
Uchiha Mikoto

(3 Months Later)

Mito Uzumaki has given the two Uzumaki's orphans their own compound.

Inside his room, he sits for hours, trying to decode the seal his mother was making as a last-ditch effort in Uzushio.

"This makes absolutely no sense", he muttered as he kept reading the scroll.

Its been hours already.

"What makes no sense?", asked Kushina as she came from inside

"What are you doing here? It's so late at night already", asked Shenron

"I... can not sleep"


He smiled, "Want to study the seals with me then?"

She smiled, "Sure, but what makes no sense"

"This seal made by mother as a last-ditch effort to save Uzushio"


"There is a seal that's giving YOU the trouble? Who are you? What have you done with my friend"

She jumped back and quickly took some stance

Shenron's mouth twitched, as he rolled his eyes, "Hold your horses, I am real, KUSHINA LIS--"

She didn't believe it and ran straight to him.

She raised her fist in an angry manner. And so did Shenron.

She brought her fist closer in an angry manner. He raised his fist as well.

"Rock Paper Scissor"




"How did I lose... again?", he looked horrified


"Do you believe me now?"

She nodded with some tears in her eyes, she lost... Again. This guy is really good at Rock paper scissors.

"It's not that I can't understand it. It's just... It just makes absolutely no sense. It's like made by some amateur"

"I can help, explain the seal to me"

He nodded as she sits next to him

"You see these symbols?"

She nodded

"It's space-time symbol to manipulate the space, uncover this layer and you shall see this. This is a forbidden symbol. I created this symbol, in the process of spell weaving. To make this symbol, one must be prepared to die"



He nodded, "Using this symbol means, one can put any seal with these symbols attached to it onto anyone or anything, feeling only their chakra"

"Y-You created such a powerful symbol?"

"It's not just me, Mother, father, elders, and even Uzukage helped me develop it as well... It is a very complex symbol, I couldn't have drawn it myself, even with my eyes"

"So, what do you not get?"

"This... This last layer, it's a basic summoning Jutsu, this is where it all ends"

"Maybe your mother was trying to recreate Second Hokage's Flying Thunder God. I mean it's just like Summoning as well"

Shenron nodded, "That's what I thought as well, But you can only summon or reverse summon the beasts with the contract. How does one make a contract with humans"

"Uhh... same way beasts do?"

"We are not beasts Kushina. We are humans, it's impossible for us to create a contract with a human, How can we summon or reverse summon to them. Not to mention she created it as the last-ditch effort to save Uzuhio"


"Even if this seal has the same function as the Flying Thunder god, It does not change anything, Even with the forbidden symbol, One needs a very powerful Sensor in order to completely teleport all of the Uzumaki's to some other place. If someone can do that. They will be the Master sensor already"

"Maybe... this seal is incomplete"

"It is incomplete, but no matter what I do, I can't just change the function of Summoning symbols. It's impossible"



They just can't seem to figure out the seal.


Today, was the day he was to attend the academy that he was forcefully enrolled in, by the Mito Uzumaki.

Sensing and seeing his mastery over his seals, He does not need it. But Basic Schooling is still necessary.

He was enrolled in the second year.

Kushina was forcefully enrolled in year 1.

They stood at the side as they watched a few superstar students coming inside, they were famous among the younger generation.

Shenron thought he was watching the prince and princess walking by... and he was seeing them from the side as a Commoner

The big 4 made their appearance in the academy... Uchiha Fugaku, the son of the Uchiha clan head, and the next Uchiha head... Hyuuga Hiashi the future Hyuuga Head and the son of the leader of the Hyuuga family... Senju Haru, one of the two last remaining males of the Senju family and practically the next Senju Head... and finally the Sole Daughter of General of Konoha... Uchiha Mikoto...

"Why are they doing the ram walking. Are they models or something. And why are we looking at them", He whispered to Kushina.

"Its a good question. I have no idea", she said


(Year 2 Classroom)

"Alright, class, you will be fighting one on one so that we can see what to work on you guys", said one of the academy teacher

"Since this is your first day don't worry, even if you lose you can climb back up in a year or next"

"Alright, First Match Uzumaki Shenron vs Uchiha Mikoto, please come mid-stage"

"Make the Seal of Reconciliation"

Everyone looked at Shenron with pity in their eyes... Fugaku looked like he didn't give a thought about it... Hyuuga's and Senju didn't care either... after all, the one fighting against is Uzumaki, and the only thing, Uzumakis are good at, is Sealing. Which is no way gonna have an effect in a Real Battle.

