
Let Me Shoulder this Blame!(Quick-Transmigration)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Su Shi was once a platinum-level host with the highest survival rate. One day, his misdeeds of constantly shifting his blame onto others was found out and reported. Convicted of violating the rules, he was bound to an Automatic Blame Shouldering System and exiled to lower-level worlds. Now, not only does he have to take the blame from others and shoulder it himself, he must also carry that blame and rush to his death in order to earn enough points to quickly unbind from the system. Su Shi only wants to get rid of the system by shouldering the blame until death. However, he finds that trying to hold onto the blame is even harder then passing it on, and rushing to his death is even harder than running for his life. As Su Shi lies dying in the protagonist’s arms with red-rimmed eyes and a weak and helpless countenance, an uninvited third guest suddenly rushes out to explain the misunderstanding for him. Su Shi: “I beg you, just let me shoulder this blame, otherwise, it will all be a waste of effort…” NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN ! Support the original Translator - Vanilla Muse

Study_Bytes · Jogos
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81 Chs


"There is more than one explosion spot here."

The familiar voice sounded in the crowd, with calm pride and indifference, instantly reverting back to that cold government marshal.

"If you people want to continue living, then don't try to start anything with me, and take me out of this place. Otherwise, one by one, this place will become what you see before your eyes. And all of you, too, don't think you can get out alive."

His words really did stall the people in their steps. They hesitantly looked at the marshal who still stood proud in front of them.

"Don't try to scare us, we won't believe your conspiracy!"

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The youth who had charged at htem before turned red in the face and shouted fiercely, "Daniel! You are a government dog who murdered the royal family. You are the biggest sinner of the empire! Even if we don't kill you now, we will hang you sooner or later, and let all the people of the country see your sorry dead figure!"

The lieutenant's eyes burst into flames, and his chest was violently undulating. He took a step forward and almost opened his mouth, but Su Shi gently held his shoulder.


Obviously, he was the one who had put forth the most, but contrarily, he could not let anyone know, and was even scolded and hurt by the scalding words of the ignorant.

No matter what, the lieutenant was unable to accept this. He turned his head, but then the words suddenly got stuck in his throat.

The marshal just stood quietly. His spine was straight and proud. His expression was calm, without any unwillingness, and his eyes seemed to be relieved, but he also seemed to be laughing at himself with a touch of solitude.

"This is exactly the outcome I wish for…"

The lieutenant's eyes suddenly became hot. The light smile in those eyes sealed his throat.

Did not expect that the marshal, known for his coldness, really gave up all resistance, but the people did not dare to step forward right away, hesitantly exchanged looks, and watched vigilantly to see if the opponent had any more new tricks.

A quiet, low-pitched voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, breaking this near-stalemate silence.

"But that is not what I want, Daniel."

Su Su's face collapsed immediately.

Translations by Vanilla Muse.

Wayne stepped out of the crowd. He had been rushing all the way without sleep. He still had the chill of wind and dust on his body, and his complexion was difficult to hide the tiredness after the high tension.

But his gaze stared at the other party unwaveringly.

The crowd around him recognized him, calling his name in excitement and surprise. Wayne didn't seem to notice at all.

Su Shi's body has already reached the end of the rope. The strength he had left to stand like this was measured in minutes. Naturally, he did not have any strength left to resist the other.

"Your Highness Wayne, it was he who detonated Isaton Palace and murdered members of the royal family!"

Seeing the response from Wayne, the people could not help but cause some commotion. The leading youth eagerly stepped forward and tried to explain to his highness the wickedness of Daniel. "He is the government's loyal dog. Don't be fooled by him!"

"Did you see him bomb this place with your own eyes?"

The man in his arms was so cold. Holding him against his chest, he was so cold that it made it hard to breathe.

Wayne supported him and looked at the crowd below. His tone was calm and steady, but there was already a strength that did not tolerate disobedience in the arm that monopolized that person.

He would not let Daniel continue to evade like this. The establishment of a country had never been based on the sacrifice of one person.

Daniel already carried enough on his shoulders. No matter how great the purpose was they still shouldn't make a hero stay silent and bury him in the darkness.

The young man was speechless for a while, and he took two steps back.

The explosion was over when they rushed in, but they saw the two men appearing here. Out of their usual hatred, they indiscriminately determined that Daniel bombed Isaton Palace.

The young man looked up and gathered up his courage to speak, "But—Your Highness Wayne, he did not deny…"

Wayne sighed very lightly, turned to look at Daniel's pale, almost transparent face, met his gaze warmly, and said, "Daniel, you are here to transfer the royal family and have them evacuate, right?"


When he saw the protagonist, he knew that it was not good. Su Shi pursed his lips and only said a word when Wayne gently pressed his hand to his lips. "Think about it and then answer. You promised me that you wouldn't ever lie to me again."

Even if he really wanted to lie, he still couldn't tell the other person to his face that he blew his parents and siblings sky high.

With his lips covered up, Su Shi rolled his eyes unhappily, and nodded silently.

He finally saw a rare and willful reaction on that face. Wayne, who had been tense for an entire night, relaxed slightly. His eyes were soaked with a soft warm color. He placed a comforting hand on the hair exposed under the brim of Su Shi's military cap. Finally, he let out a breath of relief.

"You remember that I asked you to take care of my family, but why don't you remember that I want you to take care of yourself?"

Su Shi's eyes flickered. Guilt filled him. Wayne then turned around and spoke slowly towards the crowd that had already quieted down.

"I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone for their help. The Terence Government is undoubtedly the most sinful and common enemy, but trust me, Daniel is different."

The crowd gradually calmed down and listened carefully to Wayne's words.

Wayne's voice was a little hoarse, but every word was still legible.

"He has a lot of difficulties that can't be explained yet, but I can promise you on my honor, that his soul is purer than most of us. When you know what he did, you will definitely think that he is an admirable hero."