
Legend of Kazu

The story of Ku Kazu, is that of a practitioner from a humble town living a difficult daily life since the disappearance of his grandfather occurred four years earlier. But because only the one who accepts to remain so, is weak. The boy continues his journey with inalienable resilience. His fate took a turn when he came one day to meet a young girl with an exceptional appearance and culture. However the past of this one does not seem so simple. (Sorry originally I had written the first arc with 50 advanced chapters but I stupidly lost the cis ones. in short don't waste your time the story is canceled.)

Saiharu · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 4: Innate constitution

"What, I would be kicked out if I can't break through before my fifteen ?!"

"It was decided when you are unconscious. "

"Raaah, it doesn't matter, I don't need the clan and I'm going to break through first anyway. Seis tells me how to do it! "

"Weren't you doubting her just a few moments ago? It's not a bit too quick as a turnaround. "

Ku Chen gave a wry look at a Kazu who didn't seem to care.

"I know what that sounds like. But my options are limited. I don't know how to do it myself and then if she was able to do what she did yesterday she must have some skills. "

Seis, who didn't seem concerned at all, decided to answer Kazu with a question.

"Do you know why I was able to easily get rid of his guys at the bar? "

"What exactly is this question? You are looking for a compliment. "

Kazu, who was not particularly happy to have only one question answered, decided to try to provoke the girl himself.

But , it did not seem to generate a response.

"There are a lot of reasons I was able to easily beat his guys at the bar. Better fighting skills, the surprise effect but the most important of all is a much higher culture. "

"It's obvious, where do you want to come? "(Ku Kazu)

"Calm down Kazu, let her talk. "(Ku Chen)

"Alright I'll go straight to the point. I'm eleven and unlikely, contrary to what can be expected in this city. The place where I am from allowed me to have access to a much greater amount of resources as well as better techniques and skills.

But this difference does not come only from that. To be honest, I have an innate constitution one of the main effects of which is to allow rapid cultivation. The reasons for my speed and your slow growing are in fact quite similar. " (Seis)

At such words Kazu's expression became serious, he had always had a slow culture compared to others. However, through great effort he was always able to climb to a higher level than more talented youngsters during his childhood. but once he reached his current level he just stagnated and nothing seemed to change no matter how hard he tried. This problem had always accompanied him and had become one of his greatest concerns.

"Do you know what innate constitutions are? "

"These are special physics held by a certain cultivator whose effect can be good or bad and which requires adapting to his practice. "

Seis nodded all with an expressionless.

"You're right, innate constitutions are many and varied and some have effects so subtle that they are never noticed. "

"My low cultivation speed culture is due to a negative innate constitution?

"Your grandfather was already convinced of that when he left. And I confirmed it when we transported you here. You have an innate constitution! "

"Don't make the suspense last, tell me what to do!" "

"Eclypse Dao Body, is your innate constitution! But although she asks to adapt to it, it is not a negative constitution. "

"Eclypse Dao Body…" Kazu repeated the words spoken by Seis as if to help him remember it.

"It is part of a very rare type of constitution these days that demands a very pure source of from its holders for their practice."

"Regardless of our differences and those of our techniques, we Essentialists practice by absorbing the natural present in the air through cultivation technique.

For this we convert it into our own which we store in our Dantian. It is she who gives essentialists their extraordinary abilities and strengthens their bodies.

Unfortunately the purity of natural varies, but it is usually always lower than the of an Essentialist.

Innate constitutions seeing the term Dao added to their name therefore require an much purer than normal to allow the Essentialist to form his . And the phenomenon intensifies as the practitioner progresses. "

"I understand it now. That's the reason why my culture stopped when I arrived in Yellow-town. In that case, I just have to leave town, right? "

"Yellow-town is a city located in an inferior region and both resources and natural are of lower quality. But even if you had access to the purest this world can produce, it will always prove to be insufficient. Those with a constitution like yours should add an intermediate step to their cultivation technique to allow more significant purification of the absorbed. Only techniques that can incorporate this step are really efficient for you. This extra step guarantees you a slower than normal cultivation in return your will be more meaningful compared to another grower. "

"I don't care if it's longer, as long as I can cultivate. Tell me Seis do you have any idea how I could get a compatible cultivation technique? "

Without answering Kazu's question, the girl headed for the corner she had previously occupied before slipping her hand under a nearby desk and pulling out a blackened set of handwriting pages.

Seis then turned to Kazu before handing him the manuscript.

