
Legal Bride [Forced Matrimony]

When an ambitious, hardworking and independent medical nurse, Triana Jefferson, was forced into a holy matrimony with mega-multi billionaire, an ex-actor and CEO of petrol, gas and Sugar refineries, Leonardo Calloway. Chaos bursted out between these two people as they couldn’t unite for a very longtime in the flash union. What happens when Triana’s world began to fall apart as she became Leonardo’s punching bag and sex machine while he dates his longtime girlfriend, a multimillionaire renowned actress, Anne Marie, unknowing to the Calloway’s and Jefferson’s family, and unknowing to Triana who later had three kids for him that he was going to marry Anne Marie in secret?

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

17| Your Grace

"Welcome to my loft."

"Wow!" My kids gasped in unison, their eyes more enormous than mine.

I think I've finally lost my own mind because everything am seeing right in front of me makes me think I'm dead and now in heaven.

"Is this how paradise looks like? Because I'm not ready for death yet." Grandma Sabrina could read my mind.

I swear to God who made me, this is what I call luxury. Back there in NY....I thought that house was a home but today, I finally got the real IQ and definition of what a home really is.

This is a home.

Having this kind of building and calling it a loft isn't worth the gesture, I mean, it's a massive loft just like the ones I've seen in movies, I have no other way to classify this one, it's just too...big and beautiful. The whole thing is covered in large glass walls and windows. The tiles on the floor is smooth and white as snow.

Mmm. Sparkling with the open floor plans with concrete floors, high ceilings, and large windows for natural light..... god-damnit, it's so beautiful in here.

The couches are the best I've ever seen in my whole life. Wide and long, proudly made from the best materials, I guess as I let my hands feel the softness.

There's a glass centre table with the round lid-top like the shape of an oval, a transparent bowl of fruits settled on the middle.

I can see the next buildings of other apartments through the large windows. I can also see a massive field from here. There are artificial pot flowers placed at the end of the silver-white couches. There's a counter I can also see from here. A white one, not a kitchen counter but I guess it's only probably met for drinks and coffee as I can see bottles of expensive wines, spirits, shots and drinks hung on each planks of the counter.

I actually forgot to talk about the little shining silver rug under the centre table in the living room.

These whole shit is a heaven on earth. God knows I want to spend the rest of my longitivity here.

"Well, make yourselves feel at home. Be comfortable." Dexter told us.

I really love the way he speaks and how his deep baritone voice goes down the lane with his accent. "I really appreciate, Dexter. You have no idea where you've saved my life and my family too."

"Hey, you owe me nothing, okay?" He didn't even give me the chance to smile back in return before making a U-turn to pick his call when his phone rang. Meanwhile, mom, the kids and others where busy carried away by the sightseeing. "Yes, I just arrived." He says while walking miles away from the living room.

I continued to entertain myself with the beautiful things around me. Roaming from place to place, touching everything that pleases my eyes.

Wow. I can't believe I've walked half of the place already like I owned it. I won't lie, Dexter's place is really breathtaking. Maybe I've only fed my eyes on them in the movies but today is the day I mark the word 'SEEING IS BELIEVING.'

I really do.

Grandma Sabrina used to say, 'appreciate beautiful things when you see them.'


I just bumped into something...oh please, don't tell me I was so blind to stomp on my mom. The same fucking woman I've been ignoring for months. I swear, I can't stand her presence for just one second. Since the day she tried to lecture me on how to keep my 'Hell fire' marriage...I begin to doubt her as my own biological mother if she couldn't keep hers.

Before she could say sorry, whether it was me who stomp on her first or it was her, I never needed to care. I rolled my eyes and barged out of her sight. I know even if she'd say 'Sorry' it's never from her heart.

Every mother usually have the way they does things, am I right? Not all of them would come to you to apologize for old times sake, some may have this toppy shoulders and you just have to lay low as the decent daughter that you are. But as for me....?

Am stubborn to my family but loyal to my marriage for twelve years.

Ugh.....why am I going into details now?

I mumbled words inside my head as I approach the living room. Dexter was already there, seated on the massive lengthen couch that goes in a 'L' Shape thing as he CHITCHAT with my family. The others joined him too and I know Shawn is trying to make his way in becoming Dexter's close buddy. Just look at the way he cheers himself up, speaking to him like two businessmen in a conference hall.

He doesn't even know Dexter that much.

Meanwhile, Mom walked in and took a seat next to stepdad Carlos. While...

I appeared out of nowhere, joining the crews too. My kids are not too used to the environment yet. So, they joined me, sitting next to me. I place one of my arm on Becca and the other on Bella. Billy always acts as an adult, maybe he has forgotten his real age is TEN. He crest his arms on his chest, crossing one leg over the other as he enjoys the ongoing conversation.

While Shawn was busy talking, I couldn't help the fact that my eyes only fixed on Dexter. The way he placed his head, resting it on one of his hand as he gave Shawn more attention that he was interested in whatever rubbish he was saying.

I can't deny the fact but I'll compliment his act. He is super cute and adorable. I just can't stop my inner self from smiling at his image in my head.

God, please don't let me to start getting bad revelation of him that will lead to something I might end up regretting.

Dexter is supreme in height and I somehow wonder why he didn't volunteer for basketball. A man like him who doesn't have time for women is what I like. Other than the one that is an awesome womanizer, fucking any woman that gets on his lane or crosses his path and at the end of it all, he comes back home and assume the one at home is his destiny killer.

