
Legions of monarch

Ethan is a 15 year's old boy that lives in an imp city with, his mother and older sister living a normal life but can it remain normal? In the year 3040, the earth was struck by a bolt of lightning that's when it all changed for good. The earth evolved into something only possible in fantasy stories, the humans gained the ability to use magic to call upon various types of powers not only did humans evolve so did the animals and environment. Thrust into such a world, Ethan thrives to survive and protect, his family and friends. But out of all other abilities, his seems to be trash in the eyes of others.

Code_Unknown777 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

The end and a new beginning

A city filled with people moving about, and the breeze blowing the trees, this is imp city this city is rather large it's one of the most famous cities in the country of Japan. people from all over the country would visit whenever they are free the economy is stable with no sign of ever having a downfall.

In this city a boy no less than 14 was walking with a happy expression, his hair color is blue with a tint of black. his blue diamond eyes filled with nothing but joy at the moment.

"Ahhhh! it's finally summer I can finally rest without worrying about studying for another month I have so many plans I can hardly wait!"

As he walked his steps became faster and faster until he reached his destination his home Ethan was beyond happy to have weekends. 'The first thing I should do is start packing to leave. If I don't then who knows how long I'll have to wait at the train station.'

Ethan was planning to go over to his aunt to spend some time.

After pondering for a while, he went towards the entrance of his door, but before, he could touch the handle the door opened as if being repelled by some kind of force, however, that doesn't seem to be the case the person appeared was a young girl with slim body and long blue hair it was, Ethan's sister who opened the door.

"Ohh! Your home little bro? that's strange you rarely reach home this early before are you ok?"

"Of course I'm ok," replied Ethan with an irritated look on his face.

Ethan walked past his sister in a hurry seemingly hurrying towards his room his sister had a look of confusion written over, her face she was thinking about something suddenly she remembered, something 'Oh I get it he's excited because of his weekend well, he's happy lucky for him.'

As soon as Ethan entered his room, he dropped his bag on the floor while bolting towards his clothes-holding area his smile was brighter than the sun. At this moment, the question remains why is he so happy?

Suddenly a shadow loomed over his head but, Ethan paid it no attention instead, he kept moving faster, but then he stopped and looked at the figure his movements seemingly slowed down. It was, Ethan's mother standing while both arms crossed, her expression was that of happiness.

"Son, I bet you are happy but can't you go a little slower? it's not like she's going to run away you know. I bet if she saw you she would be laughing your too funny."

Ethan took a glance at his mother and said "Mom you and big sis are both the same I can't go through a day, without being laughed at you know it's embarrassing."

Ethan's mom seems to be more fueled as she kept on cracking funny jokes at this point she was enjoying it. But for Ethan, this was like taking off your clothes in front of a town filled with people.

After packing up his clothes, he went to his kitchen to grab something to eat, after a session of eating, he went straight to the shower.

"Hey, I wonder if I'll be able to get, the new Tower of Evil series? it's an epic game. unfortunately, I can't unless I wait for another day, but that's not happening I have too much important stuff to do sigh!"

The Tower of Evil series is a popular online game played on consoles it's a fantasy-based game with; gods, dragons, elves, humans and, orcs, of course, this was no easy game with each level being cleared it gets extremely hard only a few people manage to reach god level. The game was based on all types of mythology with characters such as sun wukong, Zeus, and Odin with the list going on. Of course, you could defeat those characters, but only a hand full can pull that off.


After taking a long shower, then went to his room to grab his clothes after doing so, he looked for his mother, and sister they both hugged each other with his mother and sister teasing him he then got red, and he could only sigh to himself in embarrassment even tho he was embarrassed deep inside his heart, he felt good. Not wasting any more time, he said his goodbyes while walking outside.

when suddenly a bright light, covered the sky seemingly, covering the entire city crackling sounds could be heard as thunder was about to strike.

In that instant a bolt of lightning descended on the earth, causing the earth to vibrate, constantly all the clouds were nowhere to be seen except for one place and that's the center of the earth. The entire earth thrummed like a heart beating inside a living breathing person.

The air around the earth stopped even the cars, animals, humans everything stopped moving the law of time seems to be defined by this accruing phenomenon.

Suddenly the earth vibrated and started to stretch, it continued until it was ten times larger than the original size of the earth. of course when compared to the current size the original size was like a water drop in a sea. lands started forming continents, formed islands, formed the sight was no less than grand.

Even as this played out things started appearing things that only appeared in video games and novels it was monsters, weapons, treasures all sorts of fantasy-like stuff appeared, even dragons, started appearing in the sky while flying around in circles.

The earth made a final thrum in that instant a tower-like castle appeared stretching towards the cloudless sky it had a dark red hue to it while emitting a holy aura. The clouds held captive by an unknown force scattered back into the sky in that instant time seems to resume the people who saw the light from earlier eyes widened trying to figure out what happened.

"What...? What happened?" people from all corners of the continent were confused while some seems to be catching on people from outside saw a huge tower stretching towards the sky. someone approached while walking, with his gourd up as, he stepped forward he felt a pulsing sensation in his chest area his body started emitting a faint glow of red he stopped, and looked at his hands it started, glowing red seemingly brimming with power.

"Look he's glowing what's happening is, he on fire?"

"Ahhh! your glowing blue is this a dream? are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

Everyone began glowing in various colors people began using mysterious powers, and abilities some could produce fire, water, wind, lightning, and more.


"Two years later"

During these two years, people began awakening supernatural powers and started

gusting to the new environment. the government discovered new continents, and Islands orders were issued to refrain from traveling beyond to the unknown in the new world. the old continents appeared to be a speck of dust compared to the new continents monsters appeared on the new continents captured by the camera even monsters bigger than the old continents combined people felt fear at the same time happiness.