That the latter seized while his face showed a slight surprise and a certain appreciation.

Ku Chen, watched the scene affectionately.

[So that's what she was doing all this time.]

The day before, he brought Kazu back to his room with Seis. Ku Chen could see Seis start to write frantically on sheets of paper on Kazu's desk.

The young man had stayed a while before taking his leave. Snapped up by the scene of this little beauty writing by candlelight. Despite this he had been unable to understand what she was doing until now.

Having apparently seen enough the young man decided to take the door.

While Kazu read the first few characters of the manuscript that had just been shared with him.

"Kazu Dao foundation?" How can this technique bear my name? "

"It's because it was designed specifically for you. "

"What? Despite his slight doubts Kazu quickly went through the manuscript before quickly realizing that the technique which was transcribed there went well beyond any that had been given to him to see. In addition, great care had been taken. granted to the description of each step.

"Did grandpa ...?"

Kazu's question was interrupted by Seis' head shake.

"I created this technique! I transcribed it while you were still unconscious. As she is for you and that with her the idea is to build your foundation, I gave her this name with the suffix Dao associated with this type of technique. "

"Wait do you mean you created this technique… A technique based on my constitution and in just one night?" "

This time it was a nod of his head that ended Kazu's questioning.

"Well,that's not totally true. This technique is really special. I started working on it six months ago after your grandfather told me about your build. But it was only after seeing it firsthand that I was able to finalize it. "

Kazu looked away in confusion, trying to sort his thoughts out of the absurd situation presented to him. He had always been taught that the creation of a cultivation technique was the fruit of a multitude of efforts by an experienced person.

"I could still understand if it was grandfather. But, we've only met for literally twelve hours. And you've already been capable of that. Even an expert does not usually take several years to create a cultivation technique. "

"If anyone takes several years to create a cultivation technique at the level of the physical molding realm then he is not an expert! "

Finally his words found meaning in the eyes of Kazu, who had always seen in his statements an exaggeration.

[Even so, his performance remains abnormal. Can I really trust her? If there is a problem with the technique I take a risk ... no when you have nothing to lose there is nothing wrong with taking risks. Anyway if I do nothing things will not change and for that I am ready to take all the necessary risks!]

Looking at the manuscript in his hands a warm feeling of one he had never felt. Exept with his grandfather and Ku Chen struck Kazu.

[As impressive as it is, it must have taken almost all of his time after I passed out. So that's why she slept sitting on the floor.]

One of the primary functions of a cultivation technique was to allow an Essentialist to accumulate , strengthening their body and allowing them to progress through realms. It therefore consisted of a more or less complex circulation method with the ultimate goal of maximizing the quantity and quality of the absorbed.

The cultivation technique previously practiced by Kazu was called Sky Canopy.

It was a technique he had brought back from the main branch of the Ku clan in Black-Sun and surpassed the quality that one could find in Yellow-town. However, when he had been able to look at the contents of the manuscript Kazu had been able, even with his weak experience, to realize the pit that separated the two techniques.

"This cultivation technique ... would it be an immortal technique? "

The immortal cultivation techniques were the best. It outclassed the holy technique which in turn surpassed the spiritual technique which was ultimately better than the deadly technique.

The immortal quality techniques were extremely rare treasures that could easily justify a war even if it belonged only to the 1st realm of culture. However Kazu had already been amazed by Seis so many times in such a short period of time that he was starting to get used to the idea that almost anything seemed possible to this strange child.

Seis briefly gave a slightly annoyed look before continuing.

"It's true that you use that kind of evaluation around here ... Forget it, this system is bad. "

"Huh? "

"This way of evaluating cultivation techniques is too restrictive considering the variety of them. If at first most of it comes down to absorbing the spiritual to strengthen the culture. Subsequently it truly diversifies, an essentialist can often practice several cultivation techniques within the same realm. So they do not all have the same goals and cannot be compared like that.Some still aim for to perform their usual functions while others may, for example, strengthen weapon handling skills or strengthen an affinity. There are cultivation techniques that also serve as a prerequisite for the practice of skill.

I'm not denying that there are good and bad growing techniques. But you can't classify them like that. A cultivation technique should principally be evaluated based on what it brings you."

" What do you mean ? I mean how am I supposed to rate them then? "

"Besides culture the main interest of cultivation techniques in the realm of physical and spiritual forming is for the development of what is called a martial physic, you know what it is? "

Kazu put on a somewhat moody expression at Seis' question.

