
Let Me Find You~

His icy blue eyes seem like they're boring into my soul. I shiver from the closeness and take a step back, only to realise my back is pressed against something. And it won't move. Then he walks closer and leans in... *** When everything is not what it seems, can she brave the dangers of Lehienia? Lehienia is the world of the fae, and no one is to be trusted. Auralyn, a young princess of the Summer Lands is to be wed to the Spring prince, and as someone who craves freedom, can she make the right choice? Meanwhile, in the distant Winter Lands, an unknown enemy is planning to take down the throne, and Aston, the fifth prince, is sent to take Auralyn back to his queen for a public execution. But little does he know, that mission won't be so easy, after all. They made their choices. Will they succeed?

xnutellax · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 9 - Auralyn

Fuck this.

I wasn't just going to sit here and let them rip away my freedom. Pushing myself up from the bed, I stormed towards the door and threw it open.

Everyone was asleep, so that made sneaking out easier. It was midnight, and the only source of light I had was the moon.

Stepping towards the training grounds, it felt like I was where I belonged. Ren was there, spinning and thrusting his sword into thin air. Once again, he was alone, no one sparing a glance at him. Some part of me ached for him, for someone else to care for him. Ren was alone since birth, and now he was, again. He had been born an orphan, abandoned.

I had gone on a stroll, expecting it to be a boring one. Suddenly, I heard a wail, then a whimper. It could have been a wild animal, but it didn't sound like that.

The house was deserted, and dust and cobwebs surrounded me. The fae child laid in the middle of the room, and when I crept closer, he reached for me. My first instinct would have been to kill him, but something stopped me. He had golden hair that shined, and green eyes the exact shade of mine.

I stopped breathing. Wasn't I an only child? Could I have...a brother?

I gently carried him, and he gurgled. He smiled, as if to tell me he liked me, and I laughed. The child was adorable, and I already loved him with all my heart.

That day, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran to the only person I knew I could trust. If I had brought him back to the manor, he would have been executed, tortured. I could never let that happen to him.

Mala stood at the edge of her house, scrubbing and washing. She was a servant, but a kind one. A stranger, yet my friend. The boy in my arms, I walked up to her. Her ears catching the noise, she turned to me.

"Auralyn?" Shock filled her features.

I gave her a smile. "It's me."

And only then, did she notice the child.

"What is that?! You're not even married, Auralyn! Do you want a scandal to surround the Summer Lands?"

My eyes widened when I realised what she was thinking. I choked.

"He isn't mine."

Her eyes narrowed. "And whose is he, then?"

"I found him."


"Do the details matter, Mala?"

She sighed. "No, not really."

Then her eyes filled with fear. "His eyes..."

"I'm not sure, it could just be a coincidence. But, if I brought him back, you know they wouldn't show him any mercy."

"No, they wouldn't."

"So, will you keep him for me?"

She stood up so quickly, I had to take a step back.

"Are you out of your mind, Auralyn? Keep him?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, keep him. More like, take care of him until I can."

"I can't, you know that."

"No one has to know."

"But someone will find out." I could hear her heart pounding.

"Please. I'm begging you. Will you let him die by himself?"

She stiffened. "Never. No one should have to die by themselves."

"There. You have your answer."

"Am I to treat him as my own child? What of his name?"

"Ren. His name is...Ren."

Her lips curved up. "Ren."

I smiled. "Thank you, Mala. I will forever owe you for this."

Mala let a small smile slip. "And so, you shall."

A voice stopped the memory. "Are you just going to stand there gawking at me the whole night?"

My head whipped towards the sound. Ren stood, smirking.

My face heated. "I wasn't gawking. I was thinking. But you wouldn't know that. You've never tried it before."

His arched his brow. "At least I've been practicing, you haven't come for at least a month. You had me worried. Must be out of practice now, huh?"

I grinned. "I'm better than ever, Ren."

"Then, prove it."

Taking the sword closest to me, I brought it up.

"Bring it on."