
✓ A beginning and an unburied past II.

July 5, 2017.

I almost run out of there, I take off my black mask when I find myself in the auditorium. I go into the bathroom quickly to undo my ballerina clothes for one that covers me all so I can go get my payment, but that would be until the burlesque closes. Only two more hours to go.

He had worked hard for this show, he knew it would bring a good pay. When I'm ready, I put the mask back on and take my bag, placing my belongings inside, I close carefully since the closure is a bit damaged, when everything is ready I go to Rubén my boss's office.

It's arguably one of the best nights at the burlesque, but I just think it's one of the worst days of my miserable life. When I go into Ruben's office, Larry stops me.

"You can't come in, you have to wait a moment," he announces with his authoritative tone.

Annoyed buffet, the truth is I did not like to wait but everything is for my payment.

Several screams were heard inside that office, honestly I was already bored in such a way that it overwhelmed me. It was difficult to present yourself having a rival in your work apart from the fact that she believed that she stole her clients from me, obviously that is not the case, I am only here for the money that she leaves me on weekends.

When they deign to leave the office, an unhappy Ana appears in my field of vision, excited and comes against me but Larry cut her off immediately.

"You're a fucking bitch," he hisses with hatred.

I just look at her determinedly, I can't even reply, I just ignore her like I always do, I'm tired, all I want is to go home.

I try to grab again, but Larry cut her short.

"Ana, calm down or get out," said Rubén, who gestures for me to come in.

When I entered the office I sat on the piece of furniture in front of my boss's desk. I settle in while the aforementioned closes the door and walks over to his seat.

"Okay, now let's talk about upcoming events." He pauses while making a call, when he's finished he continues.

"Stefano wants a private event with his friends, it will be in a few weeks." He looks at me carefully.

He grabs his tobacco, puts it between his fingers and takes it to his mouth immediately takes a drag.

"Miguel wants an erotic event, he bought your costumes himself, it will only be him. It will be for next week." He takes another drag on his tobacco.

"You have other events, but they will be before the main one, you will have good earnings."

He leaves his tobacco in the ashtray, takes a pencil and his notebook.

"It was an excellent day for you, your strategy exceeded my expectations. You have won twenty-two thousand dollars tonight, good job Lette." He hands me the envelope with the payment I have waited for all week.

He was the only one who knew my identity, he was the boss, you couldn't lie to him.

"Good evening, Rubén." I take the envelope, grab my bag and walk out of there.

Before I left I went to the bar to see what types of alcohol they had given me. I sighed a little before going since Ana was there, she didn't want fights.

"Jim, did I get drinks?" I leaned a little closer to him.

"Yeah, two bottles of bourbon, one of tequila and grape sangria, you got more but it's just shots." Do I pass them to you?" I ask something funny.

"I just want the bottles, thanks." I'll give you the drinks." He smiled amusedly and handed me the bottles in a black bag.

I leave immediately without avoiding seeing their envious looks towards me.

I run out of that place without looking back I take out the keys to my 2003 Aveo, I open the pilot's door I throw the bag for the passenger seat when I am inside I carefully put the bag with the drinks and put them under the seat.

I drive to the address of my apartment in Noble Square I am going 80 km per hour, I want to arrive as soon as possible I must rest for the terrible day that has been today. I park the car in the parking lot, I quickly get my things out and head towards the inside of the building.

"Colette you have correspondence," announces the doorman.

I go to my locker to look for the mail. A day like today at twenty to three is not the best time for anything, but problems and debts do not have holidays.

When I have all the envelopes in my hands, I go to my humble home. I put the things on the table and he uncovered the bottle of eight white tequila, a good drink, I would say that I am not worthy of trying it but it was the one that Dad liked. I take a sip, the burning does not take long to get desperate to take effect on me and I appreciate it very much.

I lock the door, I go to the kitchen to find my glass 'your glass' I fill it all with tequila, I close the bottle. I go to the table and take a sip of the drink as if it were coffee. Funny? Yes, when your life sucks and taking into account the type of person I am, I take refuge in alcohol. It is not the best option but I control it which is the important thing.

I have 4 envelopes, three are from the debts that I must pay which are a total of sixteen thousand five hundred and seventy, the other envelope only informs me of the scholarship I receive for my studies at the University of Illinois here in Chicago. I am studying medicine with only two years to go to finally be a surgeon, although I have another year to specialize.

I take one more sip of my drink, my face wrinkled, I can't get used to the taste of it even though I've been doing it for about four years.

"It still hurts a lot Carlos. "

I arrange the mess, I finish drinking my drink and I take the glass to the sink to wash it. After having done all that I go to my room a little dizzy, I suppose that the alcohol that I have consumed tonight has had an effect on me, my good and dear friend eight white tequila.

He stripped me of all the clothes that I carry, I do not know where my clothes fall and at the moment it does not matter much to me, so I keep walking towards the bed falling quickly into it, he smiled melancholy when he knew that today is the day I hate the most in my life.

'The day I lost you Carlos'

She cried for the first time since last July 5, I am condemned to feel nothing for anything or anyone, since ... Enough!

"Carlos come find me!" I'm dying without you! Miss you! There are no more kisses in the jar!" I screamed as I choked on my heartrending sob.

I may have had too much to drink, but I'll be back to normal tomorrow. What will not return to normal is the pain of his absence that has left me an immense emptiness.

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