
chapter 1: high school

one day in high school there was a new girl she was cute and nerdy but adorable.she walks like everything is going to be great but no.

she gets bullied a lot and I just stand there shocked and nervous to help her. but one day I decided to help her and I got hit but I'm ok. we both went to the nurse and got patched up we decided to be friends and we ate together. Once you get to know her, she's really nice and sweet her lips are a rose pink and her eyes are icy blue.

"hey um what's your name" I asked

"it's ruby what about you" she said

"Brooklyn" I say

"cute name"She said smiling she got up and kissed my cheek and walked away I was just sitting there blushing so hard my face itched. then I followed her and she called me slow after school we went to get ice cream my feelings for her increased a lot, and I hope she feels the same way, oh, maybe come out to her tomorrow, even though I met her for like a day.