

(At Night)

Kushina came from her bath when she saw Shenron dipping his head and looking down at the seal.

"You still onto that seal?", She asked

"You done taking the bath?", He asked

"Yea, you want to?"

"Yes, I will go as soon as I finish it"

"What is it?"

"An Old story"

"Old story?"

"According to the story, the main protagonist uses the combined Summoning Technique"

"What is it?"

"According to it, The combined Summoning technique is space-time ninjutsu that allows the summoner to transport multiple animals or people across long distances, even without contracts"



"You heard it"

"You mean to say, You mother"

"Yes, she was trying to re-create the original version of Flying Thunder God, Kushina... this is our breakthrough, From today onwards, we are going to develop our very own version of the flying thunder god"


"I will go and take a bath, You practice spell weaving, I wrote the basics of it in that book over there"

"After this, I am going to teach you the seal's basics"

"You are not going to use it?"

"No. I am better suited for long-range attacks, and I have Vortex Techniques with a similar effect as well, Not to mention, I don't have such a fast reaction to complement that thing. This seal though I will already learn the moment I will complete it. You know that right?"

She nodded, "What will you do if they are too fast for you to react?"

"No one can be that fast. I calculate variations, Kushina. Even Second Hokage or anyone that ever learns this Flying Thunder god. None of them can surprise me. Not to mention, I can create a seal as fast as a flying thunder god. Or a super fast person"

"But if you can't predict their movements?"

"Then I lose. And probably die"


"I will go and take a shower"


13-0... That is the score Uchiha Mikoto privately challenged the publicly acknowledged the biggest nerd bookworm, Shenron, one of the last two survivors of the destroyed Uzumaki Clan.

Of course, other than these 2 no one knew of it.

It was a deal of great pride for the Prodigal daughter of the Great general of Konoha forces to lose to some random orphan.

13 Times she challenged Shenron, 13 Times she lost to Shenron.

And to make the matter worse, other than waving his hands left and right, he didn't even once move from his original position.

Even though he considers her an annoying proud little girl who does not understand that she is not the best in the world, he acknowledges her talents.

Her footing that was so bad 13 days ago, improved at the break-neck speed, if she is not considered to be a great talent, he doesn't know what to call himself, who took more than 3 months to perfect his footing and his clan called him a super genius for doing it.

She was more of a talent than he ever could be.

Of course, It could be credited to her Sharingan that helps her in learning something that he needs months to train. Of course, if she has Sharingan, He has the eye of Divinity, She can perfectly copy the techniques and skills that took him months of hard work to learn, He can learn, fortify, and counter create any seal he wants to, in a matter of seconds.

They both have something others don't. They both are good at something others aren't.


Times passed, 1 year was gone in a flash, and Uchiha Mikoto and Shenron spent much time together, fighting

They are not friends.

At least not in the traditional sense of words, he thinks of her as a Crazy Girl, and for her, he is a nerd, the kind that girls hate the most.

They hated each other, yet, despite that, they were always together, fighting and insulting each other.

Her, spending so much time with him, was much of a disappointment to the Uchiha Elders.

After all, no matter what, she was royalty.

While he... he is a commoner... an Orphan from a destroyed clan. They belong to two different worlds.

Apparently, He reads and writes so much that teachers stopped giving homework because whenever the teacher gives the homework, he wrote so much, and in so much detail, they had to spend more than 4 hours just to check his homework.


Weathers Changed, Leaves fall, a Lifetime of Book Ended, and with that, another year passed by.

In Hokage's office, Shenron was standing opposite of Hokage.

"You want to leave the village?", Hokage asked


"What's your reason?"

"I want to revive my Uzumaki Clan"


"How are you planning to do that? Once you try to revive it, they will be massacred once again. No one will let Uzushio raise its head again"

"Then I will kill everyone first before reviving my clan"


"If there is nothing else then I will like t-

"How do you think you will take your revenge?"


The third Hokage took his smoke pipe out and begin smoking

"You are good at calculation right? So, keep up with me"


"Your Entire Clan was destroyed, your people scattered around being hunted by three Great Villages. The moment you step out of Land of Fire. The moment you will be hunted as well"

"Let them come"

"How old are you?"


"How old are you?"


"Great, Now listen, Every Great Village has an army worth of hundreds of thousands of Shinobis, Consisting of Chunnins, Special Jonins, Elite Jonins, Jonin Commanders, Special Forces, General, Kage, and bloodline users"


"The moment you step out, you will be in the hit list of millions of shinobis"

"So, what do I do? Hide as you cowards did? When my Village was being massacred"


Instead of frowning, Hokage smirked, "Of course not, Since, you can not take the revenge by yourself, we will help"

"What will you get in return"

"Wear Konoha's headband and fight in the war"

"I am not fighting your war old man, Neither am I wearing another headband other than Uzushio's"


"Then don't", came the voice from behind them

Both Hokage and Shenron looked at the newly arrived entry.

"Who are you"

"My name is Uchiha Kagami, the commander of Konoha's army. You can call me General Kagami"


"As I said earlier, you don't want to wear Konoha's headband then don't... In fact, if you don't want to fight in the war, then don't do it as well"


"Then how will you take your revenge?"

"I will think of something"

"Oh yes, of course, you will think of something, that was stupid of me... well, young one, Let me say the same thing differently. This is not some peace-loving civilian country. It's a military village, Here, we train soldiers. Either you become a civilian or a soldier, or you desert the army. the moment you desert, you will be declared as the traitor"

"You are threatening me?"

"I am not threatening you. I am telling you the fact. You are only a Kid till the academy. After that, You either become a civilian or a shinobi, both are dealt with the martial laws. It's not just for you. It's the same for me, Hokage, Elder, or anyone. Even my own daughter is not free from this law. Once Konoha's safety is concerned, even an Entire Clan can be wiped out. No matter if its Uchiha, Hyuga, Sarutobi or any other clan"


"I heard from Mito sama that you are a very talented Seal master, You can create any seal of any type what-so-ever, and right now, you are only 10"


"You can not take your revenge by yourself, we will help you in that, We can not win this war without your's great sealing prowess, you help in that"


Taking a deep breath Shenron sighed, "I will not wear Konoha's headband"

General Kagami nodded his head, "I will have our blacksmith draw an Uzumaki Symbol Headband for you"

Shenron nodded and left.


Weathers Changed once more, The war has reached its peak once again.

The Shinobi program is accelerated.

There was no choice people are dying.

School children are forced to join the war. And Today was the Graduation Day

Institute's Big 3 are going to graduate today. They were fidgeting and nervous, after all, they had hell lotta more to carry onto their shoulders, and unlike civilians who could score low marks yet pass, If they score low marks, they will bring shame to their Prestigious Clan's Name.

" Who brought these twerps in? " Fodder #1 replied

" Go to your mama's little boys " Fodder #2 added

Obviously, they knew who they were and were trying to intimidate them albeit quite childishly and unsuccessfully.

He lazily sat down on his seat.

"Don't you dare fail on me, I will win against you one day", came the voice of a lady from near him

'Sigh...Crazy Girl', he wished to lazily wave her off, but doing so will attract more attention to him

"Yea, Goodluck to you as well", he smiled, ready to wave her off

''Hn'', and she goes to her seat, they have been together for many years, and despite them doing nothing but fighting and insulting each other, they knew of each other habits quite much.

They were not friends who will laugh, eat, and enjoy together.

They were friends who can trust, that the other person will guard their back while they look at the front.

All Students waited till Akihiro sensei came in and made some speech.

"Alright then, the first test is fighting"


"Your job is simple, Hit the Chunin in front of you once for passing. Deal quite a lot of damage for obtaining good marks, and defeat this idiotic chunin for obtaining full marks"


Akihiro sensei giggled, "Don't worry we have quite a lot of chunins for you to fight. Fail to hit the chunin even once, and you get 0 Marks... DO YOU UNDERSTAND"


"Alright. First Hyuuga Hiashi, Come onto the mid-stage"

"Ready... start... fight"


#37 Uzumaki Shenron, Please come to the stage

Shenron walked to the stage.

"Ready... Start"

Slamming his two hands fingers together, he waved his hands sideways forming two transparent seal circles on his palms.


Ken the chunnin threw two exploding Kunais at Shenron, as he starts running and making hand signs at the same time.


Shenron starts floating in the air.

"Art of the Banishing Vortex"

Shenron created another invisible vortex around him to act as the barrier. As the exploding Kunais simply distorted and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.


Everyone was shocked.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

"Katon: Goukyaku no Jutsu" (Fire style: Fire Ball Jutsu)


As the fireball reached near Shenron. The Fireball distorted and disappeared into another dimension in front of everyone's eyes.

"Art of the Absorbing Vortex"



Shenron creates an Invisible vortex in a mere second, as the Chunin Ken, was pulled into its powerful gravitational pull.

In everyone's view, The chunnin distorted and disappeared into the thin air. And fall in front of Shenron out of thin air Unconcious. Yet alright at the same time.


Inside the blank space, with darkness everywhere. Ken was floating around looking restless.

"Shards of Eternity", Came the heavy voice from surroundings.

Inverted invisible blades impale Ken's body from nowhere, outside of the body and within.

Ken cough blood after blood, All of his vital organs have been ruptured in this attack.

"Temporal Reset"


Like the rewind button was pressed. Ken's vital Organs began to heal, but those organs even while completely healed, still hurts like hell. Another vortex appeared in the blank space and sucked the near Uncouncious Ken inside.




*Total silence*



"Perfect Score, Uzumaki Shenron. Go back to your place"

#38 Uchiha Fugaku... Please come to the stage


(Few Hours Later)

"Alright. Good Job Everyone. For the second Test. we will have the training course evaluation"

"Your job is simply to go through these obstacles and get to me, on the opposite side, in the shortest time possible. 2 Minutes for passing marks. 1 Minute for Good Marks. Less than 50 Seconds for perfect marks. Take More then 2 Minutes, and you get 0. UNDERSTOOD?"


#1 Akihiko, come to the stage

"Ready... Set... Start"

After a few laughable attempts at the obstacle course from some of the fodder civilians who were immediately failed due to their incompetence.

#8 Uzumaki Shenron, Come to the stage

The obstacle course consisted of a few drills that he remembered were normally done by cadets in the military.

"Ready... Set"

Slamming his fingers together he formed two transparent seal circles on his palms.



"Yes sorry, Start"

"Art of the Warping Vortex"

Almost instantaneously, Shenron created a vortex near him, that pulled in space-time that leads to an unknown dimensional rift.

As he created another tunnel leading to another vortex in a mere tenth of a second.

In other people's eyes, his figure disappeared in a blur... and appeared at the finish line instantaneously.



"O-One second, New Record, Perfect Score Uzumaki Shenron"

#9. Hyuuga Hiashi. Come to the stage.

Moments Later, Fugaku, Hiashi, Senju, Mikoto all passed with the perfect scores without even breaking a sweat.

"A low birth like you can never become a good Shinobi", The Hyuga sneered at Shenron

'Low birth?' He frowned. Uzumaki's pride is deep in Shenron's bones.

He looked at the Hyuga.

"Stand down before you embarrass yourself any further! My clan was ancient when your ancestors thought that clapping rocks together to obtain fire was a form of magic, so don't you dare compare your lot of degenerates to the nobility of the Uzumaki!"

"You dar--

"Stand down", came the voice behind the Hyuga

"But Hiashi sama He insulted Hy--

"You were the one who insulted his Clan first. Stand down and don't embarrass yourself any further."

The Hyuga gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, before leaving.

"I apologize for his unsightly behavior. Don't take offense in that."

"Oh, no worry Hiashi san, I was wrong on my part as well, I shouldn't have that to your prestigious clan, I am sorry", He laughed embarrassingly.

"It's alright, He started it. Goodbye"


"My name is Inari Yamanaka and I will test you in your ninjutsu skills!"

"First up, Ikari Uchiha! perform the three basic academy Jutsus and one specialized Jutsu"

The Uchiha member blurred through seals quickly performing the required seals for the academy three.

His hand blurred through some motions before calling out

"Katon: Gokakyou no Jutsu "

A medium-sized fireball appeared as it threatened to consume the small lake near our academy

"Damn He's good", said someone from the crowd

#3 Inuzuka Tsume

A wild Woman with her Puppies performed the standard seals required for the academy three Jutsus before using the required hand seals to create Passing Fang.

#4 Uzumaki Shenron

"Shenron... In the previous two tests, you already performed the specialized Jutsus, Perform the academy three"

He blurred through the hand seals for the academy three and performed the three Jutsus.

"Thank you now go back"

#5 Uchiha Mikoto


Inari sensei Smiled and declared "You all have managed to pass the ninjutsu exam, Congratulations"

Everyone cheered, even Shenron cheered with his group of friends.

"You will have your headbands next week, Now go home and relax and next week you guys will have your very own team, Once again, Congratulations Everyone"

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