"How could I ignore him? Martial physics are what define the potential of an Essentialist. His cultivation speed as well as the skills he can use. On top of that people with better physics have better characteristics and a larger Dantian capable of holding more . They are classified from 1 to 9 stars. There are also people without martial physics who are unable to cultivate mortals. In addition to my innate constitution, it's because I only have a one-star martial physique that I've often been called a trash. "

"During the stage of physical molding, the individual's physique gradually strengthens, the flesh but also the bones or even the internal organs of the practitioner strengthens well beyond those of a normal person.

During the realm of spiritual training the meridians are formed. Its two realms form the bedrock and the basis of all Essentialists.

If it is true that everyone is born with a martial physique of a certain quality. It is also true that practicing good cultivation techniques can improve it.

But this development is only possible during physical and spiritual forming.

In the following realms the quality of the physic formed by the essentialist is decisive because it is a decisive element, as you say, both for the cultivation techniques to which he will be likely to resort as for the skills which he can exercise.

Having the most powerful martial physic possible is therefore essential for every essentialist. And all this plays in the early stages. "

Kazu's eyes seemed to shine with a whole new glow at Seis's words.

"I get it, if Kazu Foundation is so special it's because it helps to strengthen martial physics more than other cultivation techniques and achieve a nine-star martial physics. "

Kazu who was already euphoric at the thought of becoming a prodigy continued without even paying attention to Seis's response.

"I have already heard the case of a practitioner whose physic had seen its quality improve once after having a chance encounter but thought it could be the subject of training ... I never thought of it. The cultivation techniques found here are really inferior to only allow cultivator's culture to grow. So is it really possible? For me ... to have a 9-star martial physic? "

" No. "

It was only after his joy subsided a little that Kazu heard the girl's negation. If her voice had sounded melodious to her until then, it was much less so now.

"Today there is no cultivation technique capable of allowing a person with a 1-starl martial physic to achieve a 9-star martial physic !

The best improvement ever to be observed in history is the change from a one star martial physic to a 6 star martial physics. In addition, many factors have played a role and there is even today a lot of gray area. Even with my help you should not be able to strengthen yourself beyond the 4 star martial physic. I doubt anyone can promise you much better. "

" I do not understand ? Didn't you tell me that the cultivation technique you passed on to me is special ?! "

Kazu's tone mixed discontent and disappointment. Although a 4 star martial physic is already admirable in the region. The false hope he was given had led him to this result. Aware of the ingratitude of his words towards the chance offered to him the young man shook his head vehemently.

"A 4 star martial physic is already great. It's better than anything I have ever hoped for. Even with such a physic I should be able to reach the heights with sufficient effort. "

"Kazu foundation Dao is special because first and foremost it is a technique that does not strengthen the martial physics of the practitioner. "

Kazu almost fell backwards when he heard Seis.

"What the hell is that fucking technique doing ?! "

"If this technique is so special. This is because it is one of the few techniques that is practiced under all realms. The technique is provided with 9 level of achievement. To be able to practice in the realm of physical molding. You don't have to understand one of them, you just need to master the circulation cycle.

But from the realm of spiritual formation you will have to have understood the 1st level of realization to continue to practice and to reach its levels you will have to understand but above all physically integrate the subtlety behind the technique. But in addition to serving as a prerequisite, its levels have another function. "

Kazu winced in frustration at the fact that each end of Seis's sentences made him want to ask a multitude of questions. However this time the young man was content letting the little beauty speak.

"With a 1-star martial physic even though you have a remarkable innate constitution you will not be able to face the most powerful cultivators due to the difference in martial physics. This is where this cultivation technique comes in. Each level of achievement is associated with a skill that allows you to improve your physique to be able to compare yourself with people with a better martial physic. 9 levels of achievement for 9 levels of martial physics. "

Kazu's pupils dilated in shock but no sound left his lips.

"The manuscript that I gave you contains all the information for your practice in the realm of physical molding. With him you can reach the first level of realization. "

Kazu was now looking at his young teacher with undisguised admiration.

[A cultivation technique, which allows you to compare at a 9-star martial physic. Although it seems to be a road strewn with pitfalls. The only fact it is possible is himself crazy… Grandpa who is this child?]

- Heckling

In the room that became silent following the conclusion of Seis' lecture. A hubbub from outside grew more and more noticeable.

Kazu looked puzzled in the direction of the door. When suddenly a loud voice emanated from it.

"Kazu! Leave this room immediately if you don't want to see me intruding!"