigrated after a car crash to an AU version of himself in the world of HOTD. 

Kyoko Hayashi: The first woman that the MC met in this new world. She is the cousin of MC's mother. In the original story, she was that female teacher who died at the school gates at the beginning of the plot. She was the first woman bitten in the school. Too beautiful to die, our MC now wants to keep her alive. She is really into the MC and doesn't care if he gets together with other girls.

Shizuka Marikawa: The airheaded nurse. After a few conversations she and the MC became good friends, at first, she was a bit interested in the calm and confident young man who didn't focus on her breasts when talking with her, later she got to know that they share a liking for movies and they got closer.

Saeko Busujima: The sadist swordswoman, only had the chance to spar with her for a few hours, it helped him a lot as someone who had 0 knowledge about fighting while holding a sword. She is interested in Kazuki because she saw that he's a battle maniac like her and maybe won't shun her true self.

Miko Yuuki: She got interested in Kazuki at first sight, and after talking with him at school and through messages is fully interested. She felt comfortable around him and wants to see where this goes.

Hirano Kouta: The gun otaku, he is an extremely valuable individual. Kazuki helped him deal with bullies and they became fast friends. Helped Kazuki find a place to buy crossbows and other equipment.

Takashi Komuro: Met Kazuki once when he also tried to help Kohta deal with bullies, seems like a nice guy if you don't put him as leader.

Rei Miyamoto: is a second year student of Fujimi Academy, and a classmate and childhood friend of Takashi Komuro since kindergarten. She is also a protagonist of the original story, next to Takashi Komuro and Saeko Busujima. Rei is a member of the Sojutsu club, and her combat skills have proven to be a strong asset.

Saya Takagi: Talked with Kazuki once, is annoyed by him. Saya first made her escape with fellow classmate Kohta Hirano. She is the daughter of an influential Uyoku dantai politician and her family is deeply involved in Japan's politics. A self-proclaimed genius, Saya's knowledge and deductive capabilities.

Yuriko Takagi: Yuriko was once a Wall Street stockbroker and she later married Souichiro Takagi after she was impressed with his charisma and political skills. She acquired a large fortune while trading stocks, and thanks to her business connections, the Takagi family fortune rose significantly when she married Souichiro. She is very skilled with guns, since she had training to protect herself from muggers in New York.

Shura Kirigakure: Vice-captain of the kendo club, she is outspoken and has a gal-like personality, she always tries to tease Kazuki and is open about her interest in him. Likes to use strangely-shaped swords.

Kasumi Miwa: She's a serious student member of the Kendo Club, people have the wrong assumption that she is really guarded. But the truth is that she is just shy to express herself. She is happy to have gained a katana from Kazuki but doesn't want to let people know how much. Usually have a good hold of her emotions, but if she is really happy tends to do some drastic things.

Rika Minami: Rika is the chief of the first squadron in the prefecture police and an expert sniper in the Special Assault Team. Nothing is known about Rika's history at the moment, except that she has been friends with Shizuka for a long time and that the two are roommates.


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