
War with Iwagakure (Part-1)

Two Great Villages, Iwagakure and Konohagakure, were struggling for any opening in this world shinobi war.

It was apparent that the situation was critical.

The impetus was last year's large crop failure where Iwagakure surprise attacked Konoha and burn all of their farms.

Konoha had no choice but to buy food from outside, at a huge cost. Forcing them to cut their life-line in this extremely cruel war.

But, They spent so much money for nothing, as the entire food supply was destroyed by Iwagakure's members.

Due to this embargo, Konoha's finances were dire. They became forced to levy heavy taxes on the people, and many starved to death.

They have no choice anymore, they have to steal the food of Iwagakure.

Hokage Hiruzen, General Kagami, and the rest war mongrels sit in the meeting room to discuss the plan.


The plan was already set in motion.

Konoha's army will consist of 30,000 shinobis, but this number was not actually that many.

Their job is simple, 60 Teams consisting of 500 shinobis will skirmish and raid at different places, Steal as much as food as they can.

Each team will be under a platoon Leader

This plan is way too risky and they might still not get the result.

Konoha might very well be sending it's 30,000 shinobis to death.


-Near Mount Ontake- Neutral Territory- Night time-

"You, as always, you're enjoying yourself eating. It isn't that delicious, that thing.", said Mikoto as she sat on a log. Eating her share of food.

"It is because Mom said to eat a lot. So that I can grow healthy. Since everyone does not feel like eating much. I might very well enjoy myself"

"When your stomach will be bulging later, good and bad will be another issue. Jeez, what a weirdo"

"Enough about me, What are you doing here anyway, It's the shinobi corps, Only cannon fodders come here. Not princesses like you"

"You are here as well"

Shenron shrugged, "I volunteered actually, Iwa killed my entire clan and my family, I can't revive my clan yet, and I can't take my revenge without Konoha either, So, I joined the army... what about you?"

"I volunteered as well"


She nodded, "I am following my father's footsteps, He started from the footman's position to become the Great General he is today"


"Your father used to in the corps? At lowest ranking position as well"

She nodded

"Are we talking about the same guy. This is Uchiha Kagami, we are talking about. The Legend Himself"

She rolled her eyes.

"What about Hiashi san, Fugaku san, Senju san, etc. Are they going to join the corps as well?"

"They are still in Konoha, Learning from clan heads. Once they are ready to join the war, they will be sent to fight in the war under some Expert"

"And these things, do not apply to you?"

She nodded, "My father is the commander of entire Shinobi forces, He is one of the strongest in Konoha, And he is Second in command in Uchiha's elders as well, Being his daughter comes with certain perks, But, you have to understand that he is not the Uchiha Clan's Patriarch, neither am I the next clan head. When I told father my decision to join the army at the lowest ranking Position, I think he was proud of me"

Shenron shrugged, "Anyone would be, I mean, you are risking a lot, and this is you who made the decision as well"

She smirked, "Have you heard about our Platoon Leader?"

"No, Who is it"

"Some Jonin named Hatake Sakumo. I heard he is very good with swords"


"Father said he is so good that very few Jonin can match his prowess once he is equipped with a proper sword, I am told that it's an honor to be under him"

"What is someone like him doing here? Being a platoon leader nonetheless, Shouldn't he be at the higher position, Like Jonin Commander or Something"

"Well, I heard that he rose to his position from the lowest ranking position as well"


"There is another like your father?"

She nodded, "He is father's sole disciple after all"


Shenron's mouth twitched.

"Platoon Leader, is the aforementioned rumors true?", Asked a young shinobi, Probably about the same as that of Shenron, a little older though. Asked the platoon Leader which makes the Platoon Leader Hatake Sakumo turned towards him along with the other 500 Shinobis under him.

"You have to be more specific Soldier, What rumors?"

The Platoon Leader asked back with a stern expression on his face.

"The one about this being a trap. The rumors said that we are going into the minefield"

Sakumo nodded, "That's right, we might very well be walking into the mouth of shinigami itself"

"Uwaa. So it was true. I still don't want to die yet though. Leader, you don't want to die either right?", The young Shinobi said feeling afraid

"I have nothing to live for"


"My parents, My friends are dead already, I buried their bodies with my own hand. I see death on a regular basis. People who are precious. People die every day. Friends... family. Yeah, there is a good chance that we might die tonight. All of us are intentionally heading to a possible death trap after all"


"But we will die for a cause, If we complete this mission, we might be able to eat properly again, We fail, not only us, but everyone else is going to starve. I don't know about you. But I don't want to die starving. I might very well take my chances on this possible trap"

"I guess we are not like you", The young shinobi said in a low voice

This brought the entire platoon's morale down in just a moment.