"So, you study in NYU?" Dexter's brows rose as his shook his head, answering his own question. "Hmm, impressive. I once did my masters there. That was years ago."

"Nah, I wish I never got in, in the first place." Shawn groaned, whining. "But am grateful for the given admission, yet it sucks."

"Maybe because your mother and I used to come visit almost all the time." Grandma Sabrina chuckled. And I can see stepdad Carlos holding up his smiles.

I think she's right as Shawn snapped his fingers, indicating that she just spoke the specific thing in his mind. Then, he turned his gaze towards Dexter again, "You haven't tell me how you managed to become a footballer if you studied Marine engineering in Harvard."

Dexter took a deep breath, leaning his back on the couch as he relaxes more like a king. "Well, what do I say?" A smirk on his thin pink lips. "That.....was my parents choice." He simply said and sat upright again, clasping his fingers on his laps. "Actually, I loved soccer since I was a little child."

"I love soccer too!" Billy beamed, raising his finger in the air. Everyone laughed but I didn't as I tried to shut him up.

Am sorry, but my son is not as dull as me. He is bright and smart in everything he do. And most especially.....too loud when he's excited or overwhelmed.

Dexter was just telling Shawn that he doesn't play for profession but only for talents because he's in love with his career as a footballer, but just then ...

"Mommy?" Isabella tapped my arm. And I looked down at her. "Can I have chocolate and Cheetos puffs?"

I shook my head before she could finish her sentence, "No." For goodness sake, Bella, you're not home. At least don't pull my legs out. I beg you in God's name, just try to behave and act like you're not hungry until it's meal time here.

Her lips pouted, giving me the big puppy eyes. "But I want one now—"

"Bella?!" I called through gritted teeth, trying to suppress the angry beast about to explode from me, but when I realized that we aren't the only people here, I faked a chuckle which sound so awkward. "I'll just search my bag for a bottle of water. You know how kids are." I laughed, weirdly. "They'll always be silly, you know."

Before I could rummage inside my bag for something, I heard.....

"Belinda? Belinda?" Dexter called, facing the direction of a random entrance.

A middle aged woman, still looking young and fresh like my mother walked out of a place am still not used to. Her dark hair is tied into a low bun and she's wearing the uniform meant for maids with a little white apron tied around her waist.

"Your grace," She bow her head in salutation. "You called me."

Your grace? Even my family were as shock as I am.

Who is this guy, really? I thought I'd know little about him but it seems like I don't know anything at all. Now, I believe when I said I am dull.

He has been half family member of the Calloway's and I still don't have facts about him.

That word 'YOUR GRACE' still baffles me a lot. As far as I know, that...is only a title meant for royalties and monarchy. Is he actually part of them or somehow related to nobility?

No, no, no, no, no, Triana. Don't be dumb. How can he be a royal person if he's a footballer? Does it makes sense to you?

Gosh. I'm still finding it hard to process my brain.

Your grace?...Footballer?

Very confusing...


More like...strange to me.

Infact, to spice things up, Georgina never hides a secret from me. She's a big mouth woman, so how come did she not tell me about this thing?

Am not too sure she knows anything about this or maybe it's just another way staffs addressed their bosses instead of calling them 'Sir' or 'Boss'

Dexter completely ignored the honor and went straight to the point, "Isabella? What did you say you want again?"

My daughter being my daughter, beamed on her ass, feeling overwhelmed for being asked to make her needs. She began to count her little fingers, starting from the pinky one. "I want a cup of hot chocolate drink, three packs of Cheetos puffs and a strawberry cupcake for digestion."


My eyes bugged, bigger than how they were as she counted. Is this a balance diet or what—? "Um," I chuckle, trying to hide me and my daughter's shame. "Don't mind her—"

Before I could land my words, Billy and Becca added shamelessly. "Please do you mind making additional?"

Really? Wait, like seriously? If we were to be home right now, I would have knock the shits outta you guys heads.

But I obviously forgot that this place is more than just A HOME.

The Belinda woman shook her head politely and left to bring their orders like we were in a restaurants.

I had no other things to say. I felt so ashamed of my kids pulling my legs in public and BEING A PAIN ON MY NECK!

My head is turning red but I hope it doesn't show on my face. Am still battling with the inner beast.

"Do you actually eat crunchy puffs?" I asked Dexter after Belinda came serving my kids their orders. Finally, I managed to suppress the bad urge.

"For the record, I don't. Infact, I don't go near the cartons. But ever since my friends got fond of these....?" He pointed at Isabella with the mouth and hands full of Cheetos. "I had to stock up my house."

Hmm. So, even adults love this thing?

I shook my head. Talking to my inner self.

Maybe one day, I'll try it. I must find out the secret taste of it.

"So who was that?" Stepdad Carlos flashed his brows, grinning like a donkey. "Your woman? Huh?"

"Dad?" Shawn frowned.

Dexter laughed hard, shaking his head. "No, Mr. Todd. That was actually my nanny, Belinda Carlisle." Nanny for an adult? Weird. "She has been my nanny since I was a kid. My parents actually sent her here to live with me, just so to be sure of my whereabouts and safety. But for now, she only comes and goes on weekends after stocking my fridge. It's now like a boss and employee thing since I helped her introduce her son into sport. It's a little deal-secret between us." He winked. Unintentionally causing me to be carried away by his hot facial features.

Wow, this guy must be very well-known by so many. Now, I've begin to suspect the reasons why those people at the airport couldn't give him breathing space.

Especially.....the paparazzi.

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