
Legend of the Divine Swordsman

This is a story of a very ordinary man without any significant background or extraordinary talent as all he has to show for is his insane amount of hardwork and passion, while facing various hurdles world throws at him as he sets out for his own journey encountering several geniuses on his way, while looking for his own growth. While facing different enemies who have severe advantage over him. ***** Warning In this story, the world doesn't always revolve around Mc there are quite a few side characters, whose importance are as crucial as the Mc. If you want a story where Mc would deal with every issue world has thrown at him without facing a set back. I am afraid to inform you this story is not for you.

Chuuni_byou · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

36. Intense Training

In the Outskirts of Kahr-Mohr Forest, In a isolated area, there was an old run down house ,which was built , just a few days ago.

"Master, how long, do I have to be here.?" Samuel Inquired, while being surrounded by pits of flames all around him.

"Keep quite, and meditate have a mental image of the fire around you " Hemdall murmured.

"How am I supposed to meditate, in this situation" Samuel silently refuted before going back to his meditating posture.

"Do all the student from the Vulcunus Academy go through this thing?" Samuel inquired.

"No,they just use mental image of the element they want to train" Hemdall answered.

"Then why do I have go through this thing."

Samuel felt extremely wronged. It's been just a week since they got here, and hemdall has thrown his off the cliff, drowned him in the river , buried him inside the earth and now he is practically roasting him.

Listening to Samuel's constant bickering Hemdall growled and said

"Students from Vulcunus Academy are geniuses, can you say the same about you ?"

After that Samuel stopped Complaining and went back to his meditative state.

As time slowly passed by the ruthlessness, shown by Hemdall increased day by day.

Throwing him in the middle of the Kahr-Mohr forest, making him fight monster's multiple times stronger than him.

Once Samuel encountered "Choas Lion" a Seven Star Monster, after being thrown in the middle of the forest.

At first Samuel thought, his master would save him if anything happens to him, but contrary to his expectations there was no movement from his master, as if he totally ignored his existence.

After that, Samuel used everything he had to get out of that predicament, while he almost died multiple times, before he finally managed to escape from the Chaos Lion.

Since that incident , Samuel finally understood the serious predicament of this training session his master was putting him through.

He wanted to run away from this intense torture hemdall was putting through.

He was always an hardworker, he trains almost 18-20 hours a day without complaining, but the things hemdall was putting him through was exhausting him physically and even mentally.

As days passed by Samuel finally saw the results of his 9 months of his Intense Training.

"Haah!, Haah!, I did it , I did it." Samuel made a huffing sound, as he saw the corpse of a 'Six Star Monster ' he just cleaved in half.

While fighting this Monster, Samuel managed to improve his strength and jumped up to next level.

He is now a 'Six Star' Knight'. and a individual, on par with his father Alex Martin.

"I wonder how dad will react, when he finds out "

Just when Samuel was lost in nostalgia, someone smacked his head from behind.

"Stop day dreaming, from now onwards the real challenge will began." Hemdall growled.

Samuel gave a slight nod, as he completely understood what Hemdall meant.

If Samuel wants to advance any further he needs to learn how to implement 'Aura ' in his sword.

" That's why, we'll double the intensity of our training " Hemdall replied with a rigid tone.

Samuel immediately rolled his eyes as he thought

' If you hate me so much, just stab that sword in my throat and be done with it '

He has long reached his limits, but this demon of a master is planning to increase it further. But Samuel kept this thought to himself, without letting it out as he was Completely aware of how petty his master could be.

Samuel gave a gentle smile and replied " Yes , Master." While faking a enthusiastic cheer and following him unwillingly.

This action didn't fool Hemdall's sharp eyes, but he completely ignored it, as he knew what he was doing was for his Student's own good.

Several Months passed by, and the intensity of his training only increased day by day.

Practicing his swordsmanship in early morning, then fighting Monster and beasts in the Forest in the Evening, and reciting every 9 sword forms of Vulcunus swordsmanship at night.

Even though he can't perform even single one of thosse sword forms, it's a basic necessity, to master ever single forms of it.

This regime continued for almost 1 and a half years.

When Samuel was swinging his sword in the training ground to , he saw a brisk blue light coming out of his sword for a second.

At first Samuel had a perplexed expression on his face, as he thought he might have just hallucinated.

And he soon started to swing his sword to confirm his finding and started to swing his sword.

"Haah!, I guess I was indeed hallucinating." Samuel murmured discouragingly.

He thought he just saw an aura , being formed on the tip of his sword. Just when he was about to give up, he saw the same phenomena occur again.

This time Samuel saw it clearly, and he desperately started to swing his sword again, but for no avail.

" Stop Swinging your sword like a f**king monkey"

Hemdall roared, as he saw the entire process unfold right in front of his.

"Concentrate on your sword, and try to remember the feeling you just felt a few moments ago."

Samuel instantly closed his eyes and focused all his concentration on his sword.

Soon a warm blue aura engulfed throughout his entire sword, watching this scene in front of his eyes.

A slight drop of tear dripped of from Samuel's eyes.

As he remembered everything he went through, all the hard work, those intense trainings, those sleepless nights , days when he almost died and all he had to suffer due to his lack of talent.

He felt everything he went through, was worth it, after witnessing that beautiful aura engulfing his entire sword.

He has now even surpassed his own father,who he idolised while growing up.

He is now eligible of receiving Knighthood from anywhere in the entire Continent.

This day was the day, he turned 17 years old, as well as a ' 7 Star Knight'.