Part 2 in the Grimm's Rise Again series. ... Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Pat
"Urr~ Where the hell am I? And why does it feel like I was hit by a truck?" A ginger haired man groaned as he sat up from the ground that he was just laying face down on. The last thing he remembered was working late in his office, he was an accountant, and he was inputting some data into his computer when his vision went dark and then next thing he knew he was somewhere else.
Looking around himself from the floor of a workshop looking room, filled with strangle and very, clearly magical items, for example the dragon head with what looked like electrodes sticking out of it's cut open head was for an indication of just what type of room he was in.
Looking around till he was facing towards a very large man with long black hair that reminded him of Madara from Naruto. Looking more closely at the man's face the first thing I noticed was of course his eyes, it was kind of hard to miss them when they were completely black like he had the whites of his eyes tattooed, but I couldn't see a pupil, instead the man seemed to have hundreds of shining dotes of different colours all across his eyes, like what you would expect a galaxy to look like.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked him as I got up from the floor, dusting myself off.
"I am you, well at least a version of you. I see from your mind that you lived a very similar life to me but instead became an account instead of a military clerk, you read webnovels as well, so you should know about HolyJoker. This is the type of situation you are in if you understand me." My apparently other self explained to me, which actually told me a lot. It seems that I was reincarnated, at least this version of me was and then once I had enough power I made sure I was reincarnated, insuring my own existence, and now it seems I was just now reincarnating other versions of myself.
"I get it, so where do you plan to reincarnate me? And how many others have you done the same to?" I asked him curiously.
"Hahaha! I'm glad that I catch on so quickly, mean's that it will be easier to do this again and again. And you are the first, if you don't count when I ensured I would be reincarnated when I was first reborn. Anyway you will be reborn in the Aliens Vs. Predators universe. I'm giving you a couple of abilities because I'm feeling generous." My other self explained, while he grinned.
"First is Instant Mastery, which is basically just good talent in everything. Second, Instant Adaptation, you just adapt faster then normal, don't expect to be doing things like walking through fire, not right away at least. Third, Limitless Potential, you just won't have any blocks on your progression, like how those cultivators would have from those novels we would read. And finally something I'm sure you will love, Quicksteel, the Quick we liked from the fanfiction called Metallurgy by BeeeTeee. I don't think I have to explain just how much of a helping hand I am giving you by giving you all of this." He said, finally becoming more serious, instead of the carefree tone he had before.
"I don't actually plan to do the same with the others I chose to reincarnate, they will get some talent and one ability at best. I'm investing more in you since I trust myself. Don't become lazy with your new gifts, and do what I would do. Now off you go." A with flick of his hand my vision went dark and I felt myself being pulled away from the back of my neck, like being picked up by a giant.
"Little pup~ it's time to wake up." A gigantic 9ft Yautja huntress said softly down to the small Yautja child in her arms, she had black dreadlocks going from the back of her head all the way down to the middle of her back with the ends of them being red, her skin was also pure black with jagged stripes of dark red, her body was very muscular but it also had a feminine charm, from her toned curves to her large breasts, a common trait in female Yautja's.
Her face was normal for a female Yautja, a large wide forehead with sharp points around her crown, her red eyes were slightly sunken into her skull but not as far back as you would see on other female Yautja's, she had the same four mandibles with small white tusks at there ends like everyone else but there was something different about her mouth, she had lips that covered her teeth, which suggested her heritage was not just made up of Yautja and there was some alien DNA running through her veins.
Even when she looked so fierce she still had a gentle look in her red eyes when she looked on down at her new born pup, the little guy looked like an exact copy of his mother, it even looked like he was starting to gain muscle mass hours after being born, she was quite proud of that fact.
'So this is my new mother huh?' The baby Yautja thought as he listened to his mother talk to him; this was of course the red haired man that had just reincarnated as a Yautja pup, by his future self.
As for what his mother was saying to him, most of it just sounded like clicks and grunts she made with her mandibles but with his Instant Mastery he was learning the language quickly, if this kept up he would have the Yautja language mastered within a couple weeks.
And the reason he was growing so quickly compared to other pups is because of his Instant Adaptation, his body was adapting to the planets gravity, giving him the muscles his mother thought came from her.
His normal day consisted of waking up and then feeding from his mother's breasts, let me tell you that took some getting used to, trying to move past the feeling of embarrassment, she is still my mother after all!
And after that she would make me do different activities, climbing things to get treats at the top of places I had to find ways to get to and learning how to use wooden weapons like staff's and wooded daggers, I'm not sure if this was normal for a couple day old Yautja pup but my mother seemed to be really excited with my progress, saying things like I'll be killing and mounting kiande amedha heads on my wall soon, oh, kiande amedha is the Yautja name for the xenomorphs, meaning hard meats for the difficulty in hunting them.
After a couple weeks of this I have finally learned the entire Yautja language and I have finally learned what my new name is, my mother named me Cetanu, after the Black Hunter, the Yautja god of death, I think she named me so because of are shared skin colour, apparently the Black Hunter also has black skin with dark red stripes.
I honestly think that my mother is trying to turn me into a replica of him, well I can only keep training day after day trying to live up to her expectations.
And my own.