"Hee, who would have thought I would find my first opponent ever to be a weakling Uzumaki. A clan that's only good at making seals, I am gonna destroy you"

"Ok", He instantly ignored her and went back some distance away




"WHY YOU...", She gritted her teeth in frustration.


'Why is she getting so pissed at me'

He stood in a relaxed posture. He is not good at physical things either way.


she gritted her teeth and took Uchiha taijutsu Stance.

"Are you not going to take your stance?", asked Mikoto


He wonders if he should tell her the truth, It might enrage her even more. So, he decided to keep quiet for the time being.

He shrugged his shoulders. He just hopes that this will calm her down.


She gritted her teeth and was enraged even more.

'Crazy Girl', thought Shenron as he still kept standing at a relaxed posture.


And as soon as the match starts... she ran towards him, at a ferocious speed and comes after Shenron like a whirlwind ready to rip him apart

Shenron sighed as he raised his hand calmly and lazily without a single sign of worry.

A transparent magical seal circle appeared on his hand.


She realized something is wrong, But it was too late to realize it now.

"Combine Seal: Ice Trap needle Formation"

The air in front of Mikoto froze extremely rapidly as one Sharp Ice Needle appeared in front of her out of thin air... She flinched and leap back.

"How the hell did you do it", asked Mikoto flustered

She just asked the question everyone wished to ask...but Shenron just smiled

"It... a... Secret", he said with a grin, causing Mikoto to be angry by many folds.

This time she ran again... as air in front of her froze and one ice needle appeared in front of her

She Jumped to the sideways to dodge the needle but the very moment she was about to jump, another needle begins to form in front of her yet again.

She jumped and Dodge the Ice needle, when she saw another needle aiming at her, in front of her, she instinctively took a few steps back... but before she could take the step back, she felt the cold again as another needle appears to her side... her eyes widened... she ducked to dodge the upcoming needles but to her horror, another needle was in front of her eyes.

A strange formation of One thousand Ice Needles was trapping her in the middle of it. With the thousand Ice needles flying in the air.

'What the hell?'

"Do you give up?"

"Never", She straitens up


He rotated his palm and the seal on his palm rotated as well.

He directs the Needles to a specific target at lethally high speed.

Mikoto closed her eyes and crossed her arms for the upcoming pain...But it never came

When she opened her eyes, her eyes widened, every inch of the ground around her was covered in needles on the ground with her being scratchless... Not a single needle did so much as to touch her.

She looked at him... He was smiling as he retracts his arm... From start to finish, he didn't even move from his place... Heck, he did nothing more than waving his hand around

From Shenron's perspective... She was like a piece of chess... Moving around like he expected her to do so... after all, His father taught him Human Psychology and Calculation.

She stood no chance against his Sealing prowess... but one look at her, he could tell that he hurt her pride by winning and thus refuse to tell her that... He was not even trying in that match.

Mikoto was very angry and was puffing since Shenron was the first one around her age, who defeated her... She was Uchiha for god sake, He is nothing.

Her face was entirely red from the anger, but because of her overwhelming pride, like the rest of the Uchiha's, she refuses to accept the defeat or challenge him again... So she did what Uchiha does the best.

''Hn'', she scoffed at him and turn to leave immediately, that action alone was enough to bring the heart to all the boy's eyes.

Hyuugas, Senjus, and Uchihas Look at Shenron as someone worthy of being their rival.

Shenron was embarrassed, Should he be flattered in catching the attention of the big 4 Students. Maybe not, They are just kids

He left the stage and join the crowd... but this time, the eyes of cold beauty kept looking at him with contempt.

'Crazy Girl', Shenron thought again


That was the first day, the Cold Beauty and Black Charcol Uchiha Mikoto and Wizard and Master of Mystic Arts Uzumaki Shenron met for the first time.

And this is the story of how they fell in love with each other.

Every OC of this era goes after Fugaku's wife for some reason or another.

DaoistlvsgQ6creators' thoughts
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