"Thank you for the meal", Shenron clapped and brought the entire attention to him.


"Who the hell are you?", The young shinobi asked

Shenron smiled cheerfully, "I just joined a few days ago, so you might not know me, But my Name is Uzumaki Shenron, Recent Genin"


Sakumo Hatake, who was indifferent till now finally showed some reaction as he watched Shenron with interest, He might not be some top leader, but he keeps tabs on the recent news.

Uzumaki Shenron, one of the last two Uzumaki's that survived

"Where is your Headband then?"

"Oh, Inside my scarf, I wear it on my neck"


Shenron chuckled, "If I am a fake, there are so many people here, How could I draw attention to myself."

"That's... Kinda true"

Hatake Sakumo was watching the two teens and recently promoted Genins with interest.

This is a shinobi corps, the meat shield. Their job is to do the suicidal attacks and thin enemy lines before the Main forces finish the job. Young People Joining the army is not unusual after all. But having a rookie of the year in the army is very rare. There were similar instances though. General Kagami was the rookie of the year. Yet he joined the army by going against the wishes of Uchiha Elders and his parents. He himself was the rookie of the year. Yet he followed on the footsteps on General Kagami.

Hatake Sakumo knows that General Kagami's sole daughter Mikoto has joined the Army at the fodder's position. And Sakumo knows that she will become someone great and powerful in the future. That was if she can deal with her Innate pride.

Her father did though, He did it for years.

He was from the Uchiha clan. The clan that was so unpopular back in those days because of Madara's incident that Uchiha Kagami who was a nobody back in those days had to suffer contempt and Bullying.

That too keeping his Innate over pride in check.

Kagami became the rookie of the year back in his days, winning against the likes of Hiruzen, Danzo, etc.

His clan had the highest hope for him. But Young Kagami went against everyone's wishes and commands and decided to join the fodder army. The Shinobi corps. At the lowest ranking possible no less.

Right after he graduated and became a Genin. He infuriated his clan so much that they refuse to acknowledge him as the Uchiha.

While the Hiruzen and Danzo became the Students of Second Hokage.

Uchiha Kagami had nothing with him back in those days, He didn't have a good teacher because he went against the entire Uchiha Clan and joined the lowest ranking possible. He didn't have enough money, fame, or status to say anything.

He didn't have the support of Konoha either because he is from the unpopular Uchiha Clan. Yet he hangs on for years.

He slowly yet surely changed the people's view of Uchiha's. He got accepted into the clan and was made the second in command elder of the clan right away.

He spent years... trying to improve the image of Uchihas. Things that should have been done by Madara Uchiha in the first place.

Today, Who doesn't know of General Kagami. Who dare not to respect him. Who dares to against his orders in war.

It could be said that the Uchiha clan's great reputation is solely made by General Kagami's hard work over the year. Uchiha's are not as famous as that of Senjus, not yet anyway. Uchiha Kagami is getting Older as well. Even though everyone acknowledges General Kagami. It still won't improve the Uchiha Clan's reputation.

So, he passed on his wishes and mantle to his sole daughter Uchiha Mikoto.

When she said that she wants to join the corps as the footman position.

He could never be more proud of her. She might die, He will always be sad for her death. But he will always be very proud of her.

She is not Kagami though. He had nothing back then. No family, clan, status, or even honor. But his daughter has everything now.

He ordered Platoon Leader Hatake Sakumo to look after his little princess in the time of need. He also arranged Uzumaki Shenron to be in the same platoon as them.

Uchiha elders don't like Mikoto to play and be with Shenron, who is a commoner, But Kagami doesn't care. People change their opinion base on the results, He used to be a commoner back in those days as well. Not even allowed to use the name of Uchihas. Now, isn't he, their Second in command.

It could be said that inside Konoha, General Kagami is the role model and a Legendary figure, whose popularity can not be surpassed.

So when Sakumo learned that a rookie of the year, Joined the fodder army, a small smile appeared on his cold face.

"C'mon man. Don't just think about eating, think a bit about what we said just now. Your life tomorrow is more important than today's bread and meat right!"

"For me, today's bread and meat are more essential. They are greatly valuable, more than going along with your complaining."

Sakumo chuckled, Mikoto chuckled as well.

"Why you little--"

Mikoto who was eating till now, spoke, "Everyone here is really afraid of dying you know. Well, other than some people who only know how to eat. I don't how they don't get fat"

"If someday I become fat, then you will become ugly"

"Hah... as if, you ar--

"Kids Focus", Sakmo interrupted while sighing

Her mouth twitched, "What I am trying to say is, we all are really afraid to die. Yet aren't we all here because life can not give us what we want? At least not a comfortable life anyway. This guy is here because of revenge for his fallen family. The platoon Leader is here because he is grieving for his family. I am here for acknowledgment from my father. I am sure you are here for something as well right?"


"Something, so important that you were once determined enough to join the fodder army. That's why you are here. Because you were once determined enough"

Everyone including Shenron and Sakumo was genuinely impressed by her speech.

Sure enough, the General's blood flows inside of her. She handled the situation really well, despite her only joining the army for days now.

"At least you are good at something"

"What did you just--"

"I said--

"I heard you the first time"

He shrugged, "You asked"

"Quibbling little freak"

"Ugly Grandma"

"At Least I am not as bad looking as you are"

"Yea, Because you are worst than me"

"I'm sorry, I don't speak the language of Stupidity. Kindly flock back to your kind"

"Oh, so you only copy and steal people skills then, that take them years of hard work to learn"

"At least I work hard to make it mine, And my Physical skills are far better than yours. Not like you, who is only good at one thing"

"That one thing is called Fuinjutsu and it is very prestigious, Something that your clan can never copy"

"We can't copy seals, because it is not worth our effort, Only you and your freaking clan will think otherwise"

"My clan is noble and ancient. And you who always loses should no--

"SILENT YOU TWO", Sakumo was pissed, He was happy that two Geniuses decided to join the army. But if they are going to act like kids all the way. It's going to be troublesome.



"You know if you two hate each other so much, why even sit next to each other"



They even refused to see each other faces, yet none get off their Logs.


"Everyone. The time is upon us", Hatake Sakumo said and everyone who was sleepy till now were suddenly full of energy.

"There is a good chance that we are walking into the trap. Soon now, we will meet our enemies face-to-face. I am resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all. While we stand together we will bring the food back. Let them come with the armies of demons and gods, Let them come with the armies from Heaven and Hell; they will not break us! And when this night of battle is ended, we meet again in Heaven or on the field of victory"


"Leader, Will we succeed? This night attack. I feel somewhat uneasy.", wearing different armors on them, they marched while whispering.

"Stay on your toes Young man", said Hatake Sakumo

The vicinity was completely enveloped in darkness. While this may be obvious, Fire was forbidden as this was a surprise attack.

In the woodlands which had fallen silent, the soldiers stifled their breaths and simply and earnestly marched forwards. As stealthily as possible.

"We all might die tonight", whispered Shenron

"I know,

"If we win tonight, I will treat you to some bread sometime. With cheese too, look forward to it. It's a promise"

She chuckled, "Sure, Don't you dare to go back on your promise"

Suddenly he stopped moving, He senses something. It was not chakra, but a seal that is suppressing chakra.





Together with a powerful command, torches glowed through the gaps of the surrounding trees. Exploding Kunais were fired at the enemy

"INCOMING", Yelled Sakumo as he blocks the incoming exploding kunais with the sword.

"Barrier of Everlasting Space"






When the dust cloud settled up, they were shocked to see, a complex rune design all over the place, engulfing everyone like a giant barrier.








The battlefield was a nightmare, people's guts spilling out, their blood baptizing the ground like holy water on a baby.

And one could swear they would have thrown up if not the special training during these times.

There were at least 500 people here, all chunin level or Jonins. No one could afford to be nice... It's either you get killed or I get Killed, there is no if or but in there...

"Elemental Seal: Soul Fire"

Suddenly Dust particles began to appear all over the place. And suddenly began to become red hot.





Mikoto wasn't to be beaten either as she made hand signs at blurry speed

Dragon → Ram → Ox

"Fire Release: Massive Fireball Barrage"

She spits forth 6 fireballs, in quick succession, causing tenfold the normal damage of a Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique.




Shenron and Mikoto just fired another technique, but a blast makes both of them flew towards the tree. Slamming them against it.


But in the midst of all of it, a white aura shot towards heaven...

Great Sword User Hatake Sakumo entered the fight... He was like a hero of ancient times.

Sakumo charged at the first Iwa ninja, Swiftly moving behind him to cut off his arms, both of them.

Sakumo didn't bother sticking around to see how much damage he had done or if Iwa shinobi was still alive.

Sakumo Being the monster he is, just kept going and going.

He slashed with the Thunder enhanced white glowing sword, cleaving Iwa Shinobis apart brutally.

He moved towards the Southside, as that's where the Iwa's reinforcement came from.

Cut into their ankles, legs, arms, and sometimes even eyes.

Iwa Shinobis were all quick to fall, blood staining Sakumo's hands and cloak.

"You bastard!" Sakumo turned to see an Iwa Jonin moving just as fast as he was.

The Iwa Ninja was merciless in his attacks, trying to stab Sakumo's throat with a kunai.

Though Sakumo disappeared from his position.

The mind-blowing performance of his has gathered the attention; as multiple enemies went to him at the same time.

Injured Shenron picked up the injured Mikoto. "We can defeat all of them"


"Please forgive me for doing this"


He slammed his palm on her chest


"Y-You Jer--

"Curse Mark of the Sun Goddess"


A seal appears on above her heart area.


She felt pain as the curse mark glowed and began to spread all over her body.

She could feel herself becoming empowered by the essence of the Sun and stars themselves. Confining the sun's heat and gravitational pull to her very body, controlling its power to the fullest extent.

She opened her eyes. And look at the enemies with the anger of the sun itself.

"Sun Goddess: Gravity Spear"

She holds her hand toward an area. Being the embodiment of the Sun itself, She concentrates its immense gravitational influence at her fingertips and shapes it into a spear while thrusting forwards.


A blast that destroyed everything took place. Killing the incoming Reinforcement, along with the forest with no Konoha shinobi in the sight.


She gasped with white steam coming out of her mouth. It could be seen that she is on the verge of collapsing.

He grabbed her chest yet again. And the seal disappeared. She soon returned into the normal form, as she fell down on him. He caught her up in one arm.

"You jerk", she said in a horse and tired voice

"You did great Mikoto, You provided me with enough time. Now leave the rest to me"

He shot his free arm forward towards the upcoming Enemy and the enemies fighting Konoha.

"Art of the Gridlock Seal"


A runic pattern suddenly appears all over the land as a rectangle box of black energy, appears around everyone in sight.

Many were trapped inside, while the Konoha shinobis were thrown out of the barrier. Leaving only the bunch of Iwa shinobis inside.

The rectangle is then pierced by dozens of energy "spears", lacerating the ones inside from head to toe. They couldn't even make a sound.

Its appearance and function are reminiscent of a common magician's trick. This is the pinnacle of what he could achieve now.


That Jutsu alone defeated more than 200 Iwa shinobis.

Shenron hugged Mikoto as he sat down after settling her, "Everyone, none of us will be able to fight for some time now, Please proceed. Platoon Leader is there already"

They nodded. As the surprisingly alive Konoha army approached the base.


(South, Enemy Base)

An Accident suddenly happened over here... And the name of that accident was Hatake Sakumo...

As he twists and twists his body dodging all Jutsus, while simultaneously stabbing or slashing the enemies...

Sakumo Hatake was not playing around... Iwa shinobis couldn't even see the Konoha's White Fang coming towards them. One man's arms flew off his body. As White Fang just beheaded another man.

One of the Iwa Soldier was dropped dead

Another hole in the head and another Iwa Shinobi down...

When the Konoha army approached the Base, they saw the dead bodies of 100's of Iwa shinobis.

Sakumo was sitting there covered in blood and huffing for his life.

"Platoon Leader"

"There was no food, we were duped from the beginning", He huffed trying to speak even more

"How many we lost today"

"200 Sir", The shinobi said with a low voice


"What about that boy that keep complaining", Sakumo asked

"He... Died too", The shinobi said

Sakumo gritted his teeth, and hold his sword even tighter, "How Many Iwa lost"

"All of them"



"That boy, Uzumaki's seal were very powerful, He used his partner Mikoto Uchiha to kill 100's of them in a single blow. He put some type of a curse seal on her"

"What about the rest?"

"I don't know what happened, He was meditating for the time that his partner was taking to annihilate the army. And then, suddenly there was this seal that kills Nearly 200 of them by trapping them, I- I don't know"





"Uzumaki's sure are frightening ones aren't they", said Sakumo

"Yes, I believed it before, I believe it even more now"

Sakumo chuckled, "Where are they?"

"Resting at the site of confrontation"

"I am not doing well either, I will rest here for some time, Take the ration from any dead body that you can find, Bury their body"

"Even Iwa's"

"Yes, they are dead, and are no longer our enemy, Prepare for the funeral"

"Understood Leader"

"Also, tell General Kagami about the ruse, Tell him that we await his next orders here"

"Understood Leader"


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