
Let's Survive The Apocalypse

With the dawn of the apocalypse, every living animal found themselves to be on the menu of the undead and each other. However, everyone and everything was giving a fighting chance ranging from evolution in the case of plants and animals while humans would call them superpowers. Some more powerful than the others.

Blinking_Apollyon · Terror
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4 Chs


"I don't think we should leave it alive down there," Henry told his companions who were about to leave. They both stopped and looked at him.

"Why not? It's in the pit, I don't think it can come out anytime soon," the chubby man argued.

"You know crows? Yeah, you do, anyway, they are very smart even to human standards. Apparently, they never forget a face and if you mess with one, you can expect it will definitely keep attacking you even for five years. Apparently, they can communicate with each other so clearly the crow you offended might call its homies to come an attack you with it," Henry told them. This story, however, made them even more confused.

"What exactly are you going to with the story?" the metallic man asked.

"This bear has been mutated to such an extent, what's to say its intelligence hasn't also been mutated. We might be looking at a bear with the intelligence of a human and the senses far times stronger than before. If it gets out, what's to say it won't track us down and attack again, this time with vengeance," Henry explained and he could see he got through the metallic man for he looked down the pit with contemplation. The chubby man, however, wasn't yet convinced.

"Look, the bear is down, let's get out of here before it get out or calls for help," he said, slightly fearful as the bear just released an air trembling roar.

"Bears are solitary animals and it's a male which means it doesn't have any other of his kind nearby," Henry said as the man gave him a deadpan look. "Sorry, I was into documentaries a lot."

"How do you suggest we kill it? I don't think any of us want to go down there, I most importantly even with my metal alloy physiology," the metallic man said. Henry thought for a while before he got an idea.

"I'll use my earth manipulation to pelt it to death. Let's just hope it's skin is not as thick as I think it is," he said.

Henry manipulated the stones making the building, ripping the building apart. He then made the stone cluster together into boulders and compressing them together till they were nice and firm.

"For a test shot," he said as he put every boulder but one to the ground. It hovered above the pit as he took aim, gathered his spirits and flung it to the bear.



The ground shook at the impact, clouding the entire pit with dust of the exploded boulder. Henry parted apart the dust and his eyes widened in shock as the bear looked back at him with anger. On its shoulders was a rusty patch, that's all!

"Fucking hell!" the metallic man cursed as he saw the zero damage done to the monstrosity below.


The bear let out a maddening roar as it tried to jump out of the pit only to fall short. It's bulkiness was it's own nemesis, though Henry felt that underneath all that was actually muscle and very very little fat, much like a hippo!

'Now that I think about it, I am glad I'm not anywhere near hippos at the moment!' he sweat dropped as he thought of what those underwater tanks with tempers as short as a Kardashian's relationship.

"Okay, we don't need to make him more mad than we already have," the chubby man said fearfully, backing away from them.

"His skin is tough, let's see how he deals with the next step," Henry said as he lifted a second boulder. He manipulated it, shaping it into a conical shape. Done, he hang it above the pit, the sharp end pointed to the bear's head then started to rotate it.

Faster and faster, the pick picked up speed till it looked like a blur. Already, a whirlwind of dust was forming around it which mad Henry nodded. Then, he used all his concentration to send the pick down with the fastest speed he could. The pick broke the sound barrier almost immediately, making him and the metallic man to be flung backwards and when it hit, a deafening roar followed by a localized earthquake followed, making all three fall while clutching their ears shut.

"That must have done something," the metallic man said as he helped Henry to his feet. The two went and looked down to see the pick had pierced through the monster's hide but barely! It was bleeding but it didn't look all that severe!

"Fuck! Now I wish I had its physical abilities, that's just impressive," Henry said then suddenly, he found everything had changed. The way he was seeing the world of had changed, from the bear below to the air itself. If he could describe it, he would say it suddenly became clear!

"You alright, bud?" the metallic man asked him in concern, seeing him suddenly become dazed.

"I didn't know the world had so many colors!" Henry said in amazement, looking around. When he turned around, he saw the chubby man was just in front of him, arms reaching out to him. The man bumped into him, trying to push him into the pit only to fall into his butt. He looked up with shock written on his face.

"How are you so strong?" he asked him, making Henry think back.

'I wanted to have the physical abilities of the bear and suddenly, everything changed. Is this my power, giving myself the powers of others? But, earlier on I wanted to have earth manipulation as my power and I suddenly had it. That means, it's not power mimicry but self bestowal of power! Okay, this is definitely overpowered!' he thought before coming back to the present.

"Did you just try to push me into the pit?" he asked the chubby man with an incredulous look.

"Yes! Whatever you're doing is making the bear more angrier and the more noise it makes, the more zombies it will attract! I don't want to die so early on," the chubby man said without breaking eye contact.

"He saved your life," the metallic man said with disgust.

"And I am grateful for it, but I will not be endangered by him because of a debt of gratitude," the chubby man said, resolutely.

'At least he's firm in his belief,' Henry thought as he looked at his determined eyes.

"Don't worry, this is the last test," Henry said as he turned to the bear that was glaring back at him. "I don't know whether his insides are as hard as his outside and it appears I don't have time to check for that. So, I'll use physical state of matter for this." He lifted one boulder and then broke it down to fine dust. He manipulated it to float into the pit slowly surrounding the bear.

"There's more than a thousand ways to kill any living creature on Earth but I can say this is most savage," he said. He controlled the dust and let it enter into the nostrils of the bear, making its eyes widen in panic.

"Thank you for opening my mind," Henry said as he let me he dust be absorbed into the bloodstream immediately. The bear started thrashing around as if knowing what was going on. Henry didn't let up, letting the dust get into its brain before gathering it all together and solidifying them into jagged pebbles. The bear died of brain hemorrhage, a truly horrible way to go.

"Now we can leave," Henry turned to his companions who looked at him apprehensively. This was the first time they had ever seen such display of...ruthlessness. The chubby man had forgotten about his bravery, looking at him with fear of retaliation.

"What are we waiting for, let's go!" Henry reminded them, bring them out of their musings and they started off.