
Ignorance Is Bliss.

He shifted the topic. "What can you tell me about these mysterious tomes and paintings outside?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

She grinned. "I think you'll find more joy in deciphering it yourself."

"You're quite the cunning elder," he remarked, amused.

"Ah," she beamed. "You're beginning to understand me, Young Master Black." Her eyes twinkled with a hint of coquetry before she paused, her tone shifting to one of caution. "There's something I've decided to share with you," she said solemnly. "It concerns Elder Xingchen."

He remained still. "She informed me that there was a betrayer among us, and she vowed to reveal him or her. I was supposed to be at the farmland that day, but she insisted on going in my stead," Lady Xueyan confessed, averting her eyes. "I fear the demon that took her life was actually targeting me."

Wuyi, already suspecting who the betrayer was, wondered why the mistress allowed him to stay. Was it affection or naivety?

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