

What are martial arts . They allow people to do the impossible : to shatter mountains with a single fist , to split oceans with a roar, to become unkillable The world of Astria is one governed by the law of the jungle , the strong control everything . Of all the five races , the human race is the weakest , until HE appeared . This is the story of one man , who dominated the martial world and caused all to tremble at his feet . The story of the Martial KIng

Thelibrarian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

A History Lesson

The martial king sat cross legged in his stone hut ,whilst Maximus served everyone tea . Once he was done , he joined them , facing the man who raised him . The legend just quietly sat there , enjoying the silence and company until Primus couldn't take it anymore . " Martial king , excuse me for saying this , but why won't you help your own people , i - "

" - Aren't elves supposed to be patient ? "

The martial king cocked an eyebrow as he looked at the young prince ,who blushed and shrunk back . " I was waiting to see who would crack first , " he glanced at Beatrice , " I thought it'd be the girl . "

The female warrior glanced resentfully at him , but when she opened her mouth to comment , she recalled that terrifying scene where he appeared before her , and she instinctively shut it . The legend chuckled before turning to face Maximus , who was looking at him seriously . It was as if he was trying to use his face to express the severity of this matter was .

The martial king sighed as he drained his mug , then he stood up and paced back and forth , in front of them for a few moments. Finally , " You want to know why i won't help you . Very well ,it's been a while since i told this story , " he glanced at his ward , " And this concerns you to a certain extent too , so listen well boy ."

The commander of the martial corps sat a little straighter , adopting the attitude of a child listening to his elder . The martial king nodded before starting .

" This matter begun after the racial war . During the last battle , i managed to severely injure and even kill some of the leading characters and ruling bodies of the other races , forcing them to withdraw .But in the process , i myself was heavily injured . If it wasn't for a close comrade of mine - Lisa - i wouldn't be here today . Even during that time , she was one of the best healers alive .

"She was one of my two closest friends, she and Raymond . I'd known them even before i joined the army and made a name for myself . We were inseparable . It took three months before i completely recovered under her care ,at that time , a grand banquet was held ,in which i was given my title . It was also at that point that i confessed my love for Lisa , and we became engaged . Those were the happiest times of my life .

"Just like that , half a year passed . The king asked me to move to the northern border to resolve some issues among the locals there . His excuse was that my reputation would aid me in the negotiations, making me the perfect mediator than any of his subjects that he would dispatch . I was a fool then , filled with pride and blind arrogance at my accomplishments . I wanted to show -off ,and i allowed that bastard to stroke my ego . Against my better judgement , i left .

"What i wasn't aware of was that the king at the time was a scheming and lecherous asshole who coveted my bride to be . He was infatuated with her beauty , and coupled with her reputation in the army , he would have done anything to gain her . The only thing holding him back was me . So , he created a diversion to take me out of the capital ,then used the time he had to try to snatch her from me . He was afraid that if he forced things too much ,i'd figure it out and seek revenge ,so the only thing he did was coerce her with his words and wealth .

Unfortunately for him , she loved me too much to betray me . This went on for half a month , until he received word that i was returning . The king grew desperate , and so he decided to take a risk . He wanted to rape Lisa , thinking i wouldn't want a woman who has been touched by another man . Unfortunately for him , Raymond , my best friend sent word , and i rushed back to the capital.

But ,my best friends actions came at a cost . The king imprisoned him and his family , and although he knew i was coming , he still intended to forced himself on my fiancee . Not wanting to break my heart , Lisa killed herself . With her dead , the only way to restrain me was with my best friend , so the king kept him and his family close by .

I finally returned after a week of constant travel , and when i found out what had happened, i immediately became enraged . I killed my way into the royal palace and found the king holding a blade to Raymonds neck ,using is life to plead for his . At that time , i was conflicted , on one hand , i'd already lost Lisa , i didn't want to lose my best friend . On the other , i wanted to kill the king. Whilst i was hesitating Raymond threw himself onto the kings sword , not wanting to be a burden .

The martial king paused at this point , and looked at his silent crowd , his eyes filled with sorrow and the vicissitudes of time. " So did you kill the king ?" Primus asked , his words strained from the emotions the story had caused him . The martial king shook his head , " I would've , but Raymonds wife pleaded on his behalf . She said that the human race had just survived a great war , and killing the king would spark a civil war ,as people would try to cease the throne . She told me that many would die pointless deaths from my actions , and , as much as it pained her , for the greater good ,i should let it go . Because of her words , i restrained myself , and i vowed that ,until the day i received justice , i wouldn't interfere in the affairs of the human race .

" So i took Raymonds family with me , and came to this mountain , waiting for the king to request my aid ."

Everyone glanced at Maximus who had closed his eyes in contemplation . "So thats your origins stroy , " Primus said .

Beatrice , although touched by his story had a bewildered look on her face . " But that king is dead . can't you let the past go? " The martial king glanced at her and his eyes flashed ," Are you sure i can't kill this one Max ? I don't really like her . " The female gulped and paled . Maximus shook his head , " But grand-uncle , she does have a point , that king is long dead . "

The martial king shook his head , " No , he isn't . That guy was a scheming bastard . From what i know , he's still alive , using the resources of the kingdom to manufacture elixirs that extend his life . The one on the throne now , is just a front for him to project his voice . A representative . And until i can kill that asshole , you can forget about me lifting a finger to help . "

With that , he stormed out of